Bombs are tricky to use, and will remain that way, although it'll get much easier once I've gotten the area-effect explosions working to my satisfaction. I plan to eventually introduce some unguided rockets for area-spamming (once a few technical problems are overcome, and I'm sure they can be balanced right) and torpedoes, which will be designed so that using them in a way that's contrary to their real-world use (i.e.- heading straight and level at the target) won't work very well.
So, basically... expect bombs to work about as they do now, but they'll be easier to use (balanced, of course, by being able to carry a lot less of them), plus a variety of other weapons like them that players can spam ships with

I'm currently working on weapons for ships, and they're going to get really interesting (imho). Ships basically fit into four loosely-defined categories:
And here are all sorts of realism vs. fun gameplay decisions to make. For example... freighters, IRL, could mount some pretty serious cannons on them (and sometimes did- look up "Q ships" from WWI/WWII). So I'm going to have to decide whether to nerf freighters or not, when it comes to weapon choices, or just leave them with slower overall speed and less armor than the military vessels (which is where I'm leaning). Hovertanks are in that gray area between Boats and Freighters in terms of weapons... don't expect Boats to carry anything heavier than a heavy machinegun, and don't expect Hovertanks to carry a Battleship's massive turrets.
I imagine Beta 1 will have some teething problems with all of these concepts, but I'm sure that everything will eventually get tightened down to everybody's relative satisfaction.
Meanwhile, things are looking great in the mod's development. Necrolord's P47 model has replaced the Starflier (now called by a new name), the first Hovertank's in the game, and numerous other models are slowly working their way in. Thanks in great part to being able to study Mephistopheles's code (which is very simple and well-structured and thus easy for me to understand, hehe), I have begun implementing custom Infocards and Icons for everything, and I expect that people will be quite pleased with the way that the Beta will feel more like a complete "world", instead of just a technical demo