Ut asked:
Question, though: Why, when I go, say, 10000K away from the sun in the NY system, does the ship seem to go all Quantum Mechanical? It rattles around like a 72 Plymouth!
And since nobody answered, here is the answer in genuine over-simplified terms. Basically it has to do with the floating point calculations used to precisely orient the multiple parts of the ship model around the actual ship center (including the "camera"
. Think of it like this; the position has a set number of digits, we'll say 8 for this example, the actual number is limited by your processor and/or the game engine. So we have the 3 coordinates of the world center, or something like this:
At this position the model pieces can be very precisly postioned thanks to all the numbers after the decimal point. The problem you saw was that your position was more like:
So, the pieces weren't precisely oriented to each other and the visible side effect was a lot of jumping around. There's a little more to it and you may even say that example isn't *entirely* correct, but I think it gets the point across