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Expansion ideas

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Tue May 06, 2003 5:30 pm

Having more than one ship and owning a base remind me Gran Tourismo. Wake up, its not a racing game. It's a freelancing game. You shouldn't belong to any faction. You shouldn't have more than one ship. They would make another game for that

I have still 2 important things to point.

- Hire freighters. Modifying its hardpoints. Freighters should be available only at transportation companies' bases. Hiring wingmen to protect your freighter would be good.

- Having a real computer instead of a net. Upgrading would be good. Purchasing nav map, notepad, trade routes saver, bla bla

Post Tue May 06, 2003 6:42 pm

More variety in the random missions, not just "Fly here, kill this, come back" stuff. Escort, defense, rescue/recovery, these are all bread-and-butter missions that should be a part of any freelancing universe. Missions that suit a freighter more than a fighter would be nice as well. Although I believe that this game is everything that I wish Privateer 2 had been, the one thing I really liked in that game was that you would occasionally get a unique, well-written random mission that made you do something different, like fight a duel or search for a kidnapped child. Lets see some creativity!

I actually think that adding new ships and weapons should be a very low priority- there are already plenty of good ones out there, and I don't see any gaps that need to be filled. I mean, really, does anybody need anything better than an Eagle with 4 Nomad Energy Cannons? What Freelancer needs is more systems, missions, and storylines. And for God's sake give Trent something else to say!

Edited by - KnightLight on 06-05-2003 19:49:11

Post Tue May 06, 2003 10:21 pm

I have to disagree with you... I think that a lot of people were hoping you could own a station. And owning one station would not make the game "un-freelancer".. I won't even buy the expansion if it dosen't have this option (or something close to it.) This really adds ownership to the game.

Having a few (not a bunch) of wingmen would also not take away, but add to, the game. How fun it would be to buy 3 other ships, and equip them, giving each one to a group of crewmembers that would get some kind of fee for each mission. They could then create missions that were difficulty 200 + ... And split among four pilots, they could clean house.

How awesome it would be to have your own little asteroid, or moonbase.

Post Wed May 07, 2003 12:20 am

Yep, it would indeed be nice to be able to own a base or somewhere to come home to after a hard cruise of shooting up scumbags / pirating / running goods through dangerous sectors / exploring / whatever else you do. Having no home to go to makes one a... nomad.

Post Wed May 07, 2003 8:57 am

First post. Hi all
There should be more complicated missions. I'm so sick of these go-to-wp-press-r-shoot-press-r-shoot missions! There should be convoy and stealth attack missions(cloaking device!).
Oh the stupid ships always attack me first(or at least most of them) even when i should defend some other ship. Thats why I never ever failed guarding a ship(on the campaign that is; theres no such thing as "protecting a ship mission" in the freeplay). That must definitely be fixed - I consider it a gameplay bug.
The AI should be improved massively and the count of the adversaries reduced maybe... The enemies should use their batteries and nanobots a lot and run when hit bad. Also they should use chaffs and all the resources of the ship. Veterans and aces should maneuver more and generally be more recourceful in flyin their ship.
All the other suggestions are cool too but I dont like the own base part... After all its about freelancing and what is that freelancer with his own base?!

Post Wed May 07, 2003 11:44 am

posted by Rafael

theres no such thing as "protecting a ship mission" in the freeplay). That must definitely be fixed - I consider it a gameplay bug.

ok that may be a bug or it was intentionally. this thread is already blooming in such a thread called "Wish list" or something like that..

own base part... After all its about freelancing and what is that freelancer with his own base?!
hey where the hell do you think your gonna sleep with ease without being chased by some corsairs.. people have home you know.. maybe manhattan is his home but what happens if you're asmuggler and chased off from manhattan? lol

argh i'm never gonna get paid, Goddbye a million credits

Post Wed May 07, 2003 3:58 pm

If you want a base, you will need some protection to it. There may be some action near your base and if your situtation is critical you can run off to your base and lay low. What's that ?

Well I can agree with a idea of owning a depot on a planet and a room to rest That would be more realistic. And im sure they can make manual landing to planets. There was a mission which it shows you and juni go on surface of a planet. The scene wasn't that bad. It could be done with an addon.

