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Post Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:04 pm

ive had problems with file spliting, but its a nice little program. sorry i havnt replyed in forever, form been down on my end. cant you use yahoo brefcase and ive heard some about sourcefordge, but havnt looked into it. from what ive heard it does sound good, know of an link were its free? lol but ya make backup after backup after backup, even the smallest change. i didnt do that when i reformated my laptop and i lost half of my text documents, just a word of caution. no offince

Edited by - warrior17 on 2/6/2005 4:33:53 PM

Post Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:03 am

Heya Warrior

I've noticed that if you use the "Active Topics" link on the main page that you will actually be able to find this one consistently. Why it disappears from the normal Forums area is anyone's guess.

There is a free sourceforge, I think the address is *something* I can't remember what the *something* part is though, I'm sure if you do a search for it, you'll find it.

Yahoo briefcase eh? I'll look at that and see what I think of it Thanks for the pointer

I just hope it's free

Well, nuts, ever since I finished the Wrath, and learned that the Mod's almost done I've been trying to think of what to do next regarding new ships Any ideas? Nothing too complicated mind you, and I don't do ships from TV or movies, I only do custom ships Hmm, maybe I'll finally get to that new battleship that I've been putting off for God knows how long now

Well, have fun people.

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Edited by - archkaine on 2/7/2005 7:04:03 AM

Post Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:59 pm

need ideas for new ships? I have a few, they're your's to run w/ if you care too as I don't know how to mod.
there's a system to go w/ them. the Utah system.
the ship ideas and the names for the planets/ bases are a bit nawty, could easily garner a 'MA' label. that's all I'll say here, what with the aforementioned. so if the curiousity bug has bit hard enough, I'm at [email protected].

Post Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:38 pm


Thanks for the info, I'll drop you a note... But I gotta say... Naughty ships and planets? Sounds moderately funny. I don't even wanna know what the ships would be shaped like Maybe I can make your ships work, if they're not too risque to put in the game.

Or, if that doesn't work out, I'll start working on some Nomad ships that I've been thinking about creating; gotta let the bad guys have some new toys too you know, to try to keep up with The Order (evil grin). Actually, I may do this anyway

There's a thought, tell me what you people want the Nomads to have access to Nothing too outlandish please

Have fun people, happy modding, and kick some Nomad tail on Black_Sabbath's server for me


Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:41 pm

hey arch, you got an messenger of some kind? i got a ton of ideas regarding ships. also ill scan the forums and look for the SF. would be neat to have an ship in one of the most famus mods in freelancer lol, but yeah i got a ton of ideas for you. would mod them but dont know how to nor have the program to do it.

id like to be able to get into nomad tech and also run missions for them, not sure on how the game is programed/s for that tho i think it would also be neat to see another faction more powerful then the nomads come in and force the nomads to ally with the humman factions.

Edited by - warrior17 on 2/8/2005 4:44:40 PM

Post Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:17 pm

@archkaine, you can im me at [email protected]

Post Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:52 am

OK, guys, news update:

It took me a while, but I found the bug - I removed a ship from the game and one faction was still trying to use it - but there was no corresonding ship for it to find. So instead of politely telling me that it thought it was better to just crash my server time and again without any rhyme or reason. BUT that sucker is fixed now

However, due to this setback as well as a horrendous amount of makeup schoolwork (brace yourself, the horror follows: ), I have not been able to mod for the past 2 days. It is torture, let me tell you. Agony! Anyways, yeah, I haven't been able to do a lot in the past 2 days, but I should be able to complete the mod by this Saturday night ( 2 / 12 / 05 ).
Something that makes me mad is that apparently when I was debugging my shiparch, it deleted all of the editing progress I had made in one day (which happened to be around 22-25% of the whole file dammit - excuse the French). So I have to redo all of that (but it saved the changes made to the .dll file with infocard info, so that will help me speed things up.
But once I complete the now-50% of the shiparch file, I need to add a couple of names to a .dll and the corresponding faction. Hmm, and then, my friends, I do believe Rebal will be ready for release

I apologize for the wait, but like I said, I'm doing my best here. Got a crapload to manage, and the parents aren't too happy with my screwed up sleeping schedule (did I say "schedule"? Nevermind that, I don't have one ) - or the couple of nasty blights on the report card (stayed up too late one night modding, made a bloody ugly grade on an AP Chem test ).

