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**UTILITY** Freelancer Mod Manager v1.31

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:45 am

mine keeps crashing so why does this happen???,
each time i load it i activate a few mods and it closes

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 5:14 pm

Kierian: delete the folders (in Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\) for both the 1.63 and 1.64 mods, reinstall the 1.64 mod, and see if that does it.

Archangel: Hmm, that would be a problem. How come you're the first person to ask me about that though? Wouldn't a bunch of other mods also have that same problem?

rossheth: orange means that the mod modifies some files already modified by an active mod, but FLMM doesn't see an obvious conflict between the changes. In other words, it'll probably be ok to activate that mod, but there's a chance something weird might happen.

FrankZ: If I read your posts right, everything is working ok now for you? Great!

hinairusu: Is it FLMM that is crashing, or Freelancer? If it's FLMM, does it offer to send me the crash report? Can you easily reproduce the crashes? If so, can you detail exactly what you do to make it crash?

Sorry about the delayed responses everyone! I'll try to answer more quickly from now on .

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:09 am

Igx89: Yea, after a lot of exporting/importing, and changing .ini files, so that they
use flmm. ...

btw: why doesn't flmm finish unloading mod, if it finds errors ?
Let's say i edit some file in FL dir (some big mod, takes time loading/unloading), so there's also .bak file in same dir. Flmm starts unloading mod, finds that file and complains about trouble deleting stuff. Then of course, i press 'no' (i already forgot what trouble did i get in when pressed 'yes'). Could there be 'ignore' button, so that it continues on with nonproblematic things ?

It would be also very nice, if it would report filename of script that causes
problems when loading mod. Now it only says ''error ...". Useful, but could it be a
bit more verbose ?

There also seems to be a problem with generating ids_ numbers, but i'm not 100% sure, if it is flmm problem. Will check and report. - checked : it wasn't

Could there be 'reload' option on pop-up(right-click) menu ? That would also be very

More wishes 'round christmas

btw: awesome tool this flmm, real clean work

Edited by - FrankZ on 8/5/2004 10:34:28 AM

Edited by - FrankZ on 8/6/2004 2:58:15 AM

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:33 pm

I cant get the player looting mod to work. I installed mod maneger 1.31 several times, but it still says i need to have v 1.31 and that I have v 1.30000. Whats the deal?

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:39 pm

Erm, maybe you need to download version 1.31 then??? See links.

If its already downloaded and installed correctly, then dunno. Uninstall and re-download the 1.31 and install it. Then see what it says.

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:49 pm

Sorry Chips, tried that alredy. even deleted all the mods in the directory when i uninstalled. It still says that its v1.30000.

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:58 pm


Go into the mods directory, find teh folder for the mod (looting mod or something perhaps), and open it up.

Find the script.xml and open it:
<header name="Wreck Locator For Evolutions 1.28 Ver 1.02">

You see that line there? his probs says 1.31 - change it to 1.30 . Save, exit, close FLMM (if open) and then restart FLMM (this must be done to register the changes).

Post Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:36 pm

LOL Chips you are a modding GOD. LOL thanks

Post Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:39 am

I have noticed that when using an xml script to change sections in shiparch.ini (using FLMM v1.31 btw) that when scrolling down through the shiparch.ini to check it loaded ok, the following strange occurance:

[CollisionGroup ' left out the bracket myself
obj = br_star_wing_lod1
parent_impulse = 0
child_impulse = 1800.000000
debris_type = cap_ship_piece
mass = 200.000000
fuse = br_gunship_fuse, 0.000000, 1
group_dmg_hp = DpStarboardwing
group_dmg_obj = b_gunship_starboard_wing_cap
hit_pts = 3500
root_health_proxy = true

is this "-------" line a bug?

*edit just to clairfy i was using the sectionreplace method
here is my code
<data file="data\ships\shiparch.ini" method="sectionreplace">
ids_name = 237045
ids_info = 66588
ids_info1 = 66589
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66590
ship_class = 0
nickname = pi_fighter
mass = 100.000000
mass = 104.000000
steering_torque = 18000.000000, 18000.000000, 58000.000000
angular_drag = 15000.000000, 15000.000000, 35000.000000
rotation_inertia = 2800.000000, 2800.000000, 1000.000000
steering_torque = 15000.000000, 15000.000000, 30000.000000
angular_drag = 9954.000000, 9954.000000, 11025.000000
rotation_inertia = 7156.000000, 7156.000000, 1405.000000

Thks in advance
its a great program

Edited by - bane42 on 8/15/2004 6:42:16 AM

Post Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:45 am

If you thought about checking the file BEFORE you used the script, and then came to ask about bugs, you would have found that the line you show there is ALREADY in the file. Fraid no cookie for using logic for you!!

Post Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:00 am

sorry Chips,
I had checked the sdk version which was rather daft.

Post Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:12 pm

I think that Mod Maniger 1.32 sholld mave a senser that pics up wether a server has a mod or not and oatomatacly swiches the mods on and off, depending whether u have the rite mod or not!!

Post Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:26 pm

Since the game loads all the really important files on LOADUP, this would simply be impossible.

Post Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:53 pm

FrankZ: It stops deactivating the mod to help prevent deleting any original files, though I probably could figure out a safe way to continue the deactivation.
It should list all the details of the error in the Log window, in the Reading/Parsing script log output for that mod.

Jay_Jay: Yeah, unfortunately that's not possible.

Chips: Thanks for helping respond to questions; I appreciate it .
Just try not to sound too mean

Post Sun Aug 29, 2004 9:47 am

according to the mod readme. In order to pass mission 9, I have to disable the cutscenes or the game will crash. I did that and the game still crashes, am I disableing the right one or is there something else wrong????

Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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