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dynamic traffic not so dynamic?

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:58 pm

You know Lev, I think you're giving me a bad "rap" here. Calling me arrogant? I think before you do that remember I have feelings too. Are you sure you know the definitiion of the word? I have consistently referred to specific information and come up with some examples of my own to refute...yet when the rebuttal comes there is zero mentioning of my points...nada. I think my points are being completly ignored by Max but does anyone say he's being arrogant for ignoring my points?? No, you jump on me for begin arrogant because you want the same as Max. Now you tell me who's being arrogant here, myself because I mention I've got some credentials backing up my opinions, or the other person who refuses to even acknowledge I'm even involved in he conversation here? Max's conversation is all about "him." At least I acknowledge his points exist.

Would you mind not to abuse your mod rights
alone the fact that you feel to answer something direkt in the post is well, arrogant :p
you know right of the edit button there is such a nice reply button, even you can use it

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:28 pm

Personally, I could give a rats behind if a transport that says it has whatever actually has whatever... I mean, lets not over-analyze this, jeez! I mean, ya wanna talk about a problem lets talk about no joystiiiiiii..... nevermind.

OK, So let's DEFINE what a major bug is. To me, a "major" bug is one that stops you from playing the game... a bug that results in crashes to the desktop, or plot incontinuities that make it impossible to continue the story. THAT, IMO, is what a "major" bug is... this is just a oddity... a minor bug. I mean, if this ISN'T a minor bug, then what is?

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:23 pm

It's relative. In someone's mind something like this can be a major bug, because it's the most glaring thing that's spoiling someones experience of the game. To the devs, it's not a major bug, because they've already squashed the bugs that stopped them experiencing the game, like those that caused crashes etc.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:54 pm

Well, I'm not saying Max hasn't brought up a good piece of info. But Max is ripping into this thing like it was an intentional lie on the developers' part, and trying to start a ruckus so everybody will get upset at FL, when most of us could care less. This is just idiotic.

Why are we being accused of being fanboys because we honestly don't give a crap? Why are we being accused of "pretending" like there's not a big problem when we honestly don't think it's a big problem?! This isn't about being a fanboy and it's not a conspiracy to pretend there isn't a problem. The vast majority of people who pick up and play Freelancer, and have read about its 'dynamic universe', could care less about this problem even when they find out about it. It's not just fanboys or TLR regulars who think this is totally minor.

Just report the bug, Max. And if you really need to, take up your beef with DA. The rest of us don't really care, and to say that's just because we're fanboys or some crap like that is being ridiculous. I dunno, maybe not caring about this problem is just your definition of a fanboy, so anyone and everyone who pipes up and says they don't care is automatically being biased.


Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:50 pm

Holy Moley guys!

Max pointed out a bug. It isn't a deal-breaking bug, but it's not a miniscule one either. It should have been reported. It's probably simple to fix (based on my experience in extended game testing). Yet, he is attacked for complaining that this bug breaks the immersion of the game for him. It would break the immersion of the game for me, and I'd also be disappointed when finding it. However, he comes here to try and report it so it gets fixed, and we have three pages of people attacking him. Let's lighten up folks. In a game as HUGE as this, little things are always going to slip through (like the fact that Sheffield station is so close to the planet that if air traffic control sends you to dock #1, you're gonna fry, baby!)

Let's save the enmity to those that post the "ThiS GamE iZ teh SUCK!!11" posts, and not blow things out of proportion. Of course, I may have a different outlook on posts like Max's because I'm ususally reading bug reporting forums


Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:11 pm


I didn't say that you are arrogant, i said you come up with some sort of arrogant attitude in this topic. That's a difference. I said that because it makes no difference for this bug (that's what it is, if minor or major really depends on the viewpoint) if you have played this game for 5 minutes or 300+ hours. Your posting however did sound as if you would make a long playing time a requirement before one can point something like this out. That's all. I didn't mean to insult you and if i did, i apologize. I just wanted to make clear to you that you maybe give Max some of the heat that you collected from reading all those real troll postings. Max just stays on this issue because it's important for him like some other aspect of the game might be very important for you. It's all about personal preferences, the very spirit of this game, and you might as well respect that instead of attacking people for stating their opinion. Max stayed pretty much reasonable, you should do so as well.

That being said i hope we can settle this little furball and continue in a friendly and respecting manner. Thanks for your time.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:15 pm

Well said, Torgen.

Look guys, I actually know Max in real life, so let me tell you where he is coming from. We were playing the game and then Alt+Tabbing out to MSN Messenger and excitedly talking about the things we were witnessing. Lots of cool stuff goes on in the game and we were very excited. One of the things that we both brought up was how cool it was that while cruising around, there was radio chatter with people talking about who they were and where they were going. This also happens when you Hail a transporter. We were thinking, "Wow! I have never seen a space game do this, where there is real chatter on the radio." The great thing is if they say they are going somewhere, they go there.

Because of that, we expected that once they got to their destination to either drop off cargo or pick some up, that they would actually follow through on this. It turns out they do not. I am not sure whether it is a bug or not. Could be that the designers never programmed something in to have the freighters change their cargo levels. Personally, I am of the thought that this is not a bug, but instead was just never in the design. That would be a shame though, since they went through all the trouble to have freighters vocalize their plans.

Now, many of you think this is not a big deal, and you have that right. For Max, however, this is a gamestopper because it took something that was very cool to him and kind of crumbled it. I was pretty disappointed myself. I was dissapointed that the missions are "kill only" missions and that there is no dynamic economy (I knew about the economy before playing, so there was no disappointment there).

We both think the game has some really cool stuff in it. He messaged me last night saying, "Here is something cool. I was following a transport and it got hacked out of the trade lane. After I helped fight the battle against the lane hackers, the ship got back in the trade lane and continued on its journey."

Also, for those who think he is new to this forum, he is not and I have seen some posts from a while ago. In fact, I remember seeing one that someone linked to from the Gone Gold forums where he talks about his experience with the game at E3 which he had attended. He talked to some of the developers there because he was really excited about the game.

So, my point is, don't think he is a troll or anything. He is merely stating his opinion about his disappointment regarding the dynamic traffic and is hoping that it is a bug which can be fixed.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:16 pm

Umm, retail isn't out yet and no one has played it so we really cvant' say for sure if it will bein retail or not. The PR beta has several bugs retail won't have and chances are the demo is not complete either. So no one actually knows what is in retail, correct?

I do hate to see things that pull you out of the realism of a game though.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:39 pm

I also think this topic has survived itself! Point taken, Max, I know now that DA is aware of the issue! If people find this an annoying bug, please take it up with MS Support once you've picked up the game! The best way to ensure they fix it!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

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