Anyways, sorry for the discourse there. I'm at school right now, so gotta hit it. Ah, and one more thing. Is it safe to assume that from the posts in the other thread, the majority of us want the original space backdrops?


"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

Edited by - Ro9ue on 2/9/2005 2:01:46 PM

Post Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:37 am

Everybody is going on about rebal.3.5 yet I still haven't found any mention of a patch for a Major flaw in 3.4

I refer to the problem of the pirate battleships destroying system bases.There's nothing more annoying than exiting a tradelane and watching a base being destroyed,especially when you know you games about to crash because of it.

If this flaw is still in 3.5 how about fixing it,as there's no way I'm downloading 3.5 if it's not fixed.

Post Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:03 am

I never noticed it... odd.. anyway.. i have the enitre week off school next week so i can play mod alll day One thing I have noticed, is that you fellas dont appear to have a website (correct me if im wrong) If you want one, please MSN/email me... at [email protected]

Keep up the good work... im looking forward to this mod

Post Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:02 pm

when the base's where blown up, was you in single player or multiplayer?
p.s that was one of the reasons 3.5 was made, to fix the bugs in 3.40, insyead of makeing patch after patch.
all of my questions are answers to my sins.and all of my endings are waiting to begin

Edited by - black_sabbath on 2/9/2005 12:04:05 PM

Post Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:24 am

I'm using single player with both upgrade 2.1 & the bugfix.

It seems to be in Bretonian space that it happens.I've also died many times just trying to leave New London.You expect to find a couple of pirate ships waiting for you when you leave a base or planet,but not a whole battle group.I'm usually dead in seconds when that happens.

Post Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:39 am

Yes, this is a problem, isn't it? ;p
Nah, don't worry about that anymore - I've prevented those Mollys from assaulting planets/bases (and, btw, how the heck could they have made off with that many Bretonian NAVY capitalships?? They are horrid pilots, and they aren't very organized, either. I think it'd be more relistic to remove capships from Mollys altogether ... but I'll let 'em play with their toys for now, I guess. Just away from bases


"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

Post Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:45 am

Hey people

A couple things:

To Shawn and Warrior:
I'd Instant message you guys, but as I've stated before, my only internet access is from a Library. So that's out of the question for now.

Drop me a note at [email protected], with any ideas I'd be happy to look them over This also goes for anyone else who might be interested. Keep one thing in mind though, I have limited internet access, so I'll probably be a bit hit and miss about being able to reply to any messages, so please bear with me on that

Rebalance does have a site, but I guess people have chosen not to use it, it's located at:, for those who may be wondering.

In addition, for the ones wondering about strange behaviour in Rebalance 3.4 + ... Just upgrade to Rebalance 3.5 Final when it's released. Or as a stopgap measure, you can download the following: The bugfix 2.1 release, The Aten Addon Patch ( in the download section), it adds and fixes a few things. For the most part though it's geared to vastly improving both the Hudson system, and the Tohoku system. I'd give the patch's original site address, but I can't remember it at the moment (sorry Ro9ue).

To Ro9ue:
Hey bro, so d'ya think we're going to have to encourage player wipes on any servers that host Rebal 3.5 Final? (evil grin, only teasing folks).

Well have fun people,

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:19 pm

Muhaha, perhaps we will, ArchKaine
Nah, only kidding - in part, actually. I do not know if your current characters are using/flying weapons, equip, or ships that do not exist any longer (a few things removed from 3.5 B3 for various reasons). If this is the case for a player, he/she will need to (oprobably have to) do a character wipe to prevent crashes. sorry about that, but hey, at least it'll be fun to build back up, right?
I've gotta run, so I'll see you guys later.


"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

Post Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:53 pm

just curious, I saw the Sol mod on tlr's front page and the planets look pretty darn nice. is that something you guys have done? can we see that in the future if not? also there is a topic as part of a mod regarding dynamic asteroids. ... ng&M=False

for quick ref. since it's new I know its not in the mod, but it does sound cool.

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