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Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:59 pm

Hey, Virushunter,
No prob - I completely read you on the busy account. Got plenty to do myself, and even though I'm pulling my hair out to mod (makes me crazy - want to so bad!), sometimes, just can't do it. If you can, please just try to work it in once you're up and running, - or you can let me know if you can't really do much right now, and i can try to start fixing things on this end when I have time. Not being pushy here, just trying to work everything into everyone's schedule

It does still have the power/shield slots, so no worries there. The only difference in the ship (we are still talkin about the Ravenclaw, aren't we?) is the double engines. I tihnk we might need to limit the hyper similar to how it was when 3.5 first came out, but this time the ships will not drift to a stop like they did in the beta3 version. But that's for later - if I've got time to work that in, I will. Right now just trying to get Order encounters to work.


"Do you see the slightest evidence anywhere out there that man was the climax towards which creation had been straining from the beginning? That creation came to a screeching halt with the birth of man?"
- Ishmael

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:39 pm

Hey guys,

Ro9ue, good news, I think. I think I can cram a copy of the wrath into an ms3d *hack* file, and include the images for the textures, then put those on a floppy or two and send them to you via email. I haven't been able to do the hardpoints, because every time I try to export the blasted thing to cmp it looks like some spacey spiderweb, not a ship... dunno what's causing that, other than my typical thought that ms3d sucks bigtime...

Hmm, any programmers out there that want to create a new CMP exporter for either MAX 6 or gmax? That would allow people to create the ship without hardpoints, then add them in HardCMP (just set the CMP exporter to create a few default dummy HP's that would then be deleted by the person using HardCMP, who would then go ahead and add the HP's needed, this would make using MS3D unnecessary). I'd write the proggie myself, but I dunno how to figure out the CMP file format... Anyone wanna email me the specs and maybe some example code (in C#)? If so I'd really appreciate it.

Oh, Rogue, one more thing, would you somehow make that editor that I sent you available to people? Maybe upload it to your Aten Addon site? I know it's incomplete, but I'd like to see what people think of it, and what they think it needs. I'm working on a new version now that is somewhat skinned (Using the Wrath's skin, for that matter). It'll be both more powerful, and less complex, I hope. I'll send it to you once I get it past the interface design stage, and have it functioning. Hopefully I can keep it small enough to fit on a floppy. Incidentally, the latest version of the one that I sent you can now decode .FL files (thanks to sirlancelot's .dll), but can't yet recode them, so you can read them, but not edit and save them yet.

Oh, to the Mods: Could you guys make this thread sticky, so that people don't have such a hard time finding it? It keeps disappearing.

Oy, there's more, but my mind's going in ten different directions right now. I'll drop you all a note later. But, so you all know, the Wrath is complete, other than the hardpoints, and the inside of the cockpit (I'm not too good at that part). I'd have had the ship completed much sooner, had it not been for internet difficulties, and trouble with that crappy MS3D software... gah.

Well, thanks for your patience
Talk later,

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:03 pm

ya we still talking about the ravenclaw, but no offince, i thought it was fine in the last version. in this version i cant find it nor the base it was on, 3.5 beta version that is. i found the wrath, which i do admit could be more like the ravenclaw, but i can handle it stoping fast with out the hyper drive lol. also i was wondering if you was going to put an 2nd shield mount on the ravenclaw and needed more ideas for new ships

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:12 pm

Ah, the peek-a-boo thread is back again. anyone know why it disappears and reappears?
HOW MUCH LONGER!!!! I'm jonesing for a fixed 3.5, I'm hoping to see some sarcastic, funny stuff. somewhere, somehow. it's off the wall personal touches that make it special.
Oh, are you doing any costuming changes for the characters? perhaps Juni?

