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How Freelancer makes me feel

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:12 pm

Spacepilot Borodine...

Digital Anvil made the game... not MS...
Instead of making a Privateer 3, they made the very WISE and RATIONAL decission to create a game that is more accessable to people outside the Space-sim genre...
Somehow you don't seem to understand that...

This game isn't a Privateer 3, instead it's the revival of the Space-sim genre AND it's community...
The game was made to be so easy and not as complex as previous space-sims, because complexity and difficulty was what KILLED the space-sim genre!
Thanks to Freelancer, more and more people that thought they hated space-sims have learned that they actually like them... a lot!
The space-sim community is already growing exponentially!
(just check the increase in members on these boards).

4 years and what do we have?
We have exactly what we SHOULD HAVE expected...
A game that's geared towards more people then the insanely "undermanned" space-sim fanbase...
A game that has set it's sights on reviving the genre, instead of creating another game that will be played by NOBODY except for even FEWER people of the SAME fanbase...

Why should Freelancer bring a truely dynamic and open ended universe?
It's developers DIDN'T promise such a thing!
AND it wouldn't help the genre's fanbase in the least, as a matter of fact, it'd turn away many people... that like the game now because it isn't fully dynamic!
(YES not everyone thinks and feels the same as you do)

FL dousnt have to be the Morrowind of the space-sim genre...
It's developers never promised such a thing and thus you spoiled the freelancer experience for yourself, because you DID expect such a thing...
Don't expect anything the developers don't announce, even if it's standard for the games way back in the old days...
Now, everyone suddenly likes the space-sim genre, except for fans who expected things they shouldn't have expected... as there was no reason to expect them...

McTurbo, it's very acceptable to release a game in this state...
After all, the developers have left out only a few minor things they did ONCE promise and then DENOUNCED.
That is quite unlike the lying guys over at Lionhead, who released Black&White in quite the condition, with WELL OVER half of its ANNOUNCED and PROMISED features (which hadn't been denounced) excluded!!!
You should be lucky that this game even comes close to what you expected, it shows that Digital Anvil is reliable... Lionhead... isn't...

Besides, X2 is comming soon, so if you think this game dousn't have enough depth... then play that game... no big deal...

Cypher Pack, i completely agree with you

BTW: Sorry that this post is so long, get used to it, because i tend to write up massive stories every time i post on forums.. :S

BTW 2: Thanks Bargib for helping me out with that registration problem

Edited by - Droniac on 26-02-2003 20:14:14

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:19 pm

Impressive first post! Welcome aboard freelancer!

"God bless this acid house!"
"I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer."

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:53 pm

Droniac - You are very welcome - I couldn't agree more

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:55 pm

What modern day game with comparable graphics has the nonlinear ability like FR weather in SP or MP?

Well, we don't wish this thread to degenerate into a thread about another game, do we? ...

Edited by - Jugalator on 26-02-2003 20:55:59

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:11 pm

You're right Droniac. Black&White was THE disappointment in my gaming career. I bought it, and never played it further than island #2. And i picked it up several times.

At the beginning of playing the Freelancer demo i was kind of shocked that i was attacked that often. I started from Pittsburg after the first two mandatory story missions and got attacked in the orbit at once, i escaped through the tradelane and was pulled out of it at once and again being attacked. But a little later i learned that it was just coincedence and the game actually plays different. Ever since i just plain love the game. Sure there are some little annoying details like the "understandment with the people who run this place" or the "Truman Show" effect with the cargo of transports. But they don't ruin this game for me. I'm sure that i won't even notice them after some time.

All i can say is that i want the full game and that it won't disappoint me even though i know that some very good features that were initially planned have been dropped during the development. I'm loving the game for what it is, and not for what i might have become.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:20 pm

With all due respect, I have been going by this nickname for over 10 years. I have never before been asked to change it on any website. Danish or English. We live in free country where censorship is strongly discouraged. Its innocent enough...

Amazing... 23 and still using "Evil Dick" as your nickname? Come on... we try to run a site where we talk nice - maybe something some of us are not that used to... As it stands, I would like you to change you you nick, please!

BTW. Did you graduate from EG in 1996/1997???

No... what does EG stand for? I'm 32, and did go to Niels Steensen Gymansium (graduated in 89)

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

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