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**Tutorial** - How to break the 990 speed limit

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Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:29 pm

**Tutorial** - How to break the 990 speed limit

Ok another simple constants.ini solution for you guys.

In this section:

DEFAULT_ANGULAR_DAMPING = 0.200000, 0.200000, 0.200000

Add this line with the value you want


3000 is fairly safe, be careful tho, much higher than that and collisions are a real killer

If you want to mess around and see true WARP speed, set it to 100000 It's amusing as hell, you go so fast that collisions don't matter(you seem to phase thru the objects) But make sure you turn cruise off before you get to your waypoint or you may overshoot it.

Have fun everyone

Next on my list of things to fix is:

what the speedometer shows
getting cloak to deactivate
getting the AI to avoid objects at these speeds
getting Auto-turret to work
getting tradelanes to use these speeds

I know I'm ambitious, but I'm getting them slowly one at a time

Edited by - Stinger on 2/14/2004 8:15:17 AM

Edited by - Chips on 10/31/2004 3:52:55 PM

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:35 pm

Kickass! I was starting to think the limit was hardcoded... now who needs tradelanes?

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 7:47 pm

Just wondering where you found out the name of the variable?

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 7:51 pm

How did you find out that variable name? Just curious...

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 7:55 pm

he probably found the variable name in one of the dlls or the exe

we is experts

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 9:23 pm

Yep, common.dll I believe. I posted all I could find earlier here and they were posted in another thread as well.
Good job, blackfire. This will be fun =)


Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:05 pm

Ha! That's absolutely fabulous!
Double gold star smiley face stickers all around!
Question, though: Why, when I go, say, 10000K away from the sun in the NY system, does the ship seem to go all Quantum Mechanical? It rattles around like a 72 Plymouth!

Post Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:40 pm

Your inertial dampers are failing and you need to replace your inverse subspace coil assemby and remodulate your shields to a frequency of 0.47.

LMAO OOOh i couldnt resist that one.

The game physics are designed to play smoothly at certain speeds, when you change that the games engine just cant quite handle the physics too well and you get a shakign effect on screen (only seems to happen in cockpit view)

Even the greatest of whales is helpless in middle of desert.


Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 2:55 am

No, no. From behind, from turret view, and looking back. I never bothered looking in cockpit view. It's really quite a sight to behold, too. The ship actually looks like it's falling apart. It's not a speed issue, either. It has something to do with going off the map. I was 10,000K away from Manhatten, in the +z direction. Even at a dead stop I was sure I was going to explode.

Thanks, BTW.

Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:53 am

Sorry I took so long to respond, but it's been a busy day.(I'm still trying to get cloaking to work properly)

The problem you speak of where the ship looks like like it's falling apart is from hitting the edge of the map and continuing, just like you figured. I ran into it without any speed tweaks. But one truley amusing side effect of raising the speeds is watching the npcs try to deal with it. lmao I was sitting there at the docking ring in Manhatten and watching them try to dock from the tradelane. They would kick on cruise and boom into the ring or explode into the planet.

Good thing it doesn't happen to all of them or I might have had to lower the speed. But since it's only about 10-20%, I look at it as space flight is a dangerous thing. Makes it more realistic, I guess kishiro shouldn't of hired that pilot or should of looked at their maintence records better. lol

Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 7:54 am

I increased it to 99999999999999, I went from one end of NY to the other in less then a second, I couldnt go anywhere cause I overshot it by 2 million miles

And the noobs were like: woah[[!

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 4:40 am

LOL THAT IS HALARIOUS LOL LMAO ROFL! Nice speed thingy though. Havn't tried it though because my FL game bombs out at the beggining load screen. Know why? I don't.

Try and figuer this out! What is wrong with what i typed here?
>>>> LOL THAT IS HALARIOUS LOL LMA0 ROFL! Nice speed thingy though. Havn't tried it though because my FL game bombs out at the beggining load screen. Know why? I don't.

Edited by - Rheinland Elite on 30-03-2003 05:42:26

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 5:04 am

Just a little note here:
If you jack up the cruise speed, you WILL break scripts in the single player story if there are script triggers near each other.

IE the jumphole to New Berlin, where you fly, fight Rhineland forces, then break off to run to the hole.
You get the "what is all this" trigger, With hakkera talking about the 80 years war
followed shortly after by the "the hole is just ahead, this is as far as we can go" trigger which has Hakkera making a little speech and then unlocking the jump hole.

Cruise speed 1500, ran me past the first trigger fast enough that it played _after_ the we can't go any further dialog, and hakkera never gave his last speech and unlocked the hole.

Flying through asteroid fields is quite the challange at 1500, since every collision sends you wildly out of control and knocks a considerable portion of your shield down.
Cruising in the badlands was just *NASTY*.

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 7:47 am

Ok, I dunno why but I can't get this to work. This is my first attempt to mod FL so I dunno what I am doing wrong. I used HCl's program to decompress the ini file, and I added the line and 10000 in the right spot. I save it, but there is no change in FL when I run it.

I've run it with the ini.txt which is how HCl's program leaves it, and I've tried taking off the .txt but neither makes any difference. What am I doing wrong?

Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 2:27 pm

So how would a thruster with speed 600 look like in the INIs?

and can i create an extra slot for cruise engines? and how would this look like?

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