nickname = zone_br01_destroy_vignette_ <--- ???? What number is this?
nickname = zone_br01_destroy_vignette_33
vignette_type = exclusion
No exclusion defined or available for these zones.
nickname = Zone_Br02_003_Jumpgate_to_Li02 might read better as
"nickname = Zone_Br02_to_Iw04"
nickname = Zone_Br02_004_Station_Br02_01 should be
"nickname = Zone_Br02_03"
nickname = Zone_Br02_007_Station_Br02_04 should be
"nickname = Zone_Br02_02"
nickname = zone_pop_br02_california_gate
comment = Kingston / California Gate
should be
"nickname = zone_pop_br02_cortez_gate"
"comment = Kingston / Cortez Jumpgate"
nickname = Zone_Br04_Leeds_death
Guessing from the position of this, I'm pretty sure they ment
"nickname = Zone_Br04_Sun_death"
nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_03 should be
"nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_02" according to pos
nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_02 should be
"nickname = Zone_Station_Bw01_03" according to pos
is: star = med_yellow_sun
should be: star = Ew01_yellow_sun
nickname = zone_ku02_destroy_vignette_8
vignette_type = exlcusion
No exclusion defined or available for this zone.
nickname = zone_ku05_destroy_vignette_7
nickname = zone_ku05_destroy_vignette_11
nickname = zone_ku05_destroy_vignette_12
vignette_type = exlcusion
No exclusion defined or available for these zones.
nickname = Li01_space_tankl4_dmg_1
nickname = Li01_space_tankl4_dmg_2
is: parent = Li01_space_police_dmg_1
should be: parent = Li01_Ithaca_station_1
nickname = zone_li01_destroy_vignette_13
vignette_type = exclusion
No exclusion defined or available for this zone.
All occurances of "Hubble" should be Bering.
All occurances of "Aldrin" should be Hudson.
is: nickname = zone_rh01_destroy_vignette_191
should be: nickname = zone_rh01_destroy_vignette_19
St03.ini is missing the following:
nickname = Zone_St03_sun_death
pos = -32480, 12000, -6630
shape = SPHERE
size = 5000
damage = 100000
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
While a few of these might be simply cosmetic, they make it difficult when parsing the files to corelate which is with what. I tried to do this as in-depth as I could with what limited time I have available for doing so.