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**Tutorial** - Database (updated Thursday Nov 13th)

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:50 am

Sir Milkshape would you be ok with it if I gave credit to both you and LordFjord on those tutorials that have any parts at all borrowed from him?

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:57 pm

Yes. I only borrowed the system tutorial. the rest i made myself. At last!


Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:02 pm

FUBARed message

Edited by - Nephilim on 14-10-2003 22:06:21

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:09 pm

OK, allow me to set the record straight. You copied Dracon's blackhole tutorial , downwind_thief's tutorial on how to create factions , then you threw in your own object modding and weapon modding writeups, and finally you duplicated LordFjord's system building guide. Correct?

Edited by - Nephilim on 14-10-2003 22:28:18

Post Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:45 am



Buny Rabbits are soft, cuddly and... Explosive.

Post Thu Oct 16, 2003 12:18 pm

Milkshape - its that you haven't shown much knowledge here until recently all of a sudden. Then - when you suddenly do without helping anyone before, you turn in with tutorials that would be incredible.

Add to this your claims that you don't know how to make new names amongst other things (meaning that for you to make new factions etc you need to build and attempt it all in scripting, which is incredibly strange, and very difficult), and also due to you NOT using tutorials, there are INCREDIBLE coincidences between them and your work, sometimes down to the letter, sometimes down to a very very strange coincidence of zone positioning which there is exceedingly small chance that you could have randomly got wrong but MATCHING ANOTHER TUTORIALS.

There is of course an easy way to dispell any problems on!

However, the factions one is only half done really. If you can describe what pieces mean and post up how to make the faction have ships and their OWN encounters, which outlines are below,
1) Them to fly the train, hawk, anubis and a bretonian gunship
2) Have loadouts different for each one, and three varieties for different difficulty
3) How to make them do different thigns - links stuff illegal, to scan you, you get the idea - basically this is a finsih the tutorial off - make it full and rounded.

No other faction tutorial seems to actually go beyond this easy starting point. How about actually making them fly what people might want them to fly rather than the ones already there etc. Should be simple!

It will be sufficiently different to satisfy me about this problem. Of course, seeing as you wrote it, you should now know what each part means and therefore be able to easily do this.

By the way, i still don't notice credits on the system or creating new names tutorials! Where is the credit for their author? You already said you didn't write those - so you should put the credit in.

Now sorry if this seems pissy and challenging, but right now just saying you did it all yourself, then saying 70% whatever, just isn't cutting it due to the nature of some tutorials. Fair enough, changing clothes and weapon i am not argueing. However, other bits i am as i think the actual person i believe wrote these isn't being credited. Now you can whine and moan about it, or you can prove us wrong by writing the extra bits. Mainly cos after that, i will shut up whilst waiting for the systems tutorial to be credited!

Post Thu Oct 16, 2003 4:45 pm

I'm Not giving up because you told me to! I'm Standing up for MY RIGHTS!


Buny Rabbits are soft, cuddly and... Explosive.

Post Fri Oct 17, 2003 12:10 am

Fair enough - didn't ask you to give up.

Honestly - as long as you put Lord Fjord onto the systems one and the other, i can't really be arsed to even bother trying to defend anyone elses tutorials.

Post Fri Oct 17, 2003 5:26 am

Chips and Milkshape: What am I supposed to do?

Edited by - Imagine on 17-10-2003 06:27:23

Post Fri Oct 17, 2003 5:43 am

I don't know dude, i don't know. Am gonna sit silently and leave him to it. I have just answered someones question on how to do the factions part in downwinds tutorial - and this one for factions IS identical.

I suppose the odds of two people both presenting their tutorail in the same method using scripting to find out how to do it for one of them, as they cannot acutally make new numbers themeselves isn't remarkable at all. Very common place. Also - lets face it, if they are good tutorials, they will use same presentation methods and words - its obviuos. LOL
Your thread dude, your thread

Post Fri Oct 17, 2003 7:34 am

threw in your own object modding and weapon modding writeups, and finally you duplicated LordFjord's system building guide.
yes. i did do that.

You copied Dracon's blackhole tutorial , downwind_thief's tutorial on how to create factions
no. I did'nt do that. I used ElectricBrain's Faction Tutorial and edited it a bit.

EDIT: I made the black hole tutorial myself

Buny Rabbits are soft, cuddly and... Explosive.

Edited by - Milkshape on 18-10-2003 08:40:41

Post Fri Oct 17, 2003 10:03 am

Must admit, i just read how you didn't know how to connect to the global server - well, considering the same method is used to connect to lan connections too - it would have been remarkable for you to make that faction tutorial without even being able to test it...............

Post Sat Oct 18, 2003 2:42 pm

WHY whould someone copy someone else's tutorial? whats the point? people will just go "ah what a clever guy" until such a time when they discover the fake then they say "idiot"
if someone else makes a tut,read it,do with the info what you will....IF you know something else then say so like to can to be a stupid<===deliberate grammar

Post Fri Oct 31, 2003 4:18 pm

Hey, have not looked at much on this site for ages...

I've copied Lord's work??? Goes and checks...

This is bad, I got shown how to by a local mate... If he has stolen it and given it to me then it is my fault too:'( he said he didn't mind if I posted it as my own

I'll add him in as a reference because they are too similar...

Post Sat Nov 01, 2003 4:00 am

welcome back and ty, downwind_thief

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