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What Would You Improve in Freelancer ?

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:07 pm

It would be nice to have prices of commodities (and in the really hardcore FL universe, the prices of weapons and ships, as well) fluctuate based on supply and demand, but I can understand how difficult that could be. I'll cross my fingers for FL2...

For now, I'd be happy with extra layers of the economy that reward the more entreprenuerial. If you want to stick to just trade runs and random missions, then feel free, but it would be nice to have the option of getting more.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:25 pm

Oh yeah, another thing:

This is sorta like the "space missions" idea, but more specifically, something like this:

Formation Join Request

You can't just join any formation, you need to send a request. If your personal rep (see my other post) is good enough, people may pay you to join their formations.

Base Under Attack

If you're in a base, there's a random chance (more or less depending on the proximity to enemy patrol routes/bases) that the base will come under attack. If you do not immediately launch and defend (or attack) the base, or at least run away, you die.

SOS Missions

It's already been mentioned, but SOS missions would be great. An SOS would be sent to all ships within 10k or so, and they could have the option to accept or decline the call, or join the attack. If they successfully fight off the attackers without the protected ship dying, they'd perhaps be able to choose their reward (money, goods, guns, etc.)

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:30 pm

Bring out a Patch that will add more Missions like the main Game Mission. But will require you to have a much higher rating before being offered to you, and will also last over a much longer time scale. Demanding certain things before moving on to the next stage of the mission.

Maybe add more Secrets into the game also in the same patch. And fix the games Ship in terms of giving them all different Speed Ratings. Like there was in Starlancer. And there rate of acceleration also.

Maybe also add the IP Address option in MultiPlayer so you can play the game via IP Address in MultiPlayer, and how about supporting the game on MSN Game Zone also like they did with Starlancer!

But I would'nt hold your breath guys! Because I think there is about as much chance of Microsoft bringing out Patches for this game, than there is of me wining the lottery. They never did it with Starlancer. So why would they do it with this game. They neally even scrapped the game before it was released. So I think they are just glad to get this project out of there hair. And besides they would'nt make any cash out of a Patch. Were they would out of a new sequel.

I have personally never know Microsoft to bring out any Free Game Patches to add more improvments in there games for Free. I could be wrong. But you decide if you think I'm right! I personally think were stuck with the game as it stands! When you concider the different amount of games they bring out. This game to then is just a drop in the ocean. Also there main game is called Flight Sim 2003. But do you see then offering any Free Planes for download for that etc.

Only companys like Egosoft, and there "X" games would bring out Patches to offer more from there game. Because they are dedicated Space Sim producers only. They have already said they will be giving Free downloadable Scripts to use in there game before its even released!

But I hope I'm wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 12-03-2003 17:41:24

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 12-03-2003 17:52:24

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:50 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be the developer, Digital Anvil, that would be responsible for the creation and release of updates and patches?

I'll second DataDroid on the SOS missions idea. That's a simple enough, and really good idea. In multiplayer, players should have the option as well to send out an SOS and offer rewards to responding players.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:54 pm

Reply to DataDroid:
"Harder Missions

We all want more diverse missions, but it would be nice if you could acutally fail them from time to time. Sure you can die, but I mean actually fail. Like on an assassination mission, if your target goes out of scanner range for more than 60 seconds, you fail the mission and lose rep. If this already exists, please let me know, but I've never failed a mission yet."

I've actually managed to fail one and I think you can fail them if your primary target flees to another point and you don't follow them in time. The one I failed was a Corsair mission to destroy some weapon that the Bounty Hunters had. I took my Titan to the point and got jumped by maybe 8 or so Bounty Hunters flying their toughest ship. Let's just say "Ouch". I managed to destroy the ship carrying the cargo and thought I had tractored it in, then ran like a mofo. Somehow I managed to escape the onslaught and looked in my inventory. Surely enough, the damn thing was tractorable. It was sitting in space back in the lion's den. I was just about to head back in for a quick strike and another flee when the message came up "Mission Failed: Cargo left in space" or something.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:54 pm

Yes "Digital Anvil" have produced this game for Microsoft! Just like they produced the Starlancer game for Microsoft, and failed to backup that game with any Free Patches to improve, or add more into the game.