Post Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:21 pm

Heyhey, guys,
I have news:
I worked on the mod all weekend, skimping on a few assignments and leaving those to cram into a small amount of time on Monday morning .. Anyway, I worked a lot, and we're pretty dang close, I think, to release.
I'm going to go out on a hesitant limb here and say that all that remains to be done is finish editing all (yes, all ) of the ships in teh game to ensure they all are appropraitely 'handicapped' - going to prevent the use of capship weapons and shields on any kind of ship besides capships (the ones those things were made for). While I am doing that, I also need to edit all of the infocards to make the stats and ships match each other.
Then ... I tentatively say now that then the mod will be pretty much complete W00t with a capital W

This is where we stand so far:
All progress up to now still stands (all the things we;ve announced up til now).
- The Order now flies the Osiris II Battleship and the Nebulon-B frigate in encounters ... pretty friggin fun, if I might say so
- The Rheinland Police pilots the new Firbolg , courtesy of awts0c - it's a nifty yet deadly little bugger
- Interspace Commerce now actually has ships - flies the Hercules MkII and Valk Interceptor (from Freespace), the Lambda Shuttle, and Gallofree Transport ((all of these ships have been improved and enhanced to maximize their effectiveness and improve stability with them - used to cause minor crashes - not anymore)). IC owns the planets Caladen and Titan in the new Vega Minor system ( a very cool system made by Louva-Deus. It's a much more realistically sized system wtih large planets and stars ... currently editing to make it more complete and interesting ). Anyway, IC owns those 2 planets, and the Arboreal Coalition owns a third planet Valus. Outcasts frequent the system, making for some fun. Custom music in Vega, too; encounters; fields, and some more. It's not a hugely developed system, but it's probably one of my favorites now.)
- Balanced weapons and equipment. No more cap weapons on fighters or Capital-class shield generators on HFs (and especially not 2 of them on one ship! such craziness .. ). Gotta try to win now
- A little more, but I can't think of all of it off the top of my head - gotta run here in a sec

Now, I do need some time here to do this last step. I have hardly any time during the regular school week to even think about getting on. In fact, I get about 2 or 3 hours of sleep on most nights - doing homework and hauling sister around for most of the time, have huge amounts of little things that add up and make time nearly nonexistant for me :/ But I'm not being a little crybaby here, just telling ya that I need some time to work it all in. I'll upload the final version as soon as it is ready (believe me, I can't wait to get in teh game and cruise around with some of y'all Ooo, gonna be a blast.
Anyway, I have a hideous amount of work waiting for me, so I have to go.
I'll catch you guys later. THanks for keeping up with things and for your continued interest & support. I'm workin as fast as I can here, so we'll be in business .. relatively soon.

Chao, compadres


"Do you see the slightest evidence anywhere out there that man was the climax towards which creation had been straining from the beginning? That creation came to a screeching halt with the birth of man?"
- Ishmael

Post Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:05 pm

Ah, and archkaine:
It's good to hear from you, my friend! I look forward to hopefully getting the Wrath . I'll finish her up (add all the HPs, skin her if need be .. though we've seen my skinning abilities on ships that aren't mine, have't we? ), and hipefully have her in game before long after that. Whenever you can, bro, just let me know
And I'd be glad to upload the prog to one of our sites. I can probably remove Aten Addon from out Angelfire site to make soem room there. But it'll take me a few days at least to get to it - got a lot to do still. I just finished all but my last class of homework, so I'm replying here before I hit the sack ... for all of what, 3 hours :p
So, yeah, gimme a little time, and we'll get your progie out in the open Get some feedback hopefully. Good job on it so far - more than I can currently do, that's for sure. I am still learning the ropes in VB, so I'm still an amateur in that respect.

Hmm, and warrior: I apologize, but I still fail to see what the problem is with your Ravenclaw ... I see the base, I see the ship, I buy the ship, and I fly the ship - without a problem. It's strange that you are still having problems .. :-? But I can't really do much since I don't know what the problem is (I can't find the instance in my game, so I can't edit anything to change it :-/ Sorry about that - I hope that all the corrections to everything else will make it work for you. To my knowledge, the ship is like it was in 3.4, so that should still be cool.

