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How Freelancer makes me feel

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:27 pm

How Freelancer makes me feel

Well, it can be summed up pretty well with the flash intro I made a few years back. I was hoping games like Freelancer would end this sad trend, but it seems my hope was in vain.

And to the Admin. Funny how some of the LR regulars troll and crap on every thread that doesn't praise the game, so that you can conviniently close it.

Fubzots thead was pretty clean, even with the thread creapping we were seing. None of the ppl who were point out their disapointment in there were displaying bad behaviour. How ever much you want, you cant deny that a huge base of FL fans got extremly dissapoined by alot of the aspects in the game. If ppl start flaming do what every good moderator does .... moderate. Closing threads have thus far only spawned new threads, aswell as a few complaints about the closing of threads. You would spare yourself and alot of other ppl alot of work and frustration if you just kept that one thread going and just moderated it for flames and the likes.

We are fans too, even though we are dissapointed. Don't we have a right to our opinion too? If you don't express your dissatisfaction with something, things will never get any better.

Oh and why do I need to change my name?

Edit: Hmm wierd formatting issue.

Edited by - Onde Pik on 26-02-2003 17:31:40

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:38 pm

only creates a new thread for a min till it gets locked and the guy making it gets the idea that bash threads arent allowed.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:39 pm

It is sad... I am still trying to figure out why it took 4+ years to come out with this game.. You would think in 4+ years you "really" could come up with a huge "Open Ended" game world with a realistic economy...

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:45 pm

You know very well why you need to change your name (I'm Danish as well)! And yeah - I propably could spare myself some extra work, but I hope to get a new point, a new argument and a new solution to the issues at hand... When threads go into "Get X2 instead" and/or similar - I don't delete them - I lock them... If you look a little further you see why... I've also by now a very good experience for when a thread is degenerating...

So I think the thread had gone good, but still needed a refresh, since it was quickliy moving into the troll-direction... So I locked it... People are still free to go and read your and others oppinion, I just want you all to move on... Your points have been made!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Edited by - Bargib on 26-02-2003 17:44:57

Edited by - Bargib on 26-02-2003 17:49:29

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:45 pm

only creates a new thread for a min till it gets locked and the guy making it gets the idea that bash threads arent allowed.

Well that thread in question was no "bash thread". There are pros and cons to every game and as it has been stated many times, there seem to be ALOT of dissatisfied Fans out there. I see no reason to hide it, this site is for the fans right? And why then not support the general feeling of the fans? Does the Admin really want to have to close down 10 threads per day the comming months?

I don't like fansites that does the PR work for manufactures of any product, be it video cards or video games. Give ppl a chance to speak, and maybe somebody who makes decisions will actually listen. Its commen sense.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:45 pm

Come on guy's it ain't that complicated. Microsoft laid down the law. Make is easy for a newcomer to master and leave enough in it for the old vets.
Like with most MS games they go for middle ground and numbers rather than do anything extreme and fringe like.
This game has been dumbed down to fit Microsofts philosophy of making money.
I see it in their flight sims, and any other genre you care to mention.
Plain and simple.
We hate it, but get use to it.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:50 pm


With all due respect, I have been going by this nickname for over 10 years. I have never before been asked to change it on any website. Danish or English. We live in free country where censorship is strongly discouraged. Its innocent enough

BTW. Did you graduate from EG in 1996/1997???

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:51 pm

Pavlov... I don't agree: FlightSim, CFS, Age of XXX etc... All MS games!

And space sims where selling like crap, so if the genre is to have a chance it NEEDS to open up!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:06 pm

When threads go into "Get X2 instead" and/or similar - I don't delete them - I lock them... If you look a little further you see why... I've also by now a very good experience for when a thread is degenerating...

Why not go after the trolls?!?! And not allow trolling. If your opinion is that all negative comments are considred "bashing" or "slanting" then post it in the "First time poster? Please read this first." Then I wouldent have wastet my time writing a sincere post debating the game.

Edited by - fubzot on 26-02-2003 18:06:48

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:26 pm

i don't care if MS choose to make their game for dummies... but if alongside, creators could put also "advanced" options for the true fans as well...

4 years, and what we got? a shiny and technically near perfect game with the gameplay suited for a 10 years boys... too bad !

Elite was/is the reference (in matter of the whole concept ) for all the true fans of this kind of game... and FL should at leat have the options to match the reference and improve it : a truly dynamic open ended univers. if a 500kb game could do it why a 900 mb game cannot???

why Morrowind (in RPG) is so Great to play, because it's fully open ended and the main plot is a bonus not a obligatory way to go through the game.... FL should have been the Morrowind of Space trader sim... shame it's seems not to be...

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:29 pm

Well FL is giong to be bigtime! So yes their is always a few who dont like things with any program that is nothing new! Eaither way enjoy FO ROCKS!!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:54 pm

your right. but how can we get the genre to open up if we cant express how we feel about the game both positive and negative. if people dont speak up and say what they like and dont like then pretty much you can expect the other companies that are thinking of making a space sim to find it acceptable to us to release a game in this state.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:26 pm

If you are all fans like you say then you would have known what was expected to be in the game. Other than no dynamic prices the game lives up to what it has been advertised at least from the view point I see it in. The game world is big and vast and you can go and do what you want, it IS open ended and much to do and find.

What modern day game with comparable graphics has the nonlinear ability like FR weather in SP or MP?

GTA 3 was supposed to be a living breathing world but after playing it you realize it is not. You look one way and see certain people turn around and then look back imediatly and their gone. FL does much better than that games does.

Have you all only played the demo or do you have the gold or PR version? If you have only played the demo then how on earth can anyone even try to argue about the games open endedness and/or dynamic eviroment?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:43 pm

But we can't really complain. The game is good. Not great, but not so bad its just ok. Its good. 7 or 8 over ten I'd give it. And With a mission pack (how long would THIS take. A year or 2 at most. 6 months more likely) 9 possible 9.7.

I have not played that many Space sims. The Demo of Wing Command Prophcey. The one that came on DvD. Freespace 1. Freespace 2 (my favourtie). Tacyon. Independence War 2 (Second favourite). Not too may. I don't even know what Elite is. This is my first game in this series. Though I did expect a bit more (After all this, in MY mind, was a Morrowind/ Frespace2/IW2 hybrid. Its not meant to be.) I expected more dynamic missions. Quest (god HOW many pirates have I killed?) and not the same thing with different back stories. Sure I didn't wait the 4 years you guys did, but after 4 years, I'd expect more. Look at NwN, 5 years the official Campaign was crap, but it is one of the most Popular CRPGs of today (Up there with Morrowind, and Deus Ex, and BG2) because of Mods.

This game would not have been right without a good story, but that story is short. Everything esle except Gameplay and Graphics is quite MED. Gameplay I say, as in the Stories gameplay, not Freelancing.

But what do I know? I'll shut up now and go play some more.

I used to hate weddings; all the Grandmas would poke me and say, "You're next sonny!" They stopped doing that when i started to do it to them at funerals.

Edited by - childofbhaal on 26-02-2003 19:47:59

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:00 pm

GUys, like Mustang mentioned in a thread: After 5 years of waiting, maybe we were just hoping for to much. Every time a game get released, people will be dissapointed. Max Payne and GTA 3 didn't have Multiplayer options. Well, I got over it. Do the same with FL. and if you don't agree with Bargib, just mail him ok?

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