I've seen better weapon loadouts than the one you've listed above. You need to get yourself some Tizona del Cid Pulse weapons, some BLOODSTONEs, and some Nomad Energy Blasters, plus a FlameCurse Mk II TurretI prefer the one below:
Name, Type, Class, Hull, Shield, Range, Speed, Energy Used
Tizona del Cid - Pulse - 9 - 40 - 1242 - 600 - 600 - 4 - 97
Tizona del Cid - Pulse - 9 - 40 - 1242 - 600 - 600 - 4 - 97
Nomad Energy Blaster - Nomad - 10 - 635 - 317 - 699 - 600 - 4 - 0
Nomad Energy Blaster - Nomad - 10 - 635 - 317 - 699 - 600 - 4 - 0
BLOODSTONE - None - 10 - 880 - 440 - 699 - 600 - 2 - 220
BLOODSTONE - None - 10 - 880 - 440 - 699 - 600 - 2 - 220
Flamecurse Mk II Turret - Plasma - 7 - 418 - 209 - 700 - 500 - 2 - 87
All together then -
Total energy output per shot of each weapon = 721 (not bad for this setup)
Total energy output per second = 1830 (still not too bad)
Total Hull Damage per second = 8920 (AMAZING!)
Total Shield Damage per second = 14, 232 (No shield is that big!)
Then grab:
Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher (for base destruction and Battleship missions)
Razor Mines (For when "I've got one on my six"
Adv. Countermeasure Dropper (To evade them bastard disruptor missiles!)
This is probably the best weapon loadout possible! Don't dispute! And if you don't want this set-up, then PLEASE get rid of the Skyblasts! Get the Rheinland Plasma weapons, their more energy efficient and better overall per second IMHO!
Pueblo Station: "We expected them to come from the Silverton Asteroid Field, but they came from the Copperton Field and completely surprised us! The Liberty patrols were shot down like flies"
Williard Research Station: "Two more torpedoes have hit the Harmony, and our fighters are being shot down like flies!"
I wish Trent would say: "Flies are an intelligent animal with the shortest lifespan of any winged creature, they are very difficult to shoot down, and cannot breathe in space!"