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Post Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:28 am

just out of curiousity, did you replace the Hovis race 'race loop.wav' with a 'william tell overture.wav' ? just more appropo imho.

Post Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:53 pm

how would or could i get an g-mail account jw?

Post Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:27 pm

Hey people,

If anyone needs a Gmail account let me know by dropping me a note at [email protected], please be sure to mention this note.

Hey Ro9ue, think you could send me the file as 10 smaller files? gmail has an attachment limit of 10MB. Just use winzip to split it into 10 8.55MB (roughly) files, it has a spanning or splitting feature

Also, if you wanted to, you could add those who want a copy to a single email, as BCC recipients, so that you only have to send it once. If you want, you can send the version that you have (with the solararch as it is), and I'll see about fixing it. Just give me an idea of what needs to be done

By the way, did I send you a copy of the NS02e? If not, drop me a note and I'll do that

One of these days I gotta remember to post some screenshots that I have loads of

Question for everyone:
What types of ships do the Nomads need? Be specific I'm asking because I'm getting ready to do first a new battleship for The Order, then I'm going to start work on some new Nomad ships. So give me something to shoot for. Even better, if you can provide pics, even rough sketches, send them to me via email, and I'll try to do something with them, or even combine the best of them into something really cool. Just one favor, keep the images around 640 by 480 pixels, since the library computers use a lower resolution than I prefer (1280x1024).

Well, talk to ya all later

Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:30 pm

from what ive read on the Gmail accounts, id love to have one. on the nomad ships i think we should make some hybrids. be kinda kewl and i also got a few ideas for them.

Post Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:58 pm

Hey All

zodsworld is back up and running. I was out cruising around last night,,, Lo and behold!!! There was the zodsworld server again.

His website is still cooking and the teamspeak has changed.

That's all for now

I'm in my own world, but that's ok, they all know me here.

Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:40 am

AAARRGGHH! how much longer!!!!!
(impatient, impatient, impatient)

Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:36 am

I am impatient too, but try to think of it like the Grolsch, brewed slower for a fuller flavour.

Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:10 pm

Heya people,

What do you mean by hybrids? Be more specific

What's Grolsch?


Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:50 pm

a cross from freelancer ships/tech and nomad ships/tech. another words nomads trying to infitrate the colonies and destroy them agian however they asimilated tech. the ship specs and all that i sent you in the e-mail, what i was thinking and am right now is that that ship could be an effert by the nomads at an cross design ship/tech.

Edited by - warrior17 on 2/16/2005 1:52:03 PM

Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:54 pm

@archkaine, Grolsch is a danish beer. strong yeasty tasting, like the german traditional beers. it's a good one if you're in the mood for that kind of taste. toward the end of my drinking days I preferred english ales that were a bit on the bitter side. like Bass Ale. best beer that Bass Ale, IMHO.

Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:44 am

Bass Ale is very good stuff, There is also a TV advert in the UK that says "its like the grolsch, brewed slower for a fuller flavour. We only let you drink it, when its ready."

Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:21 am

Sorry guys, i prefer newcastle brown ale and most smooth bitters, and real ales of course, cant stand larger myself

Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:34 am

lol, we should probably get back on topic here.. beer is good.. but.. were meant to be talking about this mod... which will prbably much like fine beer...

Post Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:15 pm

(Chuckles) Ok, I had to ask

If it's any consolation guys, I'm as antsy to see the mod ready to roll as you all, stay tuned


Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

Post Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:00 am


I have good news ... and bad news. I'll start with the good first.
emailed the SolarArch to MD last night, so hopefully that'll be finished up soon. I'm waiting to see what he says he needs (if anything else).
So.. that's good, right?

Now, for the bad: I restored my backups last night, thinking to try activating the mod to ensure all goes well. I log onto MP, works fine, make a mental note to fix little thing here or there. I go back to the main menu, try to start a New Game in campaign - and get a !@#$*&! CTD
I tried to figure out the problem, but I couldn't pinpoint it while doing my schoolwork and trying to debug at the sam time. I'm thinking it has to do with cutscenes, or maybe with the Missions file(s).

I am not sure where to start ... I thought for a while, remembering that I got a similar thing when I started editing the Beta3 in the first few days.. got a crash like this, but it was right after i made a change in the system file for the Freeport 7 system. I went back, changed that back, and it worked. I worked until I figured out the thing that was causing the crash. But I do not know what is wrong with this version - it all worked just before I restored my backups, then it friggin CTDes on me now.

So anyways, I'm devoting my Friday afternoon and night (and maybe all Saturday morning) to debugging this wretched thing.
My apologies, guys - I thought it'd be done most definately by tomorrow. Dammit. But I'll find this problem, fix it, and make sure there aren't any other uglies lying in wait for us.

I'll check back in tonight, alrigh? (I'm at school right now, gotta get). Sorry, guys I'm hurrying to get the mod out ASAP, but a CTD mod ain't too much fun.


"Do or do not. There is no try."
- Jedi Master Yoda

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