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>> Freelancer S.D.K. v1.3 (STABLE) and v1.5 (BETA)

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Post Sun Oct 05, 2003 11:57 am

We've found a few other errors since 1.1's release in the source but not much. Right now it would be nice if I could get some information on sp mission scripts that are not functioning correctly like the mission 3 script where you meet some rheinland military ships and they are supposed to be hostile to you but arent.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Sun Oct 05, 2003 4:14 pm

Aw, I just went through and removed most of the SP game stuff. Any errors found that affect MP games?

Post Sun Oct 05, 2003 5:21 pm

Well, I haven't tried removing MP game material since I really only play SP due to time constraints with RL. (It has a tendency to interfere with fun).

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 12:30 am

So far all of the source errors are just yellow errors so they really have no effect on the game itself except for it might cause slight stability issues. There are some errors we still haven't identified yet but it won't affect your gaming. The only errors that affecting mod work was the decoding errors which have been fixed.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:16 am

Found 49 redundant entries in the loadout files and removed them. Also confirmed that the mission 3 error has nothing to do with the code in the mission file, it appears to be random whether it works or not. Soon as I identify the errors I am getting in the log file v1.2 will be ready for release.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Thu Oct 30, 2003 9:56 pm

Version 1.2 is completed and being uploaded. The update version is already available for download and the full will be soon. Both versions will be submitted to TLR a.s.a.p. Enjoy!

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Sun Nov 02, 2003 4:41 pm

Your utility is quite good but I have 1 request.

One of my pet peeves with Freelancer is the incomplete nav maps. Your utility goes a long way in completing them but there are 3 things I would request that someone (finally) fix.

The first is the jumphole in Omicron Theta going to Omicron Alpha. You will see it as a unmarked jump hole on the nav map and (if you get close enough) it will appear as a "object unknown".

The second are the jumpholes in Cambridge going to Omega 3, and in Leeds going to Cambridge. They are missing altogether.

The unofficial FL SP patch gets most of these but does not get the missing Cambridge to Omega 3 jumphole. And your utility overwrote the nav map for Omicron Theta, killing the corrected entry.

Oh, and this a request to anyone out there who is interested. I admit that my personal mod skills are pathetic but I would like to see someone correct the nav maps and include the Tizona del Cid Patch in the update.

Now where's my brain?

Post Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:10 am

When it comes to the Nav map 'fixing' is somewhat relative. Some objects are only supposed to exist in Singleplayer while others appear in both. I have not gotten to the Nav map yet with this project though I do intend to fix some things.

As for the unofficial patch I do not agree with the author on some of the changes he has made so it is unlikely this SDK will contain the same exact changes.

I will look into these 3 jumpholes and determine what changes need to be made to them. If you have any other requests regarding the Nav map then name them and give as many specific details about them as you know of.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:03 am

Understood, both the Cambridge to Omega 3, and Leeds to Cambridge jumpholes are in the storyline. But they do appear on the map after the storyline is completed and are still useable. They just appear in one system only.

The Omicron Theta to Omicron Alpha jumphole has nothing to do with the storyline and actually does appear on the map but it is unmarked in Omicron Theta.

Thanks again. (now if I can only find someone to address my other peeve, the ship placement...)

Now where's my brain?

Post Mon Nov 03, 2003 12:04 pm

if u have the monicron theata to alpha jump hole, it just means there is one system apart for the corsairs and the outcasts...i dont think DA wanted it that way

Post Tue Nov 04, 2003 8:12 am

I thought it was ironic. The Outcasts and Corsairs are both from the Hispania and are blood enemies.

But if you think about it, the Hispania did not go far (2 jumpholes) from where the Corsairs are.

I thought it made perfect cense. So close, but so far away.

And so clueless about it...

Now where's my brain?

Post Tue Nov 04, 2003 7:07 pm

TO =EOA=Louva-Deus

Trouble with email? Tried to reach you.


Post Tue Dec 02, 2003 11:18 pm

Version 1.3 has been submitted to TLR and until then you can grab the update version from our site. Enjoy!

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

Post Wed Dec 10, 2003 4:04 pm

I noticed the discussion on the Jumpholes.
That objects are hidden during the game, well that makes sense to me, but only for as long as I'm in the game missions. As I understood when I finished the game in Single Player, all objects in the game should become visible to me when I visit the appropriate aera.

Anyway, like I said when I released the Unofficial FL Single Player Patch 1.2, everybody is entitled to his own opinion, and I agree that some of my patches are arbitrary.

Nevertheless, I could not resist making the invisible Jump Hole to Omega-3 in the Cambridge system visible. I didn't check the SDK 1.3, likely it's already fixed in there. The patch will be available as soon as the TLR has released it.


Post Wed Dec 10, 2003 9:33 pm

Actually all singleplayer objects are supposed to be disabled after completing the game. As for specific fixes to singleplayer objects I have not done anything to that effect yet, only fixed errors in system files which may or may not affect these objects. If you are interested in helping out with the sdk in that specific area then it would be most welcome.

Primary Developer of the =EOA= Players Consortium

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