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FLMM v1.21 beta 11

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:17 pm


sorry for my bad write in english,
i had dll flmmv1.21 beta 8
when i throw a game with beta 8 i have a big instability of freelancer game
and all freelancer game close automatically
sometime i can open the game but il i want go out a base all freelancer close automatically

it is possible to realise a stability in my system PC/Freelancer game

don't mock, i try, but i try

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:08 pm

Louva-Deus: Thanks for the offer, I'd love to use you as a mirror

Mael_Trent: Load FLMM, deactivate every active mod, and do "Tools/Restore Backups". If that doesn't help, re-install Freelancer. If you can get this problem to start and stop reliably, let me know so I can look into it.


Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:09 pm

Thank you IGx89, Just downloaded beta 8. If you can show me how I wouldn't mind helping out with downloads and such.
here's my system

Pentium 4 2.0 gig
512 mb ram
80 gig udma hd
DSL connection

If this is enough of a requirement let me know and I'll shoot ya over my e-mail.

Thanks again,

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:28 pm

SOG, u need a website, or permanent connection to the internet!

I got my website through the tortorous method of giving up smoking
It was my own little 'bonus' to myself, along with broadband after being quit for 2 months! That is only how i can afford it. The site cost 1 month smoking bill!

However, you can get free sites too - they are just limited as to what you can do with them! Some are better than others.

If you have a problem crashing with mods, may i make another suggestion! Tell what mod you are running. I have had alot of peeps crash with my mod, and start blaming nearly everything going! Infact, all it is - the server they connected to to play the mod HAD NOT updated it.

IG - totally erased FLMM from IDS problem by getting someone to paste the dll filesinto their game folder and activate. Same prob, so FLMM aint to blame. Must be something that happens when i changed the info in the dll files. Do you know of any problems when editing dll files - like if they are 'decompressed' or what have you. I don't understand those types of files at all.....

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:07 am

when are you going to relice beta 9?


Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:12 am

Thanks Chips,

My connection is always on...just need to get a ISP allows about 10 megs of space for a siet..don't know if that'll be enough. I don't mind spending a little mazoola to get a site either. The work you all put into the mods is well worth the money spent to host a little site for ya.

I have not had any problems, so far with any of your mods. They are all great, high quality all the way bro......keep em commin' and I'll try to find some time to figure out this darn website stuff.


Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:34 am

well - not to blow their trumpet, i use Globat. 50gig bandwidth, 1gig storage, good transfer speeds etc. However, do shop around. I got it months ago, like in August. It cost approx $7 a month for this deal, which is like a fiver in english money Very cheap for me. But it DOES depend on what you want them for. I needed bandwidth and file transfer size. However, it still has a liimit of 10meg on file size (in one go) - which is a bugger. However, I did look around, and this deal was cheaper than all the other sites that offered about 2gig bandwidth and 100meg storage. Not bad

Website: Pathfinderstudios

Contains all the latest on the Evolutions mod

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:38 am


i think i know now the problem of the FlRebalance mod regarding those generated info's. As far as i know, FlRebalance has four mod dll's
namely inorder, flmm1.dll, flmm2.dll, flmm3.dll and rbmod.dll, in the resources.

I think rbmod.dll has put the halt to the generated info to create new flmm#.dll file.

is this the problem... what do you think?

All I do for LOVE

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:19 pm

IG, I'm one of your major fans and want me to attempt to duplicate a problem which causes me to have to reload the OS on both my systems???????

Beta 6 is working OK for me. The deal is this: I don't make mods that use the scripting features or any of the other features so I'm not a good indicator of whether or not the beta is working or not. I use the script to put a description in the little left hand box and that's all. All my mods use the entire Freelancer directory structure or a modified version of it. They are just too big to script.

All I use it for is to load and unload my projects. I do that anywhere from 20 to 60 times per day.

Thank You. Glock 36.

Post Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:05 am

happymoder: soon™ . To tell you the truth, I don't know yet; could be later this week

Chips: I read elsewhere that you figured out your problem; congratulations . What was it exactly?

firebase: I've done a little looking into that (and plan to do some more), though it's kind of hard because I need to make a mod that will work with FLRebalance before I can test it out. Do you have any idea why FLRebalance has 4 (!) new DLL's (3 labeled flmmx.dll for some reason?) AND modifies the original ones too? He couldn't of completely filled up that many DLL's, could he?

glock36: I know that sounds unpleasant, but I can't think of any other way to find out if beta 7/8 fixes your unique problem (if it was FLMM in the first place, which I'm hoping it wasn't). Obviously, you don't have to do that if you don't want to (and if I was in your place, I'd certainly wouldn't want to); it'd just be the next step in trying to get to the root of your problem.

Beta 9 status report: I've fixed the very minor progress control freezing problem, and I'm hoping to enhance the way the GENERATExxxRES macros are used, to give the mod author an even easier way to use them.

Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 6:41 am

i'm uploading a mod in tlr today, you can use it to test incompatibility to FlRebalance

All I do for LOVE

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 4:15 am

I think I've fixed the problem, firebase; I had only coded FLMM to handle 9 or less resource DLLs in freelancer.ini, so now I changed it to handle up to the max (15). Unfortunately, I was unable to test the new changes with your new mod because it's (not surprisingly) incompatible with FLRebalance.

Beta 9 status report: I have it all done (including the macro enhancements!), except for some minor documentation work. As soon as I can find a free 30-60 minutes (which might be difficult, since tomorrow's Christmas Eve), I'll finish and upload the new beta

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 5:44 pm

It's up!

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 6:16 pm


Edited by - Chips on 24-12-2003 18:16:51

Post Thu Dec 25, 2003 6:11 am

Thanks for the mirrors, guys

Merry Christmas to all, and don't forget the real reason for Christmas, the best present anyone could hope for.

BTW, talking about presents...the best present you could give to me would be to not find any problems at all in this new beta, and absolutely adore it .

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