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**UTILITY** FL Mod Manager v1.2 (and some mods)

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Sat May 17, 2003 1:22 am

When you fly into the black hole, your ship takes damage and you die

"Ph33r my l33t n3kkid skillz" - Largo

Post Sat May 17, 2003 4:49 am

ok one thing

i changed this because i dindt want to bump at all and i found the other problem b4
but heres another one..
i have a mod going, i open fl server, my firend tries loging in and he cant.
he has the mod and its activated. i dont know whats wrong..

Edited by - NobleKnight51 on 18-05-2003 03:24:28

Post Sat May 17, 2003 6:39 pm

OK I have done my best to read thru all 13 pages of this and see if anyone else has encountered the same problem I am having, and no one seems to yet.

I am making a mod, and I put it in flmm.
When I activate the mod, it activates fine, and when other people activate it, it activates fine, and plays fine, everything is there, and everything works, just no names for the other players to see.
we play the game on a server and only I can see the names and infocards from the custom dll file. I had everyone send me thier freelancer.ini, and the custom dll name is in there, and the dll is where it is supposed to be, but only I can see the names, efveryone else gets a ????? for the names and other resources.
It doesn't matter who host the server, only I can see the info.

I completely uninstalled and reinstalled FL and reactivated the mod and same problem. I use the exact same .flmod file that they do also.

Now the only thing I can possibly think of that could be the cause would be my script file. Mine basically doesn't have anything in it but the mod description and the creators info etc... I just want my files to replace the original ones and not do any editing to add this line or that line, just put the new file in place of the old. So my script doesn't have anythiing about the actual files in it, only the info on the mod.
we get no mod errors, no crashes, not errors during activation or deactivation.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Post Sat May 17, 2003 11:04 pm

Hi there! Can anyone tell me where to find the FLMM Babylon 5 Mod? I haven't seen any for the FLMM in the Downloads section, nor is it listed in the mod list at the top of the page. I saw several references to one as I was reading through the previous 12 pages, but there was never any mention as to where it could be found.

- 8472

Post Sat May 17, 2003 11:33 pm

One other thing: I just tried running the Black Hole Mod. Everything worked fine, but there was no black hole to be found. I looked where it should have been. I assume it's easily seen from a distance (i.e. you don't have to be right on top of it to see it). I've noticed that others seem to have had the same problem. Could it be that it doesn't work in the demo (which is what I'm using)?

- 8472

Post Sun May 18, 2003 5:33 pm

Well, right up to the demo part that sounded like what I had. Can't help ya. Neither can they.

Wow! that could have hurt someone! Thank god it landed in that big, smoking crater!

Post Sun May 18, 2003 11:21 pm

Westworld: If all the mod script has in it is the header section, then that won't affect any other files. I have no idea what your problem could be, especially since it seems that you and your friends have the exact same files .

species8472: I did have a FLMM version of the Babylon 5 mod, but then I removed it because I got tired of having to make a new one every time a new version of that mod was released. SInce it looks like the mod isn't being update often any more, I'll probably release a FLMM version *soon*. In the meantime, you can just extract the mod into the \mods folder, like it says in the FLMM documentation.
Start a new game and launch from Planet Manhattan, and look to the south-west for the black hole. It should be very apparent .

Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven

Edited by - IGx89 on 19-05-2003 00:21:38

Post Sun May 18, 2003 11:52 pm

anybody have a solution for this problem:
I have a mod i acticvated, i started my server, and my friend tries to log in and he cant. Others thy to log in and they cant. and they have the mod. whats wrong?

Post Wed May 21, 2003 3:38 am

I tried the Black Hole Mod again...still nothing. I have looked toward the southwest corner of the map from Manhattan, I've flown to West Point Academy, I've visited the Colorado Jumpgate, and I've searched the debris fields in that area, all while looking for something that might remotely resemble a black hole....nothing. I'm betting the mod doesn't work in the demo.

- 8472

Post Wed May 21, 2003 9:41 pm

nope it does not

"Roger MasterChief out".....("Keyes is such a pain in the ass" ) "

Post Thu May 22, 2003 12:47 pm

hi guys......... anyone got the bretonia gunboat?
i don´t know (and i don´t wanna know) how to make a mod
u all doing it.... so why not post a bretonia gunboat=?

what about an apache longbow for fun?
or sr-71
or this nice vehicle from alien II, this apache-future landing - thing?

Post Sun May 25, 2003 8:40 am

Ok, im new to the whole FL mod scene, i just dl the FLMM after being told about it by a bud.
Maybe i should just try reading moreof it, but when i activate it, and click on one of the speed mods, i get an error message *access to C:\program files\microsoft games\freelancer\data\constants.ini was denied*
Anyone know wtf is wrong there?
Not that im bothered about not being able to use it, just its kinda hard when ya pair up with someone, and go on a mission, and ya buddy is at the waypoint, and you are still charging cruise engines :s

Post Sun May 25, 2003 6:35 pm

Go to the General Editing forum and look for the FLMM v1.2 beta-test thread; that version fixes that problem .

Post Fri May 30, 2003 1:41 pm

I'm having problems with my FLMM... I installed it about a month ago, and it worked great.. no problems at all... and then all of a sudden, FL has started to crash on me... every once in a while it'll run but can crash during the game... I've tried removing the autosaves, and renaming the directory which forces it to create a new one, but it just keeps on crashing. Any ideas?? Oh, and i tried re-installing FL, but to no avail... Help!

Post Sat May 31, 2003 11:11 pm

Well, since you've re-installed Freelancer and deleted/moved all your saved games, it almost certainly isn't FLMM's fault. Have you installed new graphics or audio drivers recently? Has the room that your computer is in gotten warmer recently, thus possibly causing your computer to overheat?

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