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Ideas for Freelancer 2

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:36 am

Just a few ideas....

1. Replace those tradelanes...they are so irrealistic...make all navpoints (privateer 2) so u can go hyperspace between nav points... but only if there are no enemys....
2. Far larger systems...also more 3d...go up in height, also everything needs to get bigger, a capital ship should roughly be the the size of the planets in this freelancer...also planets on their turn should be 3x as big.
3. Another race...kilrathi taking over the sirius sector? Not so freelancer, but more privateer 3...=P
4. Real differences between ships and guns...
Light fighter 500-2000 hull 1-3 guns no turrets and carry light fighter weaps
medium fighter 2000-4000 hull 2-4 guns 0-1 turrets and carry medium fighter weaps
Heavy fighter 4000< hull 3-5 guns 1-2 turrets and heavy fighter guns
Freighter 7000< hull 1-2 guns 3-4 turrets and freighter guns
Capital ships 100k< hull 0guns 10< turrets and capital ship turrets
Transports 10k hull 0guns 5 turrets and transport turrets

light fighter weaps short range high projectile speed, low damage, high refire
Medium weaps medium range medium speed medium damage medium refire
heavy weaps medium-long range low speed high damage slow refire
Capital and transport Extreme range low speed medium damage slow refire

This way the choice of ship should be more of a choice =P
Also of course the speed of the ships should change 200+ for a light fighter agains 10-20 for capital and transports...

5. Like elite be able to land on certain parts of the planet, like cities...

Tommy out

Movin' in for the kill

Post Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:42 am

A space compression device, anyone who's played ZOE2 for PS2 will know what I'm on about. It would use up a lot of your energy bar, but would teleport you, say, 500m straight ahead, useful for quick getaways or lightning strikes against stationary targets

EDIT - I've just realised that you could make a thruster for this in the existing FL, so I'll change the idea - it moves you the distance in whatever direction you're travelling

"There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't"

Edited by - Darkstone on 5/1/2004 4:34:29 AM

Post Sat May 01, 2004 2:33 pm

Well i play with destructive universe mod on and it adds alot to the game but if they could make it so docking rings battle ships and stations had huge health bars and better defenses. and when you blow one stuff should stop hailing to or from it. Also the battleship encounter mod was fun but there are too many and only in New york.

If you piss of a cop you better be ready to floor it to Mexico.

Post Sun May 09, 2004 3:44 am

First of all, I want to appologize for the possible mistakes in my post (english is not my native language) Secondly I want to say "sorry" to Mustang, who wanted this forum to consider only Freelancer 2 discussion.
Next, I want to say "BIG congrats" to the FL community, which fairly differs from the other game communities where u can only **** on others cause they dont share ur thoughts. I congratulate u guys
now, back to the main problem, which, to be honset is the most interesting (for me) - FL 2
Well I beated the game last year. Until now I played many games and had much satisfaction with it, but FL was just such a sweet memory for me, I decided to regain my motiv8tion and start playin' it again, this time on MP. I dl-ed a faction mod which grants u access to most of the FL-universe faction starting places, ships, plot .. etc ... I made a LAN server and now I play as LR with a friend of mine ...
All this sends me back to the time I played SP and watched the intro every time I've been launching the game. The story really rox and I'm looking forward to FL2 if it ever ships out on the gaming market. I'd really like to see some story-candy like some kind of impact with the coalition remnants. I was always imagining a full-scale conflict in Starlancer style, where the sides would be more balanced - Sirius vs Sol would be = WW IV-V-VI or whatever u like it ... In FL2 (in theory) I'd like to see some continuing of the gr8 FL story, with lots of post-Alliance-Coalition elements like the freedom-loving Sirius society turning into a bloodlusted revenge-seeking millitary machine wanting to destroy its former enemy - the "evil eastern block" ( The Cold east-west War idea here??? ). So there U have full-scale neverending mass super-duper universe clashes known as the "second All-Coal war" until U have the threat of an alien race ( nomads??? ) and seeeing urself shoulder to shoulder with a "mind-controlled-communist-like" russian guy battling some alien scum somewhere in Sirius/Sol. And in the end a massive all-humanity assault on the alien homeworld "in a far far galaxy", known as the "Human - ******" war.

Well generally I have ideas for a new FL2 storyline not gameplay, but hey -- a gg comes with a cool story concept and I just love to see some really nice battles/intrigues/sabotages/ b/w the alliance and the coalition

And yeah ... how do u like choosing sides - I want to figth for Mother Russia!!!

