Here's mine. (BOER, South African) Hey boet, I'm gonna bliksem you now.
boet = boy
bliksem = basicly the highest form of beating.
The Weak Shall Perish
...Yes sir thats right... just drop your cargo or I can open your hull with my twin plasma blasters, and take the cargo for myself.......Thank you, have a nice flight.
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Yeah it would have been nice! But it's not that big of deal their is alot worser things in life. Heck I dont like it that I cant buy drink's at the bar for my friend's but that does not mean Iam going to get mad and tell them they should have made FL a "M" rateing unstead of a "T" rateing! Would have been nice go into the bar buy a chick a drink then see if she would come out and test your throttle stick in your ship or something! But who care's not that big of deal just have fun shooting things to space dust! Happy Hunting 

bliksem = lightning (thunder-storm) In dutch
It's really funny for us dutch people to read Afrikaans
I've been to S-Afrika, and read a few newspapers there, for me it was just like how a 5 year old dutch kid writes
(no offense, you're all very nice people)
Fear me, for I am your father luke (right...
Edited by - Pozo on 05-03-2003 15:37:19
It's really funny for us dutch people to read Afrikaans

I've been to S-Afrika, and read a few newspapers there, for me it was just like how a 5 year old dutch kid writes

Fear me, for I am your father luke (right...

Edited by - Pozo on 05-03-2003 15:37:19
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