Warriors of the Sky, Alpha 4
You can download it here.
Special Credit in this version goes to BP, for helping me resolve a last-second crisis, Anton, whose unstinting work on FLModel Tool has helped me to realize some of the current effects, and Louva-Deus and Parabolix for helping me with several technical issues. Thanks, folks- I wouldn't have gotten done without you

Before I begin to describe the features of this Alpha, I'd like to once again make a plea to the FL community:
1. I need some modeling talent.
2. I need a sound artist. Preferably one familiar with the RIFF format, who's interested in a challenging job.
3. I need a server op. to give this mod a try, so that there's somewhere to play the mod.
Please, folks... if you have the resources/skills I need, help this mod reach its potential.
This mod is Multiplayer ONLY. If you're using the mod, then you need to open up FLServer and start a multiplayer game. In Freelancer Mod Manager, click on the File menu, and then click "start FLServer"... the rest is pretty obvious.
For those of you who actually read these things, here's a changelist from Alpha 3:
1. The Ocean has a much higher-resolution, tiled mipmap. What this means... is that flight feels fast, and the ocean is much prettier.
2. The first baby steps towards building the World have been taken. There are now 22 Bases you can visit and trade Goods at, as well as buy aircraft and Ships at. Dozens of Islands have been added, to give the World a bit of scenery. It's not terribly exciting, but it's better than the emptiness of the first few Alphas, and it gives players an opportunity to earn money through trade, instead of just slaughtering Pirates. Starting money has been set at 20K to give players the option to switch to one of the cheaper vehicles right away, should they wish to do so, or start doing trade runs.
3. Two new drivable vehicles have been added: the Swift Scout and the Pirate Speedboat. The Swift Scout is now the player's starting aircraft, and is a very fast, 2-gun aircraft that's very, very fragile. It's easier to fly than the Starflier, but players will want to switch as soon as they can afford to.
4. Machineguns now use ammunition, and have been re-balanced damage-wise.
5. All aircraft have been substantially re-balanced in various ways, mainly subtle ones.
6. The Liberty Justice Turret model has been replaced with a "ball turret" model. This model has two firepoints, and can fire two shots at once, making Bombers more dangerous than before.
7. Missions have a much higher payoff, to encourage players to join together and accomplish them.
8. The Factions now use a wider variety of aircraft.
9. Bombs have been added, and the Starflier, Rhino and Mule have all had the appropriate hardpoints added. Bombs fly straight "down" from the bottom of a player's ship, and are quite useful for destroying those pesky Junker Freighters

10. The NY System has been abandoned, opening the possibility (weird as this may sound) of trying to accomplish the SP campaign with the new aircraft. Given that Cruise is severely nerfed... this isn't going to work, I suspect, but people can try it if they want

11. Custom EXE and custom Server files have been included in this release, to allow server ops to use this Alpha without being crashed by FL 1.0 users.
In short... this is probably the last Alpha release. WOS is now 90% feature-complete- from here on out, it's mainly about adding new content, Infocards, Rumors and other details.
This is an ALPHA mod. And no, "Alpha" is not a bad sitcom from the 1980's, it's a state when normally a game is so buggy and ugly that nobody gets to see it unless they're paying for it and want to know why the milestone is late

Normally, I wouldn't release an Alpha, but it's fun, and I think that the FL community might get a