Wed Feb 25, 2004 6:57 am by starwalker
I have downloaded your final Version of 1.27. Did you have changed the values of the wreck commodities? For example the commidities of the wreck in Florida (near Tampa Base) now has only a value of 200 credits (and this only in Manhatten)!?
It would be great, if you could include some new ships (that would be available in the storyline too - but only ships that match with the freelancer universe), some new equiptment (like in the rebalance mod) and more of your great systems in version 1.28. Also it would be nice, if the NPC would drop a little bit more equiptment (not too much, but some other things than waepons and thrusters) and if the cargo space would be a little bit larger (for example: LF: 20, MF: 25, HF: 30, VHF: 40).
Thanks for this great mod. Waiting impatiently for version 1.28.
Best regards