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**UTILITY** FL Mod Manager v1.2 (and some mods)

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:49 pm


For some reason when I activate any mod except "Ion Thruster Super" and "Speed 3000 Mod" I get a user name and password error after the freelancer splash screen. It seems as if I am trying to connect to a server. But I am not able to get to the "multiplayer" options because Freelancer doesnt get past the error after the splash screen.

I have updated to FLMM 1.2.1 Beta 2 to see if this is something that might have been addressed.


Post Fri Sep 05, 2003 12:21 am

Hello again,

I finally got tired of the password error I was getting so I went to control panel and selected Freelancer in add remove programs and when the installer window came up I selected "re-install". This fixed the problem.

And and and and.... sorry about my grammer I just want to get back to the game in a hurry


Edited by - Stinky on 05-09-2003 01:23:08

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:45 pm

I have the same problem as Soyokaze's Captain Tylor

I'm trying to do _many_ section replace operations on a single file, to get it to work I have to use a data tag for each one.

I imagine this makes each one open the file, search for the section, perform the operation, and close the file.

Since I'm modifying almost every section in the file - it's quite slow.
I would guess O(n^2).
I imagine that if a single data tag would work - it would be O(n) because I am doing them all in sequence.

Also if you have a section replace tag with _many_ sections in it, the program will crash before it's done loading.

My script.xml was 1035 lines long - and FLMM was crashing.
I split some stuff off into foo.xml and it stopped crashing.

If there is a beta build with bug fixes - I will look for it and try it out.

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 3:38 pm

If you can e-mail me your mod script, I should be able to easily fix it. I'm planning on releasing a new beta of FLMM v1.2.1 tonight, so send it to me asap so I can include those fixes in the new beta.

Post Sat Sep 20, 2003 6:07 am


I have a Problem with your new Mod Manager 1.2.1 Beta 3 It keeps shuting down when i activate Sabra XR and i can not restart tell I load 1.2 back on so if u could look at and see if there is a problem I would be greatfull. I had 1.2.1 beta 2 and it worked fine but now i am stuck with 1.2 because I cant find the 1.2.1 beta 2 any more. I think u over wrote it so please fix 1.2.1 beta 3 or put 1.2.1 beta 2 back on download page so i can load again. If u can tell me where to get 1.2.1 beta 2 that would be great. Thx Admin Piratetrader Born In The USA 24/7

Admin Piratetrader

Post Mon Sep 22, 2003 4:04 pm

Try the new beta 4, and let me know if it fixes your problem.

Post Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:51 pm

This is a crosspost from the beta 4 thread on general editing:
I want to raise IGx89's attention

Request for clarifications / Possible bug:

I have a mod that has
inside the file, added to the end of each section is:
where __BASENAME__ = Li01_01_base etc...
and in one of my script files I try to "filereplace" some pieces of it - this allows me to approximate multi section appends.

I get:
Error: FLMM has determined that '-= My Mod =-' won't properly activate.
Error: Unable to find dest ';Br03_01_base'(...) (#1) in 'K:\Freelancer\data\equipment\market_misc.ini'

Which makes sense - If market_misc.ini hasn't been copied over the original yet, but I thought that was changed in the beta..


Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:24 pm

IGx89 I have really enjoyed your program. I have read the entire forum here... So I hope I don't post anything too obvious. I have been having a problem using FLMM 1.2 in creating NEW SHIPS with INFOCARDS using:


For some reason my code crashes the game every time.
However... If I hard code the changes it works.

I am sure I am doing SOMETHING WRONG...
The error occurs regardless of whether I use it as the only mod or if I use it on top of working hardcoded mods.

Could You possibly send me a a link to a MOD (script.xml) that creates a NEW SHIP with Infocard descriptions created with the GenerateXMLRES methods...?

I have been unable to locate one.
I have found scripts that create weapons using this method...
and I have found scripts that make new ships by overiding other ships and use old infocards... or even hardcoded changes but nothing that makes new infocards... but not a script for ships that makes custom infocards...


Post Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:02 pm

Are you using FLMM v1.2.1 beta 5 (link in the General Editing forum)?

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:21 am

er... no I was using 1.2 (non beta) the beta just crashes my system.... well at least the the one U talk about did...

I have winME... if that suggest anything...

I could still Use a working example script of a ship with custom infocards using genres... tho... it would help me locate where the bugs are...
any ship example would be fine... does not have to be uber anything...
just an example...


Edited by - HFH_MACK on 14-10-2003 06:29:45

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:51 pm

Uhm, guys, I have looked a bit everywhere without success, but... how do I create my own flmod files? Already tried by changing filenames by adding '.zip.flmod'... Doesn't work...

Thank you

Post Wed Oct 15, 2003 2:06 am

HFH_Mack: Does it still not work with v1.2.1 beta 5?

Xploited Titan/Lucy-fer: That should work, if you have the folders in the right positions. The Help/How Do I... documentation that comes with FLMM has more info.

Post Sat Oct 18, 2003 7:51 pm

Sorry, I can't get that version to work on my system.... it simply crashes...

I recall something about going to tools/restore... and tried that but no go.
When re-installing 1.2... it works again.

Post Sun Oct 19, 2003 10:39 pm

Beta 5 crashes? Could you give me the details of the crash (module name and offset location)?

Post Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:22 pm

I am soooo confused...
Why would I use the 1.2 beta when the "1.2" version is supposed to be newer...???

Anyway... I tried to find the 1.2 beta 5 but I could not find it...
U got a link?

Edited by - HFH_MACK on 21-10-2003 18:23:39

Edited by - HFH_MACK on 21-10-2003 18:27:40

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