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How did people in the other forum get the full version befor

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:49 pm


IMO it all comes down to this:

1. Buying the official game (retail version) = and for MS/DA and greatly enhances the possibility for extensions or sequels

2. Illegally download the game = and for MS/DA and we'll probably never see or hear anything about FL again (and it's also a major draw back for the entire genre)

BTW, I have mentioned this before, but I felt the need to repeat myself....

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:57 pm

@ Eraser
2. Depending on the fact if you buy the game afterwards. If you do, it comes to 1.
Say Eraser, do you play Natural Selection? Once I played on a random server and saw the name. Of course there may be many Erasers...


Bazil, M. P.
Webmaster and founder of Roughnecks -Freelancer Division
"If you would care to follow me... " -- DEATH of the Discworld

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:03 pm

No, I don't play Natural Selection DATD. The screen name Eraser is not very unusual, but let's keep this on topic OK ? We have the OT forum for that sort of thing.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Blind Stinking luck on my part as far as getting a full version. See my post for today to get the full story...


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:10 pm

IF I am not mistaking, those Warez version won't allow you to play online. In my opinion, it's a very big reason to still buy the retail game went it comes out.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:19 pm

You are mistaken, the warezed versioon plays online multplayer fine.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:49 pm

not perfect fine, you can´t join always over the global server list, or better you can´t most times.

and btw I think 1 out of 3 buying is not that bad, at least for students, which are really low on money.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:11 pm

Of cousre then theres my group. We CAN'T buy it. Not becuase we can't afford (most can), not becuase we want to steal it (most can't). But we CAN'T get it. This is typical of the African Gamer (outside of South Africa). Trips to the 'North' are Annual mostly. Sometimes theres a period of 2 to 4 years before you can travel again(that is if your are REALLY well of. 1 -2 yrs if one of your parents owns a travel agency.)

We CANT get it. Its almost impossible. My reason is long, boring and one of thoses thing that just makes you wanna say "Oh, just bo ho ho".
Check it out, if your are so bored, in the will you buy it topic.

Then you consider the fact that Middle to upper class Children (0 - 17 about)(there isn't a system, but you know what i mean.) Can't get PT jobs to earn their own money. And being fifteen, and having conservationalist parents, I can't get their credit Cards (foriegn, those don't exist or are used here.) to pay for anything.

I used to hate weddings; all the Grandmas would poke me and say, "You're next sonny!" They stopped doing that when i started to do it to them at funerals.

Edited by - childofbhaal on 27-02-2003 22:17:25

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:27 pm

Well the one's that are running the no so legal version well it is not going to be the same as the one that comes out next week! So if you want a good clean version get the one off the shelf next week the one's who dont will be the one's left out in the cold in the long run!

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:52 am

Warez is wrong, but there is a "gray area" where you buy a copy and get it before you should because your brother-in-law owns a computer store. I don't have a problem with people saying they have the retail and bought it; their uncle could own a computer store, and, y'know, some perks go along with that. I have no problem with a few people buying early.

I do have a problem with "warez" (l33tsp33k for "steal". If I want to try something before I buy it, I'll get the demo, and if I buy it and wish I hadn't, I send that sucker back the next day. They make you fill out all kinds of cards and paperwork, and I gladly fill it all out, every last detail. I want to send a message if a game is really, really bad ... by sending it back to the store.

A return says a lot more about what you think of a game than simply not buying. It also takes away a lame excuse for theft. Stealing doesn't send a message about anybody but yourself.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:09 am

I DLed it, yeah, so what? its not even out yet. I WILL be buying the game when it comes out. I love it, I will be getting it, and if I hadnt heard about this game from someone ELSE who had downloaded it, I would probably not have gotten it at all. If a developers game is worth it, they should have nothing to fear from piracy, only people who make crappy games fear.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:44 am


but seriously, this is like the one time I wish I knew how to get a warez copy, cause I have gotten bored with every other game I have, and am not going to buy anything else until FL is out so I will be focused on just FL. I can't take the demo anymore! I need more ships!! doh!! aaaccckkkk!!! I'm going insane with all this waiting!! enough is enough!!



Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:10 am

I had 19 hours of gameplay 2 days ago, and sadly im disapointed at the game. Four years I've waited, so I knwe I would be little disapointed but not to this degree however... And it really sadens me... I think it relly lacks the feeling that the elite- and privateer-series had. Dont take me wrong though, the first 10 hours was relly amusing, but then it kinda got repetitive, same things all over. A very beautiful game tho... Oh one more thing, as the spacesim fanatic I really am I really really miss the joystick support... Maybe freelancer 2 will be better....

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