Freelancer verdict!!!
Just let me start by saying first. Iike most people here I went and bought STARLANCER way back when the game first hit the shops for sale a couple of years ago, and I thought then it was the Bee's Knee's of Space Games, and spent many happy hours playing the game to it's Final completion. Which coming for me was a very good rating seeing as I've owned and played most of the other space games like Elite, Final Frontier, Privateer 2, X Beyond The Frontier, X-Tension, Wing Commander Series, and the rest. (Showing my age there a bit).
I have waited years for this new FREELANCER game to come out! And Iike most people I was expecting great things from the game, Mainly on the lastability front! Because Starlancer was very short lived in this department. Only it's Multiplayer abilitys helped in keeping it alive and kicking after a few weeks of play.
I was very disapointed to here in the Mouse only control system being used in Freelancer! But to now find out that that the main view in the game is the Outside Perspective view. Was a big NO, NO for me! Ok you can switch views to inside the ship. But this is simply no good when fighting because of the Mouse control. Hence the obvious reason why they have made the Outside Perspective the default view in the game.
When you concider that most of the best Space Games all used the Joystick, and Cockpit view! I ask myself what was Microsoft thinking when they changed these features.
For me Microsoft should have stuck with the default STARLANCER Joystick Control and Cockpit view by default. Because it worked very well. They should have built on this to make the game much more lastable in terms of the Single Player option.
Having played "X-Tension" by Egosoft, and now waiting for there new "X2 THE THREAT" game to come out soon! I must say that FREELANCER is going to be blown away by there new release! And it doesn't even stand up to there current "X-TENSION" game out now. Yes the graphics are very pretty, and the game runs very fast! But that's not the most important thing!
It seems to me like Microsoft have tried to take a lot of the features from these games by Egosoft, and tried tom introduce them into there new FREELANCER game in the hope of making it a game to play for ages. But this has simply just not worked out! And when you take a look at the many features of "X-Tention" and compare them to Freelancer it is left wanting in it's wake! So you can image what X2 THE THREAT is going to do to this game with much improved graphics, gameplay, missions and more!
My final verdict is! If you are not interested in the MultiPlayer aspect of this game. Do yourself a favour and buy STARLANCER because it's a better game!
Edited due to the use of caps in the topic.

Edited by - Stinger on 05-03-2003 17:34:31