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kumari''s Take on Freelancer

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:02 am

kumari''s Take on Freelancer

Hey guys long time no see!
I have been thinking a lot about FL over the past weeks. While i enjoyed the game when i first got my hands on it a lot of my thinking has been very critical. When the Dissenters emerged from the woodwork i became highly dis-enchanted with the game. I felt that i could agree with so much of what they said. The ability to make fast money in FL leaves a sour flavour in my mouth. Once u know a few tricks the game pales somewhat. I began telling my friends that while the game is fun, but it can be short lived depending on your play style. Although at the time i had only finished the storyline and frankly never abused easy cargo runs. I could see how the game would be short lived if u abused it. I stopped playing it for a little bit (just didn't have the urge). (it's all gloomy i know Cheer up it gets better.)

Just recently a few friends got some copies of the game so i started playing online with them. It was (as FL is) heaps of fun. We were staying up till 3am in the morning before a day of Uni. Some of the guys got into doing some cargo runs. Balance note: I think freighters are difficult to "change to" since ships & items resell at 30%. Anyway we found this particular cargo run (selling luxury food at Manhatten for a large profit). And we all 3 of us went CARGO ships. Balance note: There's something wrong with this picture

We then picked up some kusari freighters and did another highly profitable (and might i add quite easy) trade run (170k profit each). This was the height of my "imbalanced" playing of FL. I haven't been back to that character since. I haven't used a freighter since. I HAVE however started a new character and explored some of the sweetest places finding Jumpholes and now have the toughest ship i've ever had. I was exploring with a friend and after jumping through a Jumphole that we found we made a run for a planet in the middle of nowhere to find a Humpback for sale! I really got a LOT out of this experience. I have only been taking missions and doing cago with my fighter. This all feels very balanced and loads of fun. After exploring a certain kusari system i felt i had the voice to come back here and take a stand on the "freelancer rules" side of the fence

I'm not here to start an argument. It's just that, i only recently realised that FL is even bigger than i thought after finishing the Storyline. And i'm stoked about it. I recently saw my first TITAN! I was flying my Dragon in a 53k mission to kill TITANS balance note: The game is too easy Now that i've loaded up my Advanced Sentinel shield (30k shield) and some really meaty SUNBLAST A Lasers this ship is tougher than anything i've had before. I'm loving it.


kumari "Why can't we all just... get along?"

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:44 am

Take some 130k missions from the Blood Dragons. Shouldn't be too easy.

Other than that: nice story.


"Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. " - Murphy MacManus

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:10 am

i've had titans, hammerheads, sabre, in fact only 2 ships i have not used in this game are two freighters, i've seen every system including the 2 unknown ones with nomads in the space of 3 weeks of only playing the game after i come home from work around 4 hours a night. In MP have 8 sets of spare class10 guns from shooting dead ships and have spare and give out to friends 8 nomad cannons and 25 nomad blasters. The game is now just me helping people getting started and helping them by giving them weapons. SP i finished the game the 2nd day i had it, as i got the game over the weekend.
Kumari once you get out there and maped all the edgeworlds there is nothing eles to do besides taking missions from the outcast or the cosairs. ie (same old same old)

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 1:05 pm

I'm 80 hours into the game (52 systems, 166 bases, 132 jumpholes) and i still find lot's of things to do. And i haven't even started multiplayer yet. You must be doing something wrong.


"Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles
which every man of every faith can embrace. "
- Murphy MacManus

Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:48 am

Holy mackeral. I'm 25 hours into the game, and just finished SP mission no. 6. Looks like I have a loooooooong way to go. Between missions 4 and 5 I had to make $70,000 credits in the Bretonia system because I... um... made a bad trading decision. But I had a blast raising the cash once more. The only problem is, I seem to have really annoyed the bounter hunters. A lot.

Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 6:17 am

Wait till you get to the Edge World systems... LOTS of fun stuff to do and see there.

Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 9:09 pm

Lev it takes around 15 mins max to map out a system as all bases are long patrol lines displayed on the nav map. it takes around 2 to 5 sec to dock and 20 sec to see what the base has tops as there is mostly only 4 things to click on once landed. The whole game can be maped and all bases listed on your database in under 20 hours.

Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 9:21 pm

ok... now that u have EVERY aspect of the game memorized and in ur database, lets look back at those 20 hours and see what ELSE you could have done...

painted a picture of guy, maybe with a bigg nife...

gunblade, the point is, Freelancer can be very open ended... not just min-maxxing it out to explore... explore AND view the beautiful scenery.
explore AND do a couple of missions for each station that u land on
Explore AND try to do it while everyone hates u (or as many people as possible)
try to make it from one end of Sirius to the other in a starfiler, with no guns
use the game's engine for fun, by seeing if, for instance, you can have races in MP, scavenger hunts for guns/shields/equipment.