Omg - (Starlancer) - do u remember Ivan Petrov - I have a schoolmate with this name

Post Sun May 09, 2004 4:20 pm

My little tidbits for Freelancer 2:

A multi-route storyline. I mean, Freelancer itself begged for more than one way to reach the end of the game. Sure, you could break off and explore, but you always ended up doing the same 13 missions as everyone else. So in Freelancer 2, I'd want more than one route to the ending. That would give it even more replay value. Got a problem with space on one disc? Use more than 1 CD.

"Special" music tracks. The final victory in Freelancer really brought the house down for me...that was an AWESOME little clip of music. I listen to it in my Windows Media Player because it rocks. Though I can't really knock Freelancer music, in the sequel I'd want more of these 'special' one-time-only kind of tracks. Like when you beat a huge enemy at the end of a mission, that battle music should be different from the others. Or else have the normal enemies have one battle theme, the "bosses" (end-of-mission) have another, and the super-big enemies, like mid-game/end-game kind of enemy fleets, have another theme.

Another (or more than one more) alien race. The Nomads were great in Freelancer; now let's see some more of that good stuff in Freelancer 2.

Be able to get (and USE) your most powerful weapons by the end of the story, but have enemies go up in power proportional to that. Force players to go find those Class 10 guns, but actually let them use them in the storyline itself.

This goes along with the above comment - have enemies increase in power compared to you, but have a minimum level. That way, nothing is too easy. If an enemy is supposed to be hard, there would be no way to super-level-up between missions and then go back and easily win.

Be able to recruit a wingman or two for a little while, during interludes between missions.

Have real extra missions, like side-quests.

A longer storyline. Seriously, the bulk of the time I spent in Freelancer was for wreck-searching, travel time, and interlude job-finding. More story, maybe...17-ish missions minimum.

Just a side thing, but how about a gender option? As in players pick either a male or female character in the beginning.

I know so many people loved Freelancer's simplicity, but how about two or so more star systems? More places to explore - places that relate to the storyline. How about developing that green nebula area a little...?

Have different groups of people have distinguishing voices. I mean, many of the Japanese people spoke with no accent at all...that was just inaccurate.

Do as you wish; I will not give up.

Post Sun May 09, 2004 7:42 pm


*like that will happen...

Next: flyable gunships (without mods), and like Aurora said, make us put those high level guns to use! Lets see some tough enemies that really need that kind of firepower to kill.

Plus the ships should have varied manuverablity and max speed/acceleration based on the class of the ship (light fighter/Heavy/Very Heavy/Freighter

I would like to see more upgrades for ships (so you can soup-up your little Starflier and beat SP with it in style)

And just maybe some sort of Grand Theft Auto-esq Felony system. Think about it:
1star: Light fighters (Liberty police) come after you.
2star: Navy fighters come after you too.
3star: Bounty hunters (light and heavy fighters) will come after you plus Police and Navy will try to knock you out of trade lanes to catch you.
4star: Gunboats come after you too (only around bases), all Navy, Police, and BH fighters will pursue you, even away from trade lanes and bases and into dust clouds and such (this could be interesting because you could lead them to pirate bases.)
5star: Bounty Hunter VHF's will come after you, as will Cruisers (only around bases), they will use Cruise Disrupters to catch you.
6star: Battleships will come after you, all ship (Battleships included) will pursue you everywhere in-system.

Maybe you could also pick up Space Prostitutes to "do some repairs".

"The worst player has guns, and grenades, and vehicles, and all manner of damaging tools. Like a baby with a razor blade, he need not be skilled at all with his tools to cause terrible damage with them; a blind man can fire a tank and kill you."


Post Sun May 09, 2004 8:26 pm

More Interaction and navigation on the planets. Not just bar, commodity, equipment, ship and launchpad. The ability to conduct land missions and exploration of cities within the planets. Customizable character! More sectors than just Sirius. Ability to destroy and completely eliminate from the NAV map any stations, depots and battleships! Ablility to deactive/activate jump gates via password or encryption.

"Hi, Help You?"

Post Mon May 10, 2004 9:49 am

I'd say no Grand Theft Auto-esque anything, but that's just me...I'm not a crossover fan and I don't like GTA at all. Yeah, another sector would be great, but I'd want the plot of Freelancer 2 to take place right after Freelancer, so I doubt any other sectors would be colonized. Aliens, perhaps?

