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Colin''s utilities Bug Thread

Here you can find the postings on the different editing utilities found for Freelancer

Post Tue May 11, 2004 2:49 pm


Try the Tools->Model Cleaner menu option first.
This will remove any coordinate conflicts and odd triangles which
may cause a divide by zero exception.

If that doesn't work, and the CMP importer is in the Milkshape folder,
try temporarily renaming or moving it to see if there is a conflict.
I don't know what the conflict is as they both work on my system.

If the program still crashes, try using another computer if one is available,
or you could e-mail the ms3d file to me at [email protected] and i will have a look. (Put Freelancer in the subject line).

Post Wed May 12, 2004 10:12 am


Just to let you know ColinS it wasn't your file, it was the fact I was still running Milkshape V1.6.xx and not V1.7.01c like the exporter was probably programmed for.

Second question though; are the Perspectives in Milkshape accurate to what it'll be ingame? Simply: If I turn my ship to face the front according to Milkshape will it face the front in-game?

It's eyes were completly devoid of life,
Empty Orbs that took in the world with an unfeeling gaze,
A thin trail of blood ran from a fresh wound,
But it would not or could not tend to it,
Only one thing ever brought a spark of vitality,
To the eyes of this Tortured Soul:
The Suffering of others.

Post Wed May 12, 2004 1:38 pm

Glad you fixed it.

The ship can be exported either upside down or back to front.

For the original method the ship was rotated so that the underside of the ship
was on top and the front of the ship pointing to the bottom of the screen in the top view. This is the default orientation of the exporter.

The other method is to have the ship right way up with the front of the ship pointing to the top of the screen in the top view. Change the orientation to
"Back To Front" when exporting the ship this way round. This is the same orientation an existing Freelancer ship would have when imported into Milkshape.

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