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more on dynamic universe issues....

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:25 am

I'm a big fan of the X games but I have FL on pre-order import, not because I think FL is an X beating space sim, but because, as you point out, it is a superb action adventure. Once I got out of the mindset and expectations erroneously conjured by years of mismarketing of FL, leading me to expect something entirely different, and once I crushed my joystick reflexes that were making it so difficult to get into the demo, I realised FL was a fun, exciting and enjoyable game. Now i don't mind all the "missing" features, because they ain't missing.

I do think that a lot of people are missing out on the good things of FL because they have not shed their expectations. For me FL is not a space-sim, not even a space-sim lite, just a rollicking action adventure with a great arcade-style space shooter that provides plenty of visceral combat action in an interesting and detailed universe large enough and dynamic enough to engage my role-playing imagination.

On those terms, for me, it was worth pre-ordering as the demo hooked me. If I had kept to the "where's this sim feature, why isn't there that feature" disappointed simmer mentality I'd be missing out on an enjoyable game.

Now maybe, even on these terms people can't be drawn in, but I do think it's worth checking in pre-conceptions before checking out the demo.

I also think people should express whatever opinion they want so they can be countered by reasoned argument, not the prevalent arrogant fan-boy ranting which just alienates potential purchasers who we need to purchase the product to keep alive hopes for add-ons and follow-ups.

I was nearly one of those lost purchasers but I stuck at the demo until I mastered the mouse and accepted it for what it was rather than for what I had hoped it would be.

Edited by - tagos on 28-02-2003 11:46:53

Edited by - tagos on 28-02-2003 11:47:25

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:10 am

Tagos... your spot on. Most ppl would problably think I'm ranting a bunch of bull when they read my post. but yes. I like FL so far. the combat is fun and entertaining, as well as the control aspect of the game. Privateer 2 was mouse driven so I am pretty use to it and fimiliar to it as well.

On the other hand I like tactical combat as well, such as with X. You can easily defeat a stronger ship as long as you know it's weakness and exploit it.

All in all I miss the way combat was done Wing Commander style.

The Weak Shall Perish

...Yes sir thats right... just drop your cargo or I can open your hull with my twin plasma blasters, and take the cargo for myself.......Thank you, have nice flight.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:14 pm

yeah, Tagos is spot on. On that note, it actually feels alot like Diablo2. hey! i liked diablo and it's sequel, it's just not my cup of tea when it comes to the "space sim" genre. (I guess i'm too much a fan of Privateer's better aspects to enjoy this game. perhaps i'll give this game a whirl if enough of my friends point out the flaws in my logic)


I found reading this thread about the ENTIRE trade lane being disrupted, lack of reaction on the part of police, etc just feels too disruptive to my willing sense of disbelief (even if you account for deliberate "4th wall" bashing)...I expected to see traffic on-route to pileup, radio traffic to stop other convoys from initiating travel, and increasing police/paramilitary/military attempts to rid the disruption.

I mean, Trade Lanes are a big eyesore. First time i saw them i said, "YUCK!" order to justify the aesthetics this sort of thing should really play a pivotal role in the "willing suspension of disbelief" - A reinforcing role at that! I've already pointed out suggestions/obvious, now we probably have to deal with folks continuing to say that trade lane dynamics are irrelevant to the issue of FreeLancer immersion.

Edited by - MajorFreak on 28-02-2003 18:23:42

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:20 pm

Well thats interesting... I myself have knocked over a trade lane fairly close in in Liberty space.. I jumped the people and hit the trade lane again...violla more meat for the grinder...I called out to my friend who is picking up the game on Wednesday and wants to be a Pirate of sorts... I resumed game and showed him "the ropes" knocked the trade lane down again and another transport...and 4 navy defenders who promptly took my rhino apart bolt by bolt. And that was in the demo. I havent tried it with the marketing beta as yet. Will have to see.


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