Do as you wish; I will not give up.

Post Tue May 11, 2004 5:46 pm

How about adapters that allow you to put heavier weapons on lighter ships? I think a dagger with a couple of level 10's would be oh so sweet. --- vh16

Whoever came up with "Mission Commision" should be lined up and shot

Post Wed May 12, 2004 5:41 am

What everyone obviously agreed on is that the storyline is way too short, and after the storyline, there is nothing to do but buy the best ship and kill all who oppose u.

I think the creators can make missions endless, but when u completed this u still have the same feeling. How about making the entire universe have random events.

A few ideas:
- a sudden fleet dropping in attacking u.
- A sun exploding having thousands of casualties, and u can save some for money/respect.
- Meteorites on the movement, get a reward etc for clearing it up.
- Planets suddenly revolt, turning to another side.
- Faction wars, have outcasts jump in and take a hostage.
- Have police betraying other people.
- Ofcourse destructible universe
- npc's carry contraband
- economy changes, prices arent always the same
- have people hail u in space for a conversation, have police order u to do something, or give u a mission.
- Landing on battleships that just fly in space like normal ships, but if the ship is destroyed, u die too, so u get an alarm, and can get out to defend ur battleship.

And things like in elite, the ability to fly through the atmosphere of planets and fly around there, visit citys etc.

Post Thu May 13, 2004 9:48 am

I would really love to see the Sirius sector versus the new republic of the Sol system, for instance if the Sirius Sector were at war with each other then having their old enemy jump in a battle between the empires which forces them to unite against a common foe, but then again I could be dreaming :\

Post Thu May 13, 2004 10:09 am

Politics would be great, as well as the abilit to build bases, factions and fleets.
Imagine- you could turn up at the capital with about 50 Eagles and take over the universe...

Corsair#01takes no responsiblity for any Spam created or endorsed by Corsair#01 Postings Limited.
Corsair#01- putting the S.O.B. back into "slob".

Edited by - ~Corsair#01~ on 5/13/2004 11:10:31 AM

Post Fri May 14, 2004 8:57 am

i'd also like to see the scaling fixed. also.. given a much longer storyline/ in SL.

also.. i'd rather have the turret-like gun system totally vaped. i hate how there are so many projectiles flying everywhere with all these weird shapes. i'd rahter go back to charging and releasing my nova cannon .

also, i'd have a huge comeback made by SL and its features.. instead of bars to show health.. rahter have the shields and armour like in SL. also have damage consequences like reduced fire rate in SL.

the guns - should not move around with the mouse. thats just so like flying a chopper except the chopper is ultra fast and can go into space and has no rotors and has like 10 rail guns attached everywhere with varying refire rates.

and yes, battleships, like that in SL, should be impermeable to *most* fighter fire. save for very-heavy payload stuff, like the jackhammer, placed at strategic locations - like after the shields go down on the czar(torpedo, you don't have) , you take out the armour that covers the twin power cores and then slam a jackhammer into it.

also, have a home ship, like the reliant in SL.. where you can call for backup/torp run from.

ok basically, a total SL conversion, stuff to keep would be what i'd be talkingabout. like:
- cruise mode
- changing guns, but i'd rahter this be done in pairs, and they will not be moveable, not to a great extent.
- of course, the FL uniqueness of being able to trade nearly every part of your ship plus the comodities. but this done to moderation.. like mentioned above, guns bought in pairs.

a 'jump map' might be nice, so that players can cope with the much bigger scale of things by jumping, and not cruising. setting destination by means of a jump map.. like in the nav map you set way points.

my 2 cents.

