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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD is ALIVE!

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Sat Jan 03, 2004 2:56 pm

Privateer: The Reckoning MOD is ALIVE!

Current Status:
"Privateer The Reckoning Audio mod v1.02" is done.
(It only has Music and Sound effects in it.)

"Privateer The Reckoning Voice mod v1.00" is done.
(It only has Privateer Voices in it.)

"Privateer The Reckoning mod v1.08" is on hold.
(I'm waiting on a new computer, my old one is all but useless.)
(This mod has a mix of ships from the various Wing Commander games.)
The current list of ships in the mod include:
Arrow, Banshee, Broadsword, Centurion, Crossbow, Dralthi IV, Epee, Ferret, Hellcat, Hornet, Morningstar, Paktahn, Paradigm, Sabre, Steltek's Drone, Talon, Thunderbolt, Vaktoth, and the Vindicator.

"A Privateer's Privateer mod v1.02" is on hold.
(I'm waiting on a new computer, my old one is all but useless.)
The current list of ships in the mod include:
Broadsword, Centurion, Demon, Dralthi, Gladius, Gothri, Paradigm, Steltek's Drone, Stiletto, and the Talon.
(This mod will only have ships that were in Privateer 1, but otherwise will be the same as "The Reckoning."

Swiftr has done the ship, weapon, and commodity icons for both mods, and they Look great!
The Gemini sector is done, but needs to be debugged.

The Tarsus, Orion, and the Galaxy are being worked on for both mods.
The Drayman is also being worked on.

Edited by - warzog on 3/6/2004 11:29:43 PM

Post Sat Jan 03, 2004 3:34 pm

I told you before and I'll tell you again....excellent job already warzog! (and Tolwyn too of course!) I, as a die hard WC and Privateer fan, simply can't wait for you to release this precious... I'll be ready to receive it when it's finished and then I'll put it in the downloads section and on the frontpage (if bakedpotato doesn't get to it before I do of course )

Keep em coming warzog and Tolwyn!

What The Lancers Reactor has joined together let no man put asunder

Post Sat Jan 03, 2004 9:58 pm

Thanks, again.

I felt we'd get more interest with a more positive title than in the last thread.

I've got 4 of the new ships ready to rock-n-roll, 5 to go, plus balance the old FL ships.
I'm also going to get the Dagger set up as though it were the Centurion.
(It'll save time later.)
Although, depending on how many models Tolwyn comes up with, I may keep the Dagger around as a Light version of the Centurion.
I'm also going to set up the colony freighters to be replaced by the Galaxy.

I've seen quite a few of Tolwyn's models, they're in 3DS format, and he's got to convert them for use in FL.
There is a Wing Commander 3D site, can't remember the address, that's got them.
If we could just get a handful of those ships...
I would LOVE to replace the FL Battleships with the TCS Victory!
And I'd DIE for a Bearcat!
But it's not up to me...

Which reminds me...
If people could post which of the Freelancer ships are their favorites, I'll know which ones to hang onto when Tolwyn stops adding models.
I already know People like the Dagger, and the Dragon, which are already being set up as keepers.
Since, in Privateer 1 the dealer says, "Did you know that the Bounty Hunter's Guild has endorsed the Centurion as the best commercially available heavy fighter?"
I figure that the Barracuda, and probably the Piranha, will be replaced by the Centurion, and the Dagger.

I've been considering using the Bretonian Freighter as a stand-in for the Seltek/Nomads.
There's a very close resemblence.

Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:06 am

@Warzog, how about the TCS Vesuvias Someone already made that model and it is sweet.

Also, why replace any ships? You can add all the ships you want. Don't remove any, even if you don't use them, leave the code in there just in case. With the possibility of adding bases and planets, you should have plenty of room for all ships to sell. And at the very least it would be nice to see them flying around if not sold.

And ...

I felt we'd get more interest with a more positive title than in the last thread.

I had another thread talking about how it was back on, but you chose to post in the older one which had the depressing title. Here was the other one, WC/Privateer Conversion Mod for FL is back on!!!.

Sir S

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/4/2004 12:09:52 AM

Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 5:36 pm

Sorry 'bout that, never saw the other post.

As to ship replacements:
My goal is to re-create the Wing Commander/Privateer experience.
In which, as with every new Wing Commander game, the old favorites are there, and usually only a few new ships were introduced.
Leaving all 30 plus ships from Freelancer in, would leave the mod feeling like we'd placed a Sopwith Camel in outer space...
Sure, it'd be different, quirky, maybe even fun...
But would it be Wing Commander/Privateer?

I must also say that the final decision is not mine.
It's Tolwyn's.
The models are his, I'm simply programming the mod.
A few of his ideas are not what I would do, but I've done them.
If he wants all of the original FL ships in the mod, I'll do it.
IMHO, I don't think that many of the FL ships should be in it.

As to an update:
MOD is in Beta testing.
Awaiting new ships, and the Black Mane base.

Watch your 6!

Post Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:06 pm

Okay don't have them flying around, just don't take out the code. The only codes to be removed or changed are when and where ships appear. Leave the FL ships intact in the inis with no appearances in the game, I'm just trying to make sure there is no accidental crossover. In case you add this to someone else's mod down the line.

Did you check out the link to the Vesuvias?

Sir S

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/4/2004 7:06:57 PM

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:12 am

wow ! sweet! Priavtor was the first game i every played ! having those ships in FL world rock and bring back some good memorys :-D
keep it up guys ! hope to see it soon.

