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Freelance, the Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:01 pm

No, what I have said is very TRUE.

It doesn't have any of the stuff I meantioned. You may agree or disagree whether you think it should have. I think it should and shouldn't havebenn campaign built so much..

Whther you agree, I dont really care. I don't think so as to have your approval...

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:03 pm

Its not a point of dissagreeing. Its the simple fact that what you are saying is total BS.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:09 pm

But its not for people that come here and say stuff that is totally untrue, which you have done SabreWhore, but when one choses a SN with whore in it, what can ya expect but garbage.

Why must you resort to remarks like that one when the subject of the thread is related to the game? Can anyone confirm that what Sabrewhore says is true or false? As far as I see he/she posted an opinion in "Freelancer Discussion" - slagging one off with remarks like that because you don't like the review posted as to what THAT person expected from the game... well... sorry, but that's a bit low.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:17 pm

Useless flaming and name calling is not needed or nor welcomed. Please stop this needless fighting or the moderators will click this thread. Get back on topic.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:19 pm

Dragoro, could you please give us a quote from SabreWHore that is untrue? All he did in his post was state things which are not in the game that he would like to see. It is true that these things are not in the game and it is true that he would like to see them. So, what has he said that is not true?

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:23 pm

They are just children being childish. Common to all forums sadly.

As for the true, sadly yes. If you like flying and shooting then it has a lot for you, but evrything else does get repetative due to a lack of variety. If they had taken the time used for the campaign missions and put it into the universe instead it would have been much better.

You can trade, but in terms or markets and economics its a very simple model. There are no changes or fluctuations in prices, so trading is pretty simple and straight forwards. The skill ij trading comes down too -you guessed it- being good with your guns to manage getting the freighter through.

It says you can be a Cop, Army, Pirate ect. All this actually entails is doing missions for the factions and groups and the missions are all -you guessed it- fly to X point and kill all the ships.

At first it was fun, but after I have done about 100 missions all "go here shoot the ships" , it does get very repetative. You look at the Jobs board and ALL the missions involve flying to X point and shooting the ship. (Some shoot the floating gun platforms, which invitably involve shooting the ships there anyway). Its hard to look at them with any interest after a while.

Also almost ALL the jobs are in the same system or the same station. Its more a means to gather quick funds than really any kind of career path.
If you ever player Elite series you could take jobs from people in one system which involved going to other systems and transporting/stealing/recon running/passanger transport. You had variety and a sense that the universe was dynamic and interlinked.

In Freelancer the universe seems very staganant in terms of its political/economic/employment, there is little to nothing that will break the monotony.

You could go and blow up rocks (mining) but lets be honest that inveitably gets very dull as wqell after 20 times doing it, and always comes down to -you guessed it- shooting the pirate ships.

The Multiplayer side of this game could be good though because people can make things more dynamic, but the single player will get tiresome quickly unless you are a die hard shoot em up player.

On the issues that he is saying are untrue....

That helping a freighter convoy in mid space when its under attack actually benefits you at all.

Try it, try saving 10 mining corp convoys in a row, and you will see NOTHING to indicate it ever happened. Your rating with them does NOT change. They do not thank you for the help, they do not in most cases even aknowledge you are there. In fact they will often jump off into the gates and leave YOU fighting the pirates alone.
So there is NO reward for deep space interaction unless you plan to rob the freighters then the scanning and hail are usefull.
ONLY if you choose missions from their operatives (fly to X and destroy ships) will you chnage their opinion of you....

The short and long is that Freelancer is 80% shoot-em up in a big universe with 20% money making opportunities thrown in

Edited by - SabreWhore on 24-02-2003 19:28:57

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:29 pm

Haha, silly SabreWhore. You really should play the game enough to warant bitching about it. Just from your comments above its clear to tell that you
A. Have not played the game at all and just read stuff on the forums.
B. PLayed the game a very short time and don't have a clue.
C. You blasted through it as fast as you could and did not search for anything. I
mean no hidden ship etc. etc. give me a break here.

You may not like the game but at least know what your talking about before bashing it.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:33 pm

Another child who covers up their lack of response with some stupid comment....*rolleyes*

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:33 pm

Sabre is just looking for attention. He wants people to think hes knowledgable about the game. Fact is I doubt hes even played it, cause almost everything hes said so far is false.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:43 pm

Sabre is just looking for attention. He wants people to think hes knowledgable about the game. Fact is I doubt hes even played it, cause almost everything hes said so far is false.

That's some shrewd logic there
Can someone please confirm that what Sabrewhore is saying is false and why is this so? I'd honestly like to know, as most say that the demo is but a tiny fraction of what the whole game is. I'd like a good clean explanation with facts and solid arguments - not just "that's a lie" - before buying this game just to find out that Sabrewhore was right on all accounts and it's not the game for me. :/

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:47 pm

I am telling the honest truth. They are just being very childish and bratlike and have nothing to offer so they stamp their feet instead.
As someone pointed out...

"How many times do we have to point out the dynamic reputation system? Where are you getting this "not really dynamic" crap?

Now theres a classic response. This wonder of a Dynamic Rep system only means shoot someone their class doesnt like you, or take a job or bribe them and they do. Dont read anything more complicated than that into it or you will be dissappointed. You wouldn't notice it as being very dynamic at all in game.

If what I have said is lacking worries you, then try the demo before you buy. BEcause if its a problem then you aren't going to enjoy the game because regardless of what these brats are teling you it is all true and honest statements on the game

The demo will confirm this..

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:50 pm

This wonder of a Dynamic Rep system only means shoot someone their class doesnt like you, or take a job or bribe them and they do. Dont read anything more complicated than that into it or you will be dissappointed. You wouldn't notice it as being very dynamic at all in game.

Aha... I had a feeling from the demo that the dynamic engine was limited to that aspect...

Anyhow, thanks for your time for writing up this review. It did shed some light into the matter. Even though it seems to have triggered some rather obsessive replies.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:54 pm

Your not telling the honest truth, your just spreading nonsense.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:11 pm

SW, thanks for the detailed review... personally, I came across the Freelancer demo having heard NOTHING about it, and I think the last space shooter I played was X-Wing... from the demo, there seems to be some good solid action, but I would tend to agree that the trading/freighting isn't really all that interesting... once you go to all the bases, it's just a matter of "Hrmm, if I buy this here, can I make a profit bringing it anywhere else?"

Having said that, I'm just curious... how much time do you think actually went into the single player campaign? Wouldn't it just be a matter of scripting a bunch of missions and making a bunch of cut-scenes? To me, it doesn't seem like cutting this down would have really given that all THAT much more in terms of resources to perfect the things that you were hoping to find... Since I wasn't privy to the resource allocation that they made for each aspect of the game, I can't really say one way or the other, but this is just how it seems to me.


P.S. Dragoro, have you played the game all the way through? If you have, could you please point out to me the instances where what SabreWhore has said is untrue? Otherwise, where are you getting your information? I'd like to see some more facts on the game, other than "he's lying because I say he is" which seems to be your only argument so far.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:12 pm

SW is IMHO not always telling the truth or actually bending, but I'm fairly certain that he has tried to play the game - though I'm very sceptical on HOW he has acquired the game... And if he indeed has warezed the game, I would say he is one of the worlds largest hypocrits (sp?)!

I'll lock this thread now, since the discussion is moving in circles...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

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