Post Sun May 16, 2004 4:05 pm

I like a lot of the ideas being posted here, most I agree on but really what I'd like is to be able to walk around or drive on the surface of planets, in bases and maybe even compartments on a ship(wouldn't be able to drive around in a fighter of course). If that were possible, it opens up a whole new can of worms to deal with when on the surface, such as fights, dealing(I mean, favors an drugs, mebe something else creative)/trading/buying, npc AI that transfers to an fro between space, bases and planet surfaces. Also owning a little shanty or two where you can stash various objects for when you might need them, such as a crate of nanobots or a few handguns, that sorta thing. Environment suits for landing on planets or bases that have been compromised by deadly or otherwise negatively effecting gases and viruses. Ah, that's another thing, the ability to contract diseases such as the effects cardamine has on long time users or drunken effects that don't wear off until you have a proper amount of time or fright to sober up. Also more npc interaction would be available since ya can't exactly smooch or punch someone when yer flying a ship. Maybe this would also allow main plot characters and otherwise to be found browsing about on a planet and you could have conversations with them(not the whole, list 10 things for them to say and that's it deal, but rather have sequential patches or something to keep the reality to a nice level. The one thing that irks me is that they left Freelancer wide open for 2, 3 and possibly 4 and they aren't going to make a single one of those because MP and mods are going to take up the slack for them. I personally hate MP(well first of all I can't play MP anyway.) But there's also the people who have been there forever and want to keep you from getting past level 1, the people who think that since you have such a huge ping that you can't play with them anywhere all because you can't help what you have to play with. Anywho, back to some ideas. I think it would be really nice to have the male/female character idea which would mean basically putting some small changes in the story line cause if yer straight an a chick, ya wouldn't want Juni coming onto you 'cause yer sposed to be a guy type of thing'. Also would mean you'd just HAVE to have some kind of wardrobe fer them to wear. I liked the idea about random game events that would keep you on your feet and maybe change the whole game around if it was bad enough(such as the Liberty Navy being destroyed by strike attacks from any number of sources, or if it gets to Coalition vs Alliance, have an infiltration of Coalition forces into the Sirius system wating to pounce when a main force arrives to draw attentions away from the sabatoge they planned in advance. And if it went REALLY bad, have an option to invade (I guess Sol is being dubbed the Coalitions territory) with what the Sirius System has left of loyal forces such as Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari and Rhineland navies with a few rogue factions or two deciding that they want a slice of the apple pie too. Also, the Nomads aren't gone so maybe they moved to a new system conveniently located betwixt both Sol and Sirius and have begun to terrorize both while the opportunity is there. I don't neccesarily want the whole kill the Nomads and win scenario all over again so maybe it might be interesting to have a three way war with neither of the sides able to win which could go on forever and ever until the next Freelancer concludes the mess.I'd like to see double the missions and double the time it takes to get around to another mission, here's an example:To find quintaine you had run your ship all over space to get to where you needed, then you did something to get the information, then with the information you had, you did something else to get your final puzzle piece and then fly back to meet up and carry on. I would like to see something along those lines, 20 somethings to do deep. I'd also like to see ships being able to carry passengers who you can blabber at to pass time, or play a game or just give em the love machine speech. I also liked the idea of several docking rings for cities spread around a planet, but if there were also routes to each on the surface, you'd have to remember where you parked your ship and hope they didn't decide it was scrap metal and put it in the smelter(besides you might have explosive objects stashed in storage and you'd be on the system news wit a reward for 1,000,000 credits on yer head). Turning to that, I think it would be nice to have several ways to create a reputation as either a space jock, a level-headed think-it-through type, a blood lusting armed nuke waiting to be set off, a general good guy,a good-for-nothing-but-making-money type, a criminal-to-your-bones type or other interesting things like that.

I have way too many ideas and I don't know if they'd be able to do it so I'm going to suggest this as a formal challenge to Microsoft and Digital Anvil: If you ever drop by and read up on the ideas in this forum, do it and you'll become abhorrently rich. Do it not and you'll probably lose out on an opportunity to create a game that people will flock to the stores to buy up because these loyal fans here have excellent ideas to be put to use, not to be spent wasting away on the forum boards. Stew on that awhile.

Ok so a quick review, more planet/base/ship interaction on the surface or inside(walking, driving, flying), more npc interaction that carries over from planets/space/bases(including a bit of an affair with your favorite person(this does not imply one of the main characters in Freelancer...maybe you need to have a few choices then)), a larger and several smaller plots(those of the Alliance, Coalition, Nomads and then the factions smattered in between.) More options to be considered criminal or good citizen, male or female character, environment suits for traversing planets that don't support human life, and a challenge for Microsoft and Digital Anvil to do it. Think that was it, if not, you'll catch what I missed, so for now
this is Evan Green signing out

