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**UTILITY** FL Mod Manager v1.2 (and some mods)

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Sun Jun 08, 2003 10:52 pm

Just wanted to tell you that FLMM seems to work with the German Version of Freelancer. At least when I installed it and the FLBalance Mod, the game changes, i.e. X-Wing at Manhattan etc. However, this does not seem to be the case for old savegames, also the NoStory Mod included in FLMM leads to a crash on my system when leaving Manhattan for the first time.
How do I set up a Multiplayer host for single playing without the campaign ?
Pls help !

Post Sun Jun 08, 2003 11:30 pm

BWS: I'm e-mailing you info right now

Sheep: Deactivate all mods and do "Tools\Restore Backups", and let me know if you still have the problem.

Kendo: look at your signature too; it's supposed to be "haven't"

Nagroth: Thanks for the info! Try the OpenSP v1.1 mod in the downloads section here; it works in a different way than NoStory, so it might work. To set up a multiplayer host, run flserver and start a server, and then load Freelancer and go to the LAN browser.

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 6:49 pm

hmm, the Tie Fighter Pack link dont works

Post Sun Jun 15, 2003 4:34 am

ok, I try to activate a mod with mod manager and it says

Error: Can't open file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\data\constants.ini, error = 5

how do I fix this?

Post Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:31 pm

I'll fix the link asap.

For all access_denied problems:

Post Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:56 pm

Where else could i get The Tie Fighter Pack Mod?

the download link dont works and a search trough the www was also not sucessfull.

Post Tue Jun 17, 2003 11:39 pm

Ok, I just updated the link .

Post Wed Jun 18, 2003 8:14 am

thank you

Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:50 am


First of all: thank you for creating FLMM!! Together with BiniQDU it's the basis of modding FL.

Now the issue: when I first strated working on my mod, I found that FLMM automatically added my custom dll file to the Resource section in freelancer.ini. But today, it stopped doing so, for no apparent reason, and I even couldn't get the "DLL= "-line in, using a "sectionappend". It's not really a problem as I just added a modded version of freelancer.ini to my mod, but it's strange. Any idea how this is possible?

Another Q: is there a max size to the srcipt.xml file?

Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 5:41 pm

Hmm, remove the custom freelancer.ini from your mod and see if FLMM starts adding the dll line again.

The maximum number of tags is 200, and I can easily change that number if needed. Though, someone would have to be crazy to manually make a script with that many tags .

Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 6:17 pm

IGx89 wrote: "Hmm, remove the custom freelancer.ini from your mod and see if FLMM starts adding the dll line again.

I'm in the middle of a long, unrelated, debug session (taking a break right now). I will try it when Í have time. Actually I don't think that it'll work; becasue I started using the freelancer.ini file after this problem occured...

IGx89 wrote: "The maximum number of tags is 200, and I can easily change that number if needed. Though, someone would have to be crazy to manually make a script with that many tags .

What do you mean by a tag? A freelancer section? Or a FLMM command?

In both cases, i have actually no idea how many I have yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they amount to somewhere between 50 and 100. And I am not at 25 % of the systems I have in mind, so we can conclude:

a) you consider me crazy. Not offended

b) I need a version of your great tool, which can handle more then 200 tags (Edit: much more)

c) I might remove all my mbase entires from script.xml, and add a modded mbase.ini file to my mod, to create space in script.xml

Edited by - hans olo on 23-06-2003 19:19:13

Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 8:19 pm

I don't know if a mirror is posted here yet but i have a new setup mod for you *g
The Babylon5 Mod newest Version can be downloaded from here:
Just open it not save it on hard disk. (<For the n00bs)

How do i manually create a backup with FLMM???
I just know the feature restore backup, but how do i build one???

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 12:12 am

hans olo: I'm pretty sure that the problem is caused by a modified freelancer.ini file, but if it isn't, then you can send me your mod and I'll debug it myself.

