Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:15 pm by DiscoJason
Well said, Torgen.
Look guys, I actually know Max in real life, so let me tell you where he is coming from. We were playing the game and then Alt+Tabbing out to MSN Messenger and excitedly talking about the things we were witnessing. Lots of cool stuff goes on in the game and we were very excited. One of the things that we both brought up was how cool it was that while cruising around, there was radio chatter with people talking about who they were and where they were going. This also happens when you Hail a transporter. We were thinking, "Wow! I have never seen a space game do this, where there is real chatter on the radio." The great thing is if they say they are going somewhere, they go there.
Because of that, we expected that once they got to their destination to either drop off cargo or pick some up, that they would actually follow through on this. It turns out they do not. I am not sure whether it is a bug or not. Could be that the designers never programmed something in to have the freighters change their cargo levels. Personally, I am of the thought that this is not a bug, but instead was just never in the design. That would be a shame though, since they went through all the trouble to have freighters vocalize their plans.
Now, many of you think this is not a big deal, and you have that right. For Max, however, this is a gamestopper because it took something that was very cool to him and kind of crumbled it. I was pretty disappointed myself. I was dissapointed that the missions are "kill only" missions and that there is no dynamic economy (I knew about the economy before playing, so there was no disappointment there).
We both think the game has some really cool stuff in it. He messaged me last night saying, "Here is something cool. I was following a transport and it got hacked out of the trade lane. After I helped fight the battle against the lane hackers, the ship got back in the trade lane and continued on its journey."
Also, for those who think he is new to this forum, he is not and I have seen some posts from a while ago. In fact, I remember seeing one that someone linked to from the Gone Gold forums where he talks about his experience with the game at E3 which he had attended. He talked to some of the developers there because he was really excited about the game.
So, my point is, don't think he is a troll or anything. He is merely stating his opinion about his disappointment regarding the dynamic traffic and is hoping that it is a bug which can be fixed.