They have nothing to gain Moneywise. So why would they do it! They have made money out of producing the games itself for Microsoft, But do you really thing they are going to tell there high paid Game Coders to bring out a new Game Patch to add more features into Freelancer, when they could be spending there time making Money instead on either another project, or even a Sequel to this game. Perhaps if there was a major fault in the game itself that required them to bring out a "Game Fix Patch" to keep there reputation intact. I would agree with you on that one! But they have no reason now at all to continue with this game.

Like I said before I hope they do! But I for one ain't holding my breath!!!!!!!!

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 12-03-2003 18:03:36

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:05 pm

Well, in that case, Gary, let's hope the mod community can go far with this game...

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:23 am

I'd start improvements with basic gameplay fixes, rather than adding new features. To wit:

1. Allow Early Player Self-Sufficiency and Independence
The definition of being a freelancer is doing your own thing, and there was much pre-release hype that FL would allow this. But this turns out to be very untrue in the SP game. Until you're at least 1/2 way through the SP plot, you're stuck with doing "go to point X, kill Y" missions while waiting for the next plot mission. Before then, mining and trading aren't profitable enough to worry with. And exploration for its own sake is pointless until AFTER the SP missions are over, when you already have the best ship and gear in the game, so where's the challenge?

The big problem here is that advancement is tied solely to wealth, so just killing random enemies does nothing for you. They have no loot worth mentioning and you don't get experience points for the combat. So not only do random encounters not advance you towards the next level, but you're extremely unlikely to pick up better gear. Hell, you're not even likely to pick up enough crap gear to cover the cost of the missiles, mines, and shield batteries you used up in the fight.

As such, there is an incentive NOT to go see the universe, and NOT to fight just because it's fun. Doing so only delays your advancement to the next level by decreasing your net worth. This is a real tragedy IMHO, because FL has excellent combat and this great dynamic universe, but the advancement thing hamstrings both of them.

So, change things by giving meaningful rewards for random encounters, instead of them being just a drain on time and money. Have a separate experience point category like in othe RGPs, instead of basing it all on money. And have better loot available more often in random encounters. Both of these changes would allow players to REALLY freelance AND still advance through the SP plot. Then there'd be no penalty to explorers, and the fighting involved in mining and trading wouldn't make those occupations pointless for low-level guys. Thus, players would have alternatives other than bounty hunter or hitman early in the game. And having alternatives is the whole point of being a freelancer.

2. More Mission Types
The above change would make this one less necessary, because the above opens up exploration, mining, and trading earlier than at present. Thus, there'd be less need for the jobs you get in bars. But assuming the above doesn't happen, then the jobs you get in bars need WAY WAY WAY more variety.

At present, all bar missions are very minor variations on the theme of "go to point X and kill Y". Y might be a generic group of stock baddies, a single named mini-boss with his retainers, a base, etlc. But whatever, you're still just a hitman or bounty hunter. The box says: "hero, pirate, merchant, smuggler--YOU DECIDE". But in actual fact, you can only be a hitman or a bounty hunter and still make progress towards your next level.

What we need is different types of missions. Courrier missions, either for legit or shady sponsors. Get the critical widget to the research station, run these few kilos of drugs to the planet, etc. And we need some exploration missions, where you're paid to discover jump holes, secret bases, patrol routes, shipwrecks, or whatever. Or escort the convoy/diplomat/corporate exec/rich socialite/etc. from point A to point B. Just something besides "got to point X, kill Y".


In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:51 am

I have to say that I am very dissapointed in the Multiplayer aspect of the game. Why they did'nt go the same way as Starlancer in making the game so it could be played via "IP Address" with a friend etc, is beyond me. And the MSN Game Zone suport also. It's seems they have removed some of the better features of Starlancer, and replaced them with worse ones. Rather than including, and adding to them!

I ain't no fan of MSN Game Zone. But at least it was a good way for novices to see how many people were playing the game online, and easy join in on them!

Because I also like the Egosoft games. I could name loads of extra stuff that they could have added to improve on the game, taken from there "X" games. Personally I think the Trading aspect of Freelancer is a joke. But in saying that I love the graphics, and the Mouse interface now. Never thought I'd hear myself say that!

But then again I am a Wizard with a Mouse. It's surprising how good you can get with a Mouse after playing "UT2003".

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 13-03-2003 05:54:43

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:06 am

I'd add about everything that existed in elite 2 including the ship designs.

That would be one of the greatest games ever.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:18 am

this game looks 3d, but its really just 2.5d. All of the planets and bases and jump gates are at almost the exact same elevation. Think about it... when you press spacebar, your ship turn itself -right side up-.

