Trade lanes
What exactly constitutes a 'trade lane' in FL? From forums and websites etc, I've heard a lot of talk about 'lane hacking' and 'dropping out of the lane', which all sounds incredibly cool but means very little. Will a trade lane actually be a physical entity in the game that can be flown through or past? Or is it more of a symbolic thing?
I remember Elite jockeys years ago swapping 'trade routes' (God, that takes me back ... anybody remember running Furs to Isinor and Luxuries to Tionisla?), but that was simply a guaranteed 'take product A to planet B and you'll always get X credits' sort of set up and if you were lucky, planet B produced something that could be flogged for a profit at your starting destination.
I can see me spending a vast number of late nights in the grip of Freelancer.