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Honest Review of Freelancer

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:41 am

If you don't consider Baldur's Gate repetitive, which it was actually ("oh, another wolf...", then you shouldn't have any trouble with the gameplay of Freelancer.

"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed."

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:58 am

Yah, ok. It was a rant and a bad one at that. I apologized and i don't even know what i was trying to say. And I have applied to be a beta tester of several games. I never get accepted because they always want people with previous experience as a beta tester (of which i have none). And I would consider myself qualified for the reason that i have been coding in c++ for over 10 years, having made many simple games myself, though mostly apps to explore different aspects of 3D graphics.

As for the Sims, well, thats a degenerate case

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:28 am

And so i bow to you. The uberest of uber, Stinger. Let not thy name be spoken in vain or thine doubted, because Stinger knows all.

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:30 am

Ministerphobia reincarnate

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:48 am

Stinger tried to get on me for supposedly using warez XP. I dont. He wished that i got what i deserved. I didnt deserve that attack on me. This came from another thread but since myth felt he was being attacked, (whether he was or not isnt the point, he felt he was). Stinger does have some kinda prob. First time he edited my post but didnt change anything, and tried to act like he did. Second time he came after me was this time tryin to act like i got a warez version of XP cause i recommend against getting sp1. If hes going to act like i did that **** id like him to come up with some kind of proof. If he cant, then i say stfu to him.

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 5:01 am

Who's feeling like they're being attacked by whom here

Listen Dragoro, if you read my responses about the use of illegal copies of WinXP, no where did I say you were using one. My use of your "theory" on how the SP1 is a piece of cow dung was only to bring the truth to light about that myth. Read my posts again, no where did I even accuse you in particular of having an illegal copy. If you can find an entire sentence in my previous posts that say you were using an illegal copy, then I'll apologize publically to you for it. But I believe you're going to be frustrated when you can not find that I accused you specifically. Implied, maybe in some part of the world but not intentional. I was simply disputing your comment about SP1 and dispelling that myth with the facts, that's all.

And in regards to the so-called "ghost" edtting, it's not my fault you can't remember what you posted...but as a's my responsibility to make sure we all stick to the rules and regs. For the record, (here's the post) you were engaging in a conversation about joysticks with Aye Capt, and I knew from over 2 years of moderating this forum the entire conversation was going downhill fast. That why I posted in my comment equal opportunity editing. Since that fateful day as you can see any discussion pro or con on the subject have since been essentially banned

What is this...pick on Stinger day? Where's my dang cake??

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 5:44 am

Dragoro, you were just attacking Stinger way more than he ever attacked you. If you feel anybody has attacked you, e-mail the person directly or the mods if that fails

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 6:01 am


..........the flood cometh!

I like the informative preview, and thankfully, I will love all the things I'll get to do over and over in the game.
I can't wait 'til they go the way of Morrowind (releasing great expansions I am unable to get for a while).

I do what I must, when I must...

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 6:01 am

To Stinger, Dragoro and Mithril:

I have an idea on how to take out your differences.. Why not have a duel to the death in multiplayer. ... Dragoro and Mithril vs Stinger.

If Stinger wins, Drag and Mith have to post high praises to him, telling how wonderful he is.

If Dragoro and Mith win, well, then it just proves Stinger is snobby, rude and cocky and you have every right to tell him so.

Is that agreeable?

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:35 am

WOOHOO! Do this over email. Inappropriate for these forums.

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