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First person v third person

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 12:29 am

I only tried 1st person for a little bit, so I may be wrong on this, but your head (the camera) doesn't move while in 1st person. This greatly limits how for to each side you can see and shoot. 3rd person has a much wider field of view simply because the camera is so far behind the ship.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:09 am

I use 1st person during the slow periods of the game but I switch to 3rd person when the laser pulses starts flying. I'm always overshooting my mark in 1st person combat, the only time i'll use it is when im in a frieghter because of it's slower turn rate.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:13 am

3rd person definately, it lets me see where the enemy is firing at me..

Its damn sexy!!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:21 am


in your sig, you show a navy Commanders three stripe shoulder board rank insignia, and a gold oak leaf cluster insignia of a Lt Cdr (Navy) or Major (other branches)...

Just thought you would like to know the difference.
Lynx - been there done that

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 3:29 am

I'm in 3rd person most of the time, but go into 1st person when I'm bored sometimes

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:37 pm

as long as the friggin laser-fire goes to the little dot on the centre of my screen im happy


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:24 pm

1st person deff better. But i think look better if it was the WC look and those screens where actuly screens in the ship. But you can live with it. Maby 1st person plus could be a good idea for a patch or addon?

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:42 pm

Relative question...relative answer.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:28 am

I've only played the demo, but I use first person with the patriot, third person w/ the starflyer though cuz the guns flash right by the cockpit and its really annoying

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