PLAY the game, dont just beat it

Remember, on a scale of 1 to Awesome, I'm Totally Great

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 1:17 am

rofl once again i'm told i have to make up my self stuff to do, filling in an otherwise good but unfinished product. Taking missions is like pointless as there are only 4 or so different types and thats it. If all i wanted was to look at preety pictures i can go out and buy a mag why would i need to buy a game? Open endness does not allpy to this game as it not open ended. You become almost brain dead after you've seen the 4th or 5th nebula, but thats a different argument. The biggest problem i think i have with this game is the static, non changeing aspect of the planets, enconomy and missions,(may i remind you all of these are the reason why we shell out hard cash to buy a game in the frist place) most of things that give a game its depth is missing. Why should we the paying customer have to make up for gaming experience, the suspensions of disbelieve our self's?

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 4:06 am

Agreed Gunblade.

The single player missions were a lot more creative than the few you can do when actually "freelancing". I actually dreaded having to do side missions because I wanted to get on with the kickass story (not that I didn't need the extra credits, though).

Now that I'm done with the SP game, and have found out that MP characters are stored server-side, I don't really feel motivated to go any further with the game... because I know there really will be nothing new besides getting new ships and guns. Sure, that's cool - but it'll just be tedious getting there because I'd have to start all over, and the only way of saving up cash will be something I've already done way too many times.

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 7:50 am

He's just giving you some tips that works for him, Gunblade. If that does not work for you, well too bad, but it surely worked for him. You said that you have played and enjoyed it for 20 hours; I say 20 hours is a bit more than most other games, correct? quit whining too much. You've hit the break even point. So perhaps for people who are easily bored, it's better that they STOP playing and stop b1tching about it, and thus ruining the excitement for the rest of us. Find yourself another game that is not as "boring" as this one, and I wish you good luck in finding it, you're going to need it!

Think of it as Seinfeld; it was a very wise decision to retire the show before it got stale.

Aku. Soku. Zan. (Kill. Evil. Instantly.)

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:00 am

I seem to go back and forth on this issue. When I think about it, it seems true that there isn't much to do once you've beaten the game, maxed out your level, and gotten your VHF and nomad guns. But then I think of something to do or just decide to play a bit, and all of a sudden I'm all caught up in it again and I play for another 3 hours! So in the end, I guess I have to say I love this game. At least until the next great game comes along; then I'll have to move on

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:43 am

Since when was criticism whining? Or voicing your opinion, for that matter? I don't see how it can ruin the game for others - either you enjoy the game or you do not, and words don't change it.

Don't take comments so personally - every person's opinion is valuable, especially if it's a valid one with good support.

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 3:22 pm

Ok this is where i come in I few weeks ago i read what a lot of dissenters were saying about Freelancer. Their words spoilt the game for me (my fault but they helped ). I found myself agreeing with some of their (contested) points and began to extrapolate how it may all be true. Only after a few weeks did i get back into it and realise my mistake. THAT is why i made this post. I don't want anybody out there reading Gunblade's words and thinking that it actually only takes 20hrs to map out the game. Maybe it does for peeps like Gunblade but for peeps like me it does NOT. I admit that i have deliberately avoided the easy route. I think the game lacks balance in more than one area. I'm a guy who doesn't exploit map hacking in war3 or wall hacking counter-strike. And where taking such an easy route in a RTS or FPS, you can spoil it for others... in Freelancer you spoil it for yourself.

I think there are some folk out there who are inclined to spoil it for themselves because that's their attitude. They like the easy route and love getting the big guns as fast as they can and that's perfectly fine!! I guess FL isn't suited for them in that respect huh? And that's a shame. But that's only for {names removed} some people. From what i can tell it doesn't really apply to all of us because i can tell u right now 20hrs didn't get me anywhere NEAR mapping out this game! And having seen all i have i don't know that i could manage it (it would be a mental strain that i wouldn't even enjoy). I guess i can't even understand how you guys came to finish the game so quickly. Having played it the way i have it honestly doesn't seem both possible and enjoyable at the same time. (I don't doubt u but i'm sharing my perspective.)

So as i said in my initial post. After some ups and downs and accidently paying too much heed to dissenter views - i have reached my verdict:

Freelancer is loads of fun with heaps of content to explore.

kumari "Why can't we all just... get along?"

Edited by - kumari on 31-03-2003 16:23:27

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 7:33 pm

Hey take some lvl 40 missions in Corsair space giving you 200grand, but it's pretty hard when you have 12 hammerheads after you

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