Post Sun May 16, 2004 4:17 pm

I like a lot of the ideas being posted here, most I agree on but really what I'd like is to be able to walk around or drive on the surface of planets, in bases and maybe even compartments on a ship(wouldn't be able to drive around in a fighter of course). If that were possible, it opens up a whole new can of worms to deal with when on the surface, such as fights, dealing(I mean, favors an drugs, mebe something else creative)/trading/buying, npc AI that transfers to an fro between space, bases and planet surfaces. Also owning a little shanty or two where you can stash various objects for when you might need them, such as a crate of nanobots or a few handguns, that sorta thing. Environment suits for landing on planets or bases that have been compromised by deadly or otherwise negatively effecting gases and viruses. Ah, that's another thing, the ability to contract diseases such as the effects cardamine has on long time users or drunken effects that don't wear off until you have a proper amount of time or fright to sober up. Also more npc interaction would be available since ya can't exactly smooch or punch someone when yer flying a ship. Maybe this would also allow main plot characters and otherwise to be found browsing about on a planet and you could have conversations with them(not the whole, list 10 things for them to say and that's it deal, but rather have sequential patches or something to keep the reality to a nice level. The one thing that irks me is that they left Freelancer wide open for 2, 3 and possibly 4 and they aren't going to make a single one of those because MP and mods are going to take up the slack for them. I personally hate MP(well first of all I can't play MP anyway.) But there's also the people who have been there forever and want to keep you from getting past level 1, the people who think that since you have such a huge ping that you can't play with them anywhere all because you can't help what you have to play with. Anywho, back to some ideas. I think it would be really nice to have the male/female character idea which would mean basically putting some small changes in the story line cause if yer straight an a chick, ya wouldn't want Juni coming onto you 'cause yer sposed to be a guy type of thing'. Also would mean you'd just HAVE to have some kind of wardrobe fer them to wear. I liked the idea about random game events that would keep you on your feet and maybe change the whole game around if it was bad enough(such as the Liberty Navy being destroyed by strike attacks from any number of sources, or if it gets to Coalition vs Alliance, have an infiltration of Coalition forces into the Sirius system wating to pounce when a main force arrives to draw attentions away from the sabatoge they planned in advance. And if it went REALLY bad, have an option to invade (I guess Sol is being dubbed the Coalitions territory) with what the Sirius System has left of loyal forces such as Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari and Rhineland navies with a few rogue factions or two deciding that they want a slice of the apple pie too. Also, the Nomads aren't gone so maybe they moved to a new system conveniently located betwixt both Sol and Sirius and have begun to terrorize both while the opportunity is there. I don't neccesarily want the whole kill the Nomads and win scenario all over again so maybe it might be interesting to have a three way war with neither of the sides able to win which could go on forever and ever until the next Freelancer concludes the mess.I'd like to see double the missions and double the time it takes to get around to another mission, here's an example:To find quintaine you had run your ship all over space to get to where you needed, then you did something to get the information, then with the information you had, you did something else to get your final puzzle piece and then fly back to meet up and carry on. I would like to see something along those lines, 20 somethings to do deep. I'd also like to see ships being able to carry passengers who you can blabber at to pass time, or play a game or just give em the love machine speech. I also liked the idea of several docking rings for cities spread around a planet, but if there were also routes to each on the surface, you'd have to remember where you parked your ship and hope they didn't decide it was scrap metal and put it in the smelter(besides you might have explosive objects stashed in storage and you'd be on the system news wit a reward for 1,000,000 credits on yer head). Turning to that, I think it would be nice to have several ways to create a reputation as either a space jock, a level-headed think-it-through type, a blood lusting armed nuke waiting to be set off, a general good guy,a good-for-nothing-but-making-money type, a criminal-to-your-bones type or other interesting things like that.

I have way too many ideas and I don't know if they'd be able to do it so I'm going to suggest this as a formal challenge to Microsoft and Digital Anvil: If you ever drop by and read up on the ideas in this forum, do it and you'll become abhorrently rich. Do it not and you'll probably lose out on an opportunity to create a game that people will flock to the stores to buy up because these loyal fans here have excellent ideas to be put to use, not to be spent wasting away on the forum boards. Stew on that awhile.

Ok so a quick review, more planet/base/ship interaction on the surface or inside(walking, driving, flying), more npc interaction that carries over from planets/space/bases(including a bit of an affair with your favorite person(this does not imply one of the main characters in Freelancer...maybe you need to have a few choices then)), a larger and several smaller plots(those of the Alliance, Coalition, Nomads and then the factions smattered in between.) More options to be considered criminal or good citizen, male or female character, environment suits for traversing planets that don't support human life, and a challenge for Microsoft and Digital Anvil to do it. Think that was it, if not, you'll catch what I missed, so for now
this is Evan Green signing out

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