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more on dynamic universe issues....

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:21 am

more on dynamic universe issues....


Ok, so we pretty much all know that the economy is not dynamic.... sux but what can u do about it, at least the game world and NPC's are dynamic right?

well not really, not from this test which I did.

Basically do this and see for urselfs..... attack a transit lane in the middle of it, u will see ships come out of the transit lane and wait for it to reactivate. DONT kill them, just wait for the gate to reactivate, then shoot it again straight away, dont let them fly through it.

As you will see, if you keep the gate shut down ALL the time, those ships will simply sit there... for HOURS! thats not really a issue, but wat bugs me more is that NO new ships arrive through the broken transit lane / gate.

What this shows is that the world is not really dynamic... instead of other ships from around the galaxy trying to fly through and getting stuck too... nothing happens, the game is like paused, no new ships fly through and the stuck ships just sit there. In a dynamic universe with NPC's doing their own thing, wouldnt u expect MORE and MORE NPC's (ships) to try and fly through the transit lane and get stuck? or wouldnt you expect the ships already stuck to try and fly away using their normal engines? instead of waiting for hours till the gate opens....

I did this for about 40 mins, no new ships showed up, and current ships just stood there, not dynamic to me. After I let the gates regenerate those ships flew past and new ships started flying through....

Still been playin the demo for a few hours now, very good otherwise, just the dynamic stuff pisses me of....


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:29 am

So FL universe can't have its traffic radio? What do you do when you're driving your car and you hear on the radio that the highway you're taking has just collapsed/blown away by terrorists? would you still go there? of course not. Only idiots would. I like to think that in the future this service has gotten more advanced.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:36 am

Well If the system should be more advanced shouldent we then expect the cavalry to show up sometime within those 40 mins.????

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:43 am

Well, this depends where you were. If you are far out where the police dont patrol, then you wont see the police but LIKEWISE, if there are less police, there will be less traders going that route.

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:52 am

A clear answer as always EB

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:56 am

eb don´t try to pull defences out of your ...;-)

its simply static, they did not spend much time into this part of the game, they thought it is not important for the game play, and if there is this nice radio, why the **** the player never get those infos ;-)

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Edited by - Bargib on 26-02-2003 13:13:03

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:19 pm

Defences outta my ...? LOL sorry but thats how the game works. And if you dont like the game, then just stop posting here.

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Edited by - Bargib on 26-02-2003 13:13:17

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:31 pm

Why are you accusing EB? I'm pretty sure his statement is TRUE. It was I who pulled some excuse out of my .... But that's just how I reason with something, ok? you can either go crazy nitpicking some technical details, or you can analyse the thing that bothers you, find several reasonable justifications, and get back enjoying the game. Who cares if you cooked it up yourself?

Edited by - Bargib on 26-02-2003 13:13:34

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:36 pm

jup sry eb, did mean Fear Factor, sometimes happens when you post the quick ;-)

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:01 pm

It was actually the transit lane between fort bush and International station (cant remember names, but New your and something else)

So there was A LOT of traffic when the gates were open, thats why I chose it.

Radio? I doubt it, sine we dont get it

Another thing, 3 of the vessles that I stranded were actually POLICE!!! hahahah all they did was sit there for 40 od mins waiting for the gate to go up! lol... and i was right next to the gate blowing it up in front of them. I think gates dont affect ur popularity with any casts so anyone can blow them up and no one cares really, well the Police didnt......

its dissapointing that the universe is not dynamic. Still im buying the full game!


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:16 pm

Dynamic universe... Hmm... in my book FL is more dynamic than almost any other game out there...

Hopefully they can implement more AI routines and simulations in the future, but vote with your pockets... Buy the game - keep the franchise and genre alive!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:22 pm

hmm, maybe we should found a fond for donations .... so even those that do not like the game can still support the genre without supporting something they do not like ^_^

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:24 pm

You introduced that whole 'factory building' aspect to the genre with the original X. How did the concept come about?

Lehahn: It just made sense because we had this 'real' economy. In other games before X, you always had trading prices just randomly calculated. You'd arrive at a station and see that prices weren't fluctuating due to any kind of demand and supply but were just moving up and down almost randomly. Within our game every product for sale has to be manufactured first. The raw materials have to be transported from one factory to another, which consumes them, produces the product, has to ship it to another station for sale and so on. It's a real economy at work, which requires a lot of work of course but gives the feel of a real universe underneath the whole game.

Whether you notice it or not...

Lehahn: You notice it without realising. Even the pure fighting types of players. They may not think about the whole economy, but when they see that attacking a transporter somewhere means that it doesn't reach its destination and that later the prices for the product they looted has gone up as a result of increased demand, they realise that their actions have consequences. They're not just firing at random ships that don't make any difference to the game.

Now thats a dynamic universe!!!!


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:34 pm

Glorify X somewhere else. You nitpick one aspect of FL that happens to be more to your liking in X. Criticize FL's static pricing, then subtly divert the focus to X, which "coincidentally" have more dynamic pricing. It appears you're trying in a very subtle way to plant hidden advertisements of X in this thread. I apologize beforehand if this is not your intention, but please just keep the focus on FL.

Now where were we?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:43 pm

Amen FF

Personally I find this thread becoming extremely meaningless and soporific. It's good to have discussion about Static and Dynamic pricing, but this thread is deteriorating very fast. Did I hear the rumbling sound of the old clicker somewhere ?

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