Anyways, I gots to get goin here, so I'll check in later.


"Do you see the slightest evidence anywhere out there that man was the climax towards which creation had been straining from the beginning? That creation came to a screeching halt with the birth of man?"
- Ishmael

Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:41 pm

i dunno then, i was thinking it was a bug in. may be my direct x though, eather that or the video card //i do know that i cant talk to my gf anymore....thanks to her mom... ugggggg this week sucks

Post Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:41 am

Hmm, perhaps your DirectX or other video is the prob, though I would venture that it's just the lack of a clean activation. Perhaps try a clean install and clean activation. Sounds more like just one or two files are corrupted or missing from your files. But eh, who knows, maybe it's just a little glicth (a hiccup in the DL when you were DLing the Mod initially perhaps?).

Anyways, at school right now (VBasic class), so gotta hit it. Lack of communication with special people sucks - I feel for ya


"Do you see the slightest evidence anywhere out there that man was the climax towards which creation had been straining from the beginning? That creation came to a screeching halt with the birth of man?"
- Ishmael

Post Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:08 pm

lol, ive tryed the clean installs and activations. i also got dx 9.0c so i dunno, kind of thinking that its a currputed file in my mod download. 4th time ive downloaded it to. oh well, thanks

Post Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:32 pm

Hey guys

Good news, I've gotten the Wrath sent off to Ro9ue, so hopefully he'll be able to get that bird flying... Though he may have to remove the class 10 cap shields that I've been playing with (kidding)...

What Operating System are you running? Is it Windows 98 or something like that? If so there may be incompatibilities between it and the game, and if that's the case I'm not sure what can be done about it, other than an expensive "upgrade" to Windows XP...

Just in case I haven't said so, which I'm fairly sure I haven't, thanks for being patient about my slowness/ lack of ability to get that ship uploaded. Now that Ro9ue has it, I'm sure he'll get her ready to show those Nomads the doorway back to hell...

Hmm, incidentally...
Black_Sabbath: Dude, I hope your server's ready to handle some serious playtime I get the feeling that people are gonna jump on as soon as they see that you've gotten the full release running (not yet people, this is me making a prediction) Wish I were back online

Oh, Warrior, again,...
One thing, Ro9ue doesn't need a jumpdrive, he has internet access, and I have one, the library won't allow them to be used, so I'm stuck using a floppy disk... which sucks, because I've been wanting to try out that new system editor that was recently released, by I forget who (I suck at remembering names).

Well, enjoy the mod people

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 3:52 am

@ARCH, yeh i think my servers ready for some more abuse, lol, when the final is ready, i just have one question for you and ro9ue, are you planing to include the shadow ships, and also any ADMIN only ships(ships that are only avilable to admin and server staff). looking forward to the final version and hopefully evrything will work out just fine for all concerned, and great work so far boys, keep it up

all of my questions are answers to my sins.and all of my endings are waiting to begin

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 9:47 pm

I'm looking forward to the release, my server, rebalance mod 3.4, gets a wipe, clean install and the new 3.5 as soon as it is available.

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 9:50 pm

Arc, its ok, we all forget names at times lol. also i got windows xp, have you guys tryed an file spliter, just wonderd. also i was wondering if the 3.5 had the heavey cruser off of homeworld. if you guys need any help testing the versions or ideas id be more then happy to help.

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 11:00 pm

how much longer??????

Post Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:37 pm

Heyhye, thought i'd drop in to say what's up.

Test weeks for school are over, and i got my new pc, so i've got all time to finish the job i signed up for. However, i'm going to wirte a Perl script to take care of all the editing (what i have to do is simple, but takes LONG). I'm 99% sure that it will work out just, worst that could happen is that it misses one or two edits, nothing much.

Anyway, i'll get it done ASAP, so the mod can be released soon!

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