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First person v third person

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:20 pm

First person v third person

Just wondering how everyone's playing this. I just discovered first person last night after many hours in third person (behind your ship) mode. I prefer first person in these games because if feels more immersive, but the third person view seems to give more situational awareness. Thoughts?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:27 pm

I prefer the 1st person most of the time. But it's still fun to switch back to 3rd once in while to see my ship in action.

I think they're both equally immersive, however. When I first started playing the demo (in 3rd person) my wife actually laughed at me because I was ducking and moving my head with my ship.

I don't do this very often anymore (for fear of being laughed at), but I didn't find it any easier to control my head bobbing when I switched to 1st person.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:46 pm

I prefer 1st person view, because that gives me the sense of actually being a pilot, strapped inside the cockpit I don't know, but it just feels right.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:52 pm

IMO, the 1st person mode is too insane for freighters. They usually have about 5 forward mounted guns, and that just washes your whole view with light when you fire. You basically just have to watch if the enemy comes out from under that huge stream of color, then redirect and keep firing. And when you get into turret view, you hop outside of your ship again, so it seems kind of useless. But for light fighters I've used it a couple of times.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:54 pm

I am with you Eraser. I like the struts too. If the cockpit view only had some gauges to look at. Or maybe a mouse pad on my right side , showing my hand on it..... Remember how in WC the cockpit showed your hand on a joystick?....*grins.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:56 pm

I prefer third person myself, i guess its from all those years of playin AC.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:05 pm

I am using 1st person exclusively. I might do better in third, but I enjoy the immersion of 1st. That said I've just started experimenting with a freighter in turret mode, which is 3rd person. Talk about a feeling of power! Multiple turrets slewing to the target and hosing them down! It may not be as realistic but it is fun! Can't wait to get the full game and be able to really rock and roll!

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:44 pm

I'm using 3rd person view. I like it because when I'm getting hit I can see which direction it's coming from. Also the lighting effects from some of the more powerful weapons and when your shields block stuff are really cool to watch. I played Starlancer mostly in 1st person because it was easier to aim, but I liked 3rd person because it was cool to see your ship in action. In FL aiming is totally different than in any other game I've played, and you can be equally accurate in either view.

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:57 pm

i found the ingame hit-indicator(those red semi-circles) a good enough way to tell the direction of incoming fire although the view is still pretty restricted. What I don't like are the muzzle flashes getting in the cockpit's view. For guns like the drail, the flashes are just too irritating.
I still use the cockpit's view though. It's cool to see other ship and admire the details unclose. It's easiler to aim as well, being so used to fps.

Edited by - ChaseDR on 28-02-2003 17:58:02

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:59 pm

Now that's odd. I figure it doesn't matter which view you play in if you've played an FPS. I mean, in 3rd person, the ship is basically the "gun model".

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:07 pm

It have a psychological effect on me. I just cannot get comfortable if the weapons doesn't shoot from the corners of my screen.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:13 pm

Got to be 1st person for me 2

Playing games like this 3rd person, just isn't right but I do agree that if u're exclusivly trading then it does offer a small advantage.

With me 2 its a psycological thing, I can't play any game from a 3rd person perspective, hence I'm really bad at stuff like Jedi Knight 2 and Max Pain, oh well.

Victims aren't we all

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:32 pm

I'm using 3rd person, it's just more practical for aiming.
At first , I feared this would detract from the immersiveness, but IMO, it didn't.

And, as others already mentioned, there's the fact that the flashing gunfire gave me a slight headache after a few minutes.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:43 pm

Third person always in the demo with my patriot.
Maybe in the full game, when I have my bigass-freighter, 1st person view is more preferable.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:29 pm

I've tried both and continue to come back to the 3rd person view. While the 1st person "looks" more realistic, I'll take the view that gives me an advantage in combat every time.

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