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:06 pm

Sir Spectre:
Sorry I forgot to respond to the Vesuvius.
I already have it, but it's HUUUUGGGGGGE!!!
As such, it may cause problems with low-end systems, like mine.
If I can't get the Victory, I might consider/ask about using the Vesuvius.

Sir Spectre:
If you've seen my Equalizer Mk II mod, you'll know I made the ships of each type have stats about the same as each other, ie; cost, weight, nanos, hold size, etc.

Besides those stats, the only thing that identifies the individual ships are the Nickname, and the .cmp and .mat files.

In order for the player to be able to use these ships...
and for the npc's to use them...
I had to assign the nicknames with the new ship's .cmp and .mat files.

If the player were the only one to fly the new ships...
I could simply make new nicknames, and that would be that.
The various ships are spread over so many npcship.ini's, system .ini's, mission .ini's, mission .thn's, base .thn's, etc, that adding the new, while leaving the original ships intact is a feat I've been unable to accomplish.

For example:
When Trent 1st lands on Manhattan, after Freeport 7 explodes, a Defender flies by...
In case you didn't know it...
That's Juni's Defender!
In one of the many Main Menu animations...
There's 2 transports being escorted by a pair of Defenders, and a Patriot...
The Patriot is King's...
I have no idea where the Defenders' info is.
When I change the Defender's Shiparch.ini entry to the Vindicator, the Defenders become Vindicators.
However, they don't use any loadout that I can find...
So, consequently, the one in front only has 1 thruster, and only 1 exhaust, on the right side.
(And it looks really wierd!)
All of the other Vindicator's in my mod have 2 thrusters, and 2 exhausts.
(and the Hellcat's have 2 thrusters, and 7 exhausts!)

I suppose one could convert a few systems, or a few patrols, to run new ships while leaving the rest of the game alone.

On to an update:
Ran into a snag...
Couldn't land, or dock, anywhere...
Turned out I'd over tweaked the handling on the ships.
Had to go back to the standard "nudge_force" and "Strafing_force" to get it to work again.
Also discovered a few "Secret"-wreck loudouts hiding in Loadouts_utility.ini.
So far, no other bugs...
But I'm still looking!

BTW-how do you access an IP address?
Tolwyn gave me an address to post the MOD to, but I haven't a clue how to access it.
(I have Win98SE w/IE)
So, I emailed him the mod (minus the ships.)
I sure hope he got it.
His email address is somewhere in Germany, I think.

Edited by - warzog on 1/5/2004 11:18:18 PM

Post Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:24 pm

Well, just uploaded "Privateer The Reckoning v1.02 MOD" to Tolwyn's site.

Post Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:53 am

cool, but a link might be nice...

Post Wed Jan 07, 2004 6:17 pm

This sounds like a very good one. I can't wait to try it.

the above is the link to the download.


"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

Edited by - Finalday on 1/13/2004 8:01:12 PM

Edited by - Finalday on 1/13/2004 8:01:56 PM

Post Wed Jan 07, 2004 8:19 pm

Have we all lost the ability to use actual clickable links in our posts? Privateer: The Reckoning

@Warzog, I'm pleased to hear the Vesuvias is in the mod, don't you dare give up on your piddly system to use the ship. People's systems will only get better and faster and we don't want to look back and wish the Vesuvias had been included even if it was a drag on computer resources at the time.

Sir S

Post Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:39 pm

A couple of things:
1) That link is not my updated mod, it's the one that got me interested.
(Tolwyn, and Acid are still testing my version.)
2) In order to use the Vesuvius, I've got to get the okay from it's writer, and from Tolwyn.
(It's not in the mod, yet.)

Oh, and I've never learned how to make a link clickable.
(Most places I frequent do it automatically. So I never needed to learn.)

New update:
Until I get a suitable Battleship, I had to revert to letting each colony have their own back.
It caused to many crashes, and there are to many conflicts with the various ship components.
I've been tweaking the weapons, engines, etc during random missions around the colonies.
The Dagger, which is currently set up as the Centurion from Privateer, is a pain to kill!
Most of the ships are handling excellently!
I love the Hellcat and Thunderbolt! They're a blast to fly!
And I've got the Epee and Ferret running nice, too.
I'm not to crazy about the ships with the wide wings...
Instead of rolling, they kinda glide around the screen. (QUICKLY! But still gliding.)
Reminds me of the old A-10 simulator.
I've still got to finish all of the missions to see if there are any bugs in there.

Sir Spectre, I'm going to ask about putting the Vesuvius into the mod.

Post Thu Jan 08, 2004 6:58 pm

@Warzog, my misunderstanding, I thought you already had the Vesuvias in your mod when you mentioned your computer resources.

As for linking things in this web site, just edit my post to see the link I used. Also when you post a new message, there's a link called "Forum Codes" under the "Message:" label. Click it and it tells you all the neat things you can do on this website.

But for your quick reference here is an example link:

{}The Lancers Reactor{/url}

Just replace { brackets with [ brackets then it should look like this: The Lancers Reactor

Sir S

Post Thu Jan 08, 2004 10:26 pm

No, I have it, but I hadn't, at that time, tried plugging it into the mod.


BTW-I asked, and received, permission from Plague to use his Vesuvius in the mod.

Unfortunately, I ran into a common 3D problem...
If you look at the Vesuvius from above, eveything's fine.
Look at it from almost any other angle, and it disappears!
And, no... it's not my old computer!
As I've said, I've seen it happen with other 3D models in Poser.
Not sure what causes it, as I'm not a modeler, but as is, it's unusable in the mod.

Watch your 6!

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