Hiring wingmen would be allowed only if you have a freighter or if you hired a freighter. There ain't no freelancer faction and that means freelancers are alone. Well you are the only freelancer in the game which is another drawback.

Post Wed May 07, 2003 5:05 pm

I think you may have missed the point. I NEVER said anything about being a faction, HOWEVER, in a game like FREElancer, that should at least be an option.

The base would be PERFECT for a game like this. You could set it up on an uncharted moon or planet, so there's natural protection, etc. As an alternative, you could rent space from an existing base. Hiring three or four "cronies" wouldn't be bad either.

I would really hope that they focus on creating completely uncharted new areas to explore... And maybe even some random star systems, and random easter eggs, etc. There needs more "randomness" and more exploration...

I'm used to games ranging from Privateer... all the way to Starflight... I think if they gave the user the option to build a base, or a "secret lair" (No rotating chairs... or bald kitties) they'd attract A LOT more people to it.

Post Wed May 07, 2003 9:55 pm

Rotating chairs, bald kitties and (finger quote gesturing) lasers... Why not? Everybody wants to earn ONE MILLION DOLLARS to upgrade their ships, after all (pinkie to lips) LOL...

A Mini-Trent... Now THAT'S a frightening idea.

Post Wed May 07, 2003 10:51 pm

It would be nice if the conversations were a bit more diverse, on the planets, and when hailing. So you can threaten someone to drop his cargo when hailing, and on bases you can actually influence the conversation yourself (so the NPC might give you a well-known, or a really special rumour).

Also, more variety in the random missions. How about going back to Hovis' base and be able to race against random people there, and build up a career as a sportsman? Or an escort mission? Or even, a search mission. You get the coordinates of 4 sectors and somewhere there the enemy is holding some guy hostage. You kill all the enemies, and tractor in your guys escape pod. Or, if you're a freighter, a difficult trade run through dangerous enemy territory, which will give you a bonus.

I agree that it would be fun to own a base, but there should be some requirements to it. Your level has to be 30+, you have to have 4 wingmen to help you build, and you have to have enough money. When you start building, a timer starts in which the nearest enemy faction will atttack you. Your wingmen are building so you have to handle them on your own. When the base is done, you have to equip it with turrets ofcourse.

Someone said earlier that when you're level 5 or higher liberty space is virtually useless. And none of the house ships can compete with the Eagle or Sabre. So why not give every house a Very Heavy Fighter of it's own?

Also, I felt a bit left behind after the Single Player missions. Sfwarlock on this forum had a really great idea, of having Juni, King and Tobias stay at Manhattan, Pittsburgh (or another planet) and Leeds. So you can still meet them, and they will make a comment on your current rep and status. What they should have done was have Juni hang out in the Manhattan bar. Whenever you show up, she should give you a hug and some info, like "Hey Trent, good to see you again." and then something like "I hear you're tight with the Corsairs now. I hope you're just scamming them long enough to get some good gear." or "You better watch yourself. I just heard a couple Bounty Hunters talking about the price on your head."

I think an admin of this site should mail the best of these requests to DA!

Post Wed May 07, 2003 11:25 pm

Someone mentioned earlier that a freelancer is a man on the run. So what is that base then? If you want to rest or lay low somewhere you could always use a friendly base and I actually don't really see the point in building a base of your own. The main effords of DA should be focused on gameplay improvement and enrichment not some fancy game features with no real use. After all its a flight sim not a simcity...
The wingmen idea is cool. You should be able to use wingmen when trading. And the prices of missions should be lowered a lot cuz a 5min 38lvl mission gives more cash than the average(not pretty sure; maybe there are much more profitable runs) 15min trade run. The contraband goods profit should be raised cuz now its roughly equal to the normal goods.
The economy should be dynamic.
In general the cash flow of the game should be lowered severely to prolong the trill. As it was in Privateer and Elite series.
I love the idea of ranks. It would be cool like in morrowind. And then some unique missions should be addeed for every fraction maybe leading to the ultimate destruction of an enemy fraction. I think everyone will agree that the animations addon for those missions are not that important and DA could just skip em. My point is that theyd consume much more time that making the actual scripts and plots for the mission.
Thats all I can come up with for now.
Think I should add I feel dissapointed with the game. I expected MUCH more. The sole fact I felt guided and didnt even had to search for a system/planet in the campaign (unlike Privateer) ruined half the fun.
P.S. There should be put much historical info wich would give some depth of the game(as in Morrowind ). Like the 7th and 8th sleeper ships story and the coalition-aliance war story etc.
P.P.S. Maybe even every base should have a library with unique and common books.

Edited by - Rafael on 08-05-2003 00:41:58

Post Wed May 07, 2003 11:57 pm

to Rafael:

Actually, "fugitive" is a man on the run, not "freelancer."

A freelancer is more like an independent contractor. You are good at doing something, and based upon your reputation sometimes an outside entity would hire you on a per-job basis to do whatever it is you are good at. And once you finish the job, you get paid and move on to the next job. That doesn't preclude one from having a home to go to, though.

Shee-oot, even the nomads have a homeworld (and by definition a "nomad" is someone without a home!)... I think our freelancer should be able to get some real estate if he so desires.

I like the idea of a home base, and give the player the option whether or not to take on micromanagement to satisfy all tastes.


Post Thu May 08, 2003 2:25 am

Ok, I'm not trying to rub you the wrong way (directed to the person that mentioned this is a flight sim, not simcity) But... a 'flight' sim that is flown using the mouse and all the ships have the same max speed? I'm new to these space genre games... but are they all like that?

anyways back on-topic...

Something that I would really like to see in an expansion or sequil (that is probably to complex to be realistic) is more depth and reprecusions<--sp? of your actions. As it is now, I can pick a faction and freelance out my skills, killing many many bases, ships and key personel of an oposing faction.... and other then making one side like me, and another side dislike me it accomplishes nothing. The short story line kept me "in" the game, but they really needed to add things to keep it interesting after the story was done and to keep enough sense to keep you believing that you are part of another world and not just sitting there playing a 'game' ... like how a good book draws you in and makes you forget about the outside world for a while....

Example would be Liberty Rouges and Liberty Navy. If I fly mission after mission after mission for the liberty navy against the liberty rogues... I 'should' be able to see a great decline in the overall number of liberty rogues present in that system... and eventually wipe them out completly. After all it does take money to constantly rebuild your stations and ships and ranks right?

another example of things making sense would be circumstantial missions.
If I land on planet Crete in a titan or civilian ship... no big deal...
If I land on planet Crete in a Sabre, maybe someone in the bar asks me if I'd be willing to take a special mission (worth lots and lots of money) to go and destroy the main hessan base (since I most likely would be able to get closer to it then any corsair would since chances are I'm on friendly terms with them cuz I'm flying their heavy fighter)

anyways thats my 2 cents worth

forget the hull breach, what about the FIRE?[!?[!?

Post Thu May 08, 2003 11:16 am

I'll be disappointed if I see some base building in space in the add-on. Renting a room or some depot on planets would be more realistic. Else you would end up wanting to create your own faction and kingdom !

Ehehehe no offense but i hope they don't put base-building in space to the game.

They really should put a switch for multiplayer which makes you can join factions. That would bring more action to the game. You can be a cop checking for contraband or a thief swarming trade routes with NPC wingmen.

Certain factions should beam things from their own ppl and flee. That would make the cruise disruptors more important.

Post Thu May 08, 2003 12:02 pm

I cant say i like the idea of wingmen. Your a freelancer not a faction leader. When you start being able to hire wingmen, you loose the freelancer tag and at best gain a mercenary tag. If you want wingmen go play starlancer. You get plenty of them there. You even get to defend your home base ship.
As for trade missions come on isn't it easy enough to make money the way it is. I do wish they would balance the different jobs ie. ships drop more cargo, combat missions worth more, trades a lot harder. Maybe a fluctuating economy would help. As for the owning your own base i cant see a problem with it you pay for it. Then have it like the base in Edge of Chaos. For those who have not played EOC you just use it as a storage depot and jobs are sent there. A freelancer in real life be it photography or what ever can buy a house or even a country if they have enough money. The only problem with the base idea is when you go online to play its going to be a pain if there are 128 player bases.

If Your Trading Your Cheating. Cause Real Men Make Money Killing.

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