There is no up in space.

The universe, while usually disk shaped, should have some things at different elevations. Like... Homeworld. Perfect example.

That would be my request. There is so much unused space in this game. Utilize it by putting things, including debris fields, on different axis. Or even span up and down, not side to side. Yes, I know, there is no up or down... but you know what I mean. Make the systems sphrical, not pancakes.

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present” (Abraham Lincoln).

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 7:19 am

A couple of corrections:

Several people have complained that all the ships fly the same; I disagree. Try flying the Kusari Drake, and then swap it for the Rheinland Humpback. The Drake turns four times as fast. Dogfighting in a Drake is a very different experience from a heavy fighter like the Anubis or Sabre which only turns about 60% as fast.

Also, you can switch to cockpit view. Just hit Control-V.

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 8:41 am

1. Improve ship upgrades i.e. 2D top down where you can select what gun mounting gets what gun, generally... more like Privateer. Different armor classes, and the fact that you NEED to buy stuff like errr... not being able to go to an enemy stronghold without levelx armor, 2 thruster packs, 3 ion cannons, class3 repair driod etc...

2. 3D star map. I like to see where I am in Space. I'd also like to have seen an option to buy star charts for your computer like in PR1.

3. Better hail system so you can talk to other AI NPCs

4. Make the ships look a bit sleeker

5. More mission varieties, like Cargo Run, Escort, Taxi, Joint efforts to blow up a base, Annual race course events (trade lane courses - would be INTERESTING).

6. Varying ship statistics i.e. ships have different ROTs, Top speeds, Thruster speeds, Pitch, Roll etc...

7. Manual Roll - and the option to re-instate the joystick if you want to.

8. Distress beacon - ones you can pick up yourself, or (for luring in the unsuspecting) a beacon you can use yourself.

9. More of the ship cockpit. Somebody said "flying spreadsheet" earlier... I LMAO... because it's true.

10. Ability to see what sub-target you have chosen via a [ box around it like in all other space sims.

11. Docking and trajectory lines like in Elite iWar and Edge of Chaos/iWar2.

12. Remove Nanobots and shield batteries. Have a repair driod instead so that repairing takes more time and you must lay away somewhere like badlands, debris field or asteriod field. Strip Shield batteries and allow user to purchase "shield regenerators" in different levels - obviously the better the level the faster the re-gen.

13. Remove the NO-FUEL thing, and put it back... it's stupid that you can fly forever with thrust on full. Besides I often like using my thrusters sparingly but now I can just use it whenever and it's no fun (so I dont use it - even though it's there... which annoys me still... i cant win this thruster thing).

14. Tractor beam looks cr.p I like the good ol' blue bubble effect, and they should have removed the ability to tractor in a lot of items at the same time.

15. Ability to manually dock when the docking port is external on a space station.

16. Investing money into companies like stock options... putting money in the LSF would make you more friendly.

17. Being abble to blow up pockets of gas in a nebula or badlands.

18. Put back some of those FMV sequences... I used to love landing on Perry (PR1) because my centurion looked so damn nice pulling into this futuristic station. And on PR2 landing on that nice looking planet with the errr... train that goes by... err...

19. Going into formation with a cargo ship would result in them opening hail channel with you asking wtf you are doing... and you can either ignore, repsond with "im here to help", "gimmie your damn loot", "im just along for the ride"... helping them out against hostiles would make them more friendly and you get a "phew, thanks partner".

20. Ability to hire wingmen/wingwomen errr...

Okay basically. I dont have the game, but I have played the demo to death and been reading this forum for quite some time... what I just realised is I want Elite Frontier, iWar and most importantly Privateer 1 and 2 combined and given the graphics Engine Freelancer uses.


*tractor beam fail

Yes i very much agree on that stuff!

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 9:09 am


And also, multiple branching paths, offered by more than one person.

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 12:24 pm

I agree with AlreadyDead, the sytems are all on 2D planes. Its a bit of a cop out.

Ive read most of the posts on this thread and I have to say that the vast majority of the stuff you guys are looking for is (hopefully) going to be in X2: The Threat

X2 is looking even better than Freelancer from the screenshots and has all the major stuff we are looking for like having own stations, single group and captial ship combat, realsitically structured universe and stuff like being able to fly INSIDE the stations.

I enjoyed Freelancer very much, but felt a bit cheated by its shallowness and am hoping that X2 will be able to supply what Freelancer promised.

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