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How did people in the other forum get the full version befor

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:09 am

I know I got my copy yesderday, I pre-ordered it off of ebay. I was quite surprised but hey, I'm not going to complain. I've allready noticed some differences from the demo and the retail, for the better!

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:24 am

I've allready noticed some differences from the demo and the retail, for the better!

And would you be so kind sharing your knowledge with us?


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:33 am

Those who downloaded the illegal copies are crooks. Plain and simple.

Not if they plan on buying the game... IMHO, at least.
In the past I've acquired games (mostly ones that didn't have demos released though) from illegal sources to see if I liked them, if I did then I'd buy them - seems pretty simple to me. I guess it's a matter of one's state of mind or something.

What I absolutely despise is people SELLING warezed copies of software. THAT is pathetic.

Edited by - taquinvol on 27-02-2003 10:33:57

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:01 am

taquinvol: Earlier I had the same stand, but then I came to realise that it is a lie! People DON'T buy the game when they can, or even when they like it... Seen that with some of my friends as well... Or even at work...

So today I'm convinced that piracy in ANY form is bad... I sort of understand the guy from Ghana, but we don't all life there, do we?

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Edited by - Bargib on 27-02-2003 11:00:49

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:03 am

Agreed, warezing a game is one thing (whatever your motives may be for doing it), but selling warezed games is despicable.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:08 am

Earlier I had the same stand, but then I came to realise that it is a lie! People DON'T buy the game when they can, or even when they like it... Seen that with some of my friends as well... Or even at work..

Yes, I suppose I'm just judging based on my own perspective... pity though. But I guess we better leave this discussion rest at this point as there are many-a-rotten paths it can go down pretty quickly.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:28 am

Until Game companies release games on seperate continents, on the same date, People will still get Warez copies.

You say the US version gets released next week? well here in the UK, it doesnt get released until April. All non-US fans of the game have to wait longer. Why? .....Red-tape? .....Bureaucracy? Excuse my French but a*seholes to that !

Dont get me wrong, when it does come out over here, Microsoft and digitalANVIL will get my money. This is an outstanding game. I just dont see why we (Non -US'ers) have to wait longer.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:31 am

Yes, good point - I just emailed MS and asked them for a delay in the US release so it could coincide with the EU release. *ducks and covers*

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:35 am

I agree with the subject of selling Warez copies, thats just criminal, with no regard for the people who have dedicated their time and money in developing an amazing game.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:45 am

I all.

I leave in France. I want this game as many other player in this forum. But it won't release till April! You c that? APRIL.... We “French or European guys” hate that. Why do we have to wait 1 - 2 or 3 month to play a game? At least we could buy the game in France without any translation (usually we don't need it). There is no way to do so. We have to pay up to 70 € to get a US release and THIS IS unacceptable. And that's why many French play warez version ... just waiting for the local release. Got the gold since yesterday and played it all night (I’m a bit tired now) and this game is awesome. Why do we have to wait ??? I still don't understand.

Anyway, the demo didn't worked and the game works perfectly, so don't say that the demo looks like the game and is enough to test the game, we need at least a working demo to play. I always download warez version before buying a game. I tried up to 20 games since 2001 and never spend more than 30 minutes playing them. Only 5 games were worth buying for me and I bought them and still play them. (diablo2+LOD, warcraft3, ut2k3, c&c general and now freelancer). Buying a game and play 30 minutes and find it useless is something I really don't want. Look at dungeon siege ... this game is crap. I dl the warez version, I was close to buy the game... and thx god I didn't. Played it a little and never played it again. This game was full of bug and a game in France is really, really expensive around 60€ and once the box has been opened, you can't go back and tell "the game doesn't work" or is crap or is slow ... They simply don't take the game back.

Yesterday, I played Freelancer for about 8 hours. This morning, I preordered it... I won't receive my release till the end of April. Hope next time they will understand that WE want a global release like Diablo2 or LOD or recently c&c General... We are not all pirates that only want to play for free. We want the game in time, with no bug (or no exceptional bug like in morowind), with no crash or at least a patch as soon as the game is available, that means they do something for their game. (It took up to 2 months for gas power game to release a patch for dungeon siege ... and first release kept crashing for many of legal player...).

Now I hope you will understand that and don't consider all of warez users as pirates ... We earn our money and this is not easy for everybody, so we want something good and worth buying. That’s why we test the gold or warez version.

PS: I know that many players never buy a game... but play them anyway. Look at the price and see that we are not all rich enough to buy a 60€ game. You will say: then don't play it and go to hell, I will respond "game is culture, and culture should be for everybody, not only for a small community".

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:53 am

Right on bro

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:04 pm

PS: I know that many players never buy a game... but play them anyway. Look at the price and see that we are not all rich enough to buy a 60€ game. You will say: then don't play it and go to hell, I will respond "game is culture, and culture should be for everybody, not only for a small community".

I agree on the fact of the price (but this is one of the rotten discussion paths I mentioned earlier that this thread could go down).

However, there are FREE games (either developed as free or released in abandonware) out there that one can acquire and play and draw as much enjoyment one would from any commercially available title. As you say, games are culture - and thus they are very diverse. But IF someone releases something in the prospect that it's what will put food on his table, if I like his game then I will respect this and either buy it at full price or wait for a budget release if I think that the full price is too expensive. Same thing would go for a shareware title or even a game that you can donate to.

When people invest time and effort into something it is theirs to release however they see fit. If they want to do it commercially, then so be it.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:27 pm

Price isn't an issue everywhere around the world, whereas releases dates are.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:53 pm

I'm new to this forum, and i must say i find it very refreshing to see a two pages long thread about warez that hasn't degraded into flaming!!
I don't know if i usually visit forums with less mature posters, or if this is just a coinsidence!

I'm against warez, i don't use warez myself and i actually don't agree with some of the above posts. BUT, theese things need to be brought
out in the open once in a while...
A mature conversation about why and when people use warez is a good thing. I can fully understand that some people do it.
It's free, the risk of getting caught is extremely small, games are expensive and you often get the game before most others.
Well, in this matter i think my wallet is bigger than my conscience . If it were the other way around... who knows what i'd do?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:12 pm

I would agree with what appears to be the consensus. My pre-order has been in at my local store for some time now, it won't arrive until April.

Why, if a game is complete and released in other parts of the world can it not be released simultaneously across continents? I did check out Amazon (US) to see how much it would cost me to have a copy shipped over express and saw the postage costing approx $35. An extra £24 penalty to have the game a month early.

So I downloaded the warezed copy, or whatever you call it. My pre-order is still in, I shall buy the strategy guide when it is released here too, but I do not see why us Europeans should be made to wait for a game which is clearly complete and ready to roll.

One other note of interest, I notice Microsoft did not utilise any kind of key protection to prevent people playing the warezed copy online.

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