It is one of the most shallow games I have ever encountered. They spent 4-5 years developing this game and there are only 3 responses from NPCs, "right", "Uh huh", or "Great". Every planet or station is the same as the last, the "Bar" is a "Bar" on every planet and station. The missions don't adapt to you. If you are flying a fighter or a frieghter, the missions remain the same.
If you want to be a trader, good luck. You will find no work and you cant hire escorts. Want to be a pirate? You better be able to kill the fleet with a cargo ship if you plan on taking enough of the loot with you to make money.
If you think you will enjoy KIll all Rouges missions 1000 times, go ahead a waste your money. If you where looking for something to immerse yourselves in, keep hunting.
My 2 cents