By tag, I mean <data> "tags". The reason I said that someone would have to be crazy to manually make all those tags is because of all the time it would take! Since mods are getting so big, with custom ships and textures and stuff, making a mod using a mod script isn't very efficient for those big mods because the primary benefit of mod scripts, their reduced size, is negated by all the other files in the mod. Who would care if a mod was 15mb instead of 14mb? I've considered making a WinDiff tool to automatically generate mod scripts, but I won't have time to do that until FLMM development slows (which actually might be soon). But, in the meantime, I certainly can take 30 seconds out of my time to increase the tag limit from 200 to 1000 .

-Neo-: Thanks, I'll add that link to the mod list right now.
FLMM doesn't manually make backups because I don't see any real need for that; FLMM automatically makes backups when they are needed. If you're editing files without using FLMM, then you can just use Windows Explorer to easily make a copy of the DATA folder.

Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:23 am

IGx89 wrote: "hans olo: I'm pretty sure that the problem is caused by a modified freelancer.ini file, but if it isn't, then you can send me your mod and I'll debug it myself. "

I have had more problems with freelancer.ini; a few times it even disappeared during deactivating the mod (a previous version of the one I'm making now). I even had to reinstall FL and FLMM a few times. And a few times I also just added an unmodded, but decompressed freelancer.ini to the \EXE folder.

it is quite possible that a modded freelancer,ini file is the problem, but the facts are that I modded this file through FLMM (removing the intro movies), and that it worked a couple of times before screwing up, and that the moment of srewing-up wasn't just after I changed something in the freelancer.ini file.

Thanks for the offer of debugging, but my mod is about 15 mb already now, so I wouldn't know how to send it (btw, I don't see size as an indication of quality; I just like to add new systems, factions etc and apparently they need megabytes.) I don't how big it is when rarred (I prefer WinRar to WinZip becasue I don't know how to keep the folder tree structure in WInZip).

Besides, it is working now as it is; it's just that I was curious (and I guessed you, as the author of the program. might be too) what caused it.

IGx89 wrote: "By tag, I mean <data> "tags". The reason I said that someone would have to be crazy to manually make all those tags is because of all the time it would take! Since mods are getting so big, with custom ships and textures and stuff, making a mod using a mod script isn't very efficient for those big mods because the primary benefit of mod scripts, their reduced size, is negated by all the other files in the mod. Who would care if a mod was 15mb instead of 14mb? "

The last thing certainly is true, but the FLMM script has more advantages than just reducing the size: you can have most of your added stuff in one file, making it easier to look up things.

Of course, if a lot needs to be changed on many places in a file (for instance to see all systems from when you start the game, you have to put a "visit = 1" to each system in universe.ini; initialworld.ini and empathy.ini also require adding a lot of single lines at many places) it is more convenient to just add a modded file to the mod. But in many other cases, I'd prefer to use the FLMM script.xml

IGx89 wrote: "I've considered making a WinDiff tool to automatically generate mod scripts, but I won't have time to do that until FLMM development slows (which actually might be soon). But, in the meantime, I certainly can take 30 seconds out of my time to increase the tag limit from 200 to 1000 . "

Take another 30 seconds and make it 3200

Actually I habe no idea what a WinDiff tool is, but I guees it'll be great. You, and the guys that made BiniQDU, utf_edit, and FLEd-ids (probably I am forgetting some tools now - sorry!), really gave a lot of people, a lot of fun! I wouldn't even know if I were still into FL if it weren't for the modding of the game.

This is getting a post with many words, and little info, so I'll stop typing now.

Post Sat Jun 28, 2003 8:01 am

Can anyoen send me a link so I can get the Mod manager that is updated So I can install the Train mod and the Ghost docking rin mod.

I read this entire topoic and I cant find the mod I am looking for. beta 0.7 I believe or are you guys still updateing it ?

This is what I get when I try to use mod manager.

SoulForge Train mod.
It just wont acess it.

Edited by - slipstream on 28-06-2003 09:07:40

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