Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:11 am by Whiplash
/rant mode over a personal pet peeve.
I'm sorry for being critical, but this is a pet peeve of mine that comes up EVERY YEAR. I'm not sure how to say this without getting people defensive or angry at me, but I don't think this is really a good "traditional" April Fools joke. As I said, this is a pet peeve.
Traditionally, April Fools jokes have been about tricking people into believing things that are questionable, or even outrageous. It's about FOOLing them. Telling people a believable LIE is not fooling them. Telling them an OUTRAGEOUS lie and having them believe it is. It's about making them FEEL like a FOOL for BELIEVING it in the first place. It's about being creative enough to come up with something that people will believe, when there is no logical reason that they SHOULD believe it. Coming up with something that is both believable and outrageous at the same time, and seeing if you can weave a web in which you can ensare them.
More and more though, people do April Fools jokes where they say something totally realisitic, deadpan serious, and extremely believable. There is no hook or humor, or outrageous aspect. It's just a straight up, believable story , and then they say April Fools!
It's like they think the key is just to lie and have people believe you, rather than to make a FOOL out of the other person. It's just not about making people believe the believable. That's easy, and not creative. I think this is the key distinction, and the one thing that gets under my skin the most about these kinds of jokes.
It's kinda hard to take credit for "fooling" people with a totally believable story. I'm sorry but this isn't a whole lot different than saying "I just went to the store to buy groceries..... APRIL FOOLS!", or "Intel is going to release a new processor tommorow... APRIL FOOLS!".
I mean, it's something people can easily believe. It's not humorous or outrageous. It's gotta be a mix of believable and unbelievable elements. Something that "can't possibly be true.... CAN IT?" The kind of thing where people read it and say "What the F%!@?" because *they can't tell if it's real or not*.
I'm sorry for being critical, but as I've said this is a pet peeve of mine. I see it every year, where people just make up extravagant and believable lies, and then say April Fools after.
Who's gonna feel foolish for thinking there is an expansion pack in the works for Freelancer? No one, and in fact it's just gonna get some people angry because you got their hopes up for something that isn't true. And it sounded like a damn good expansion from what you wrote.
Now if you had made it pretty much the same, with all the believable points, but just slipped in a couple of oddities that were hard to believe...I dunno...I can't think of how else to say it, but I don't think this was all that creative.
The guy who said you would be able to import your SIMS characters. Now THAT IS A GOOD ONE. That's the kind of oddities this joke needed. Something that a logical person would say "Woah now, that's ridiculous". But a gullible person would say "Wow, really?".
Again I am sorry for being critical, hopefully you can take it as constructive criticism. I feel that the "tradition" of April Fools is moving away from what it has always been, and I don't like that.
Edited by - Whiplash on 01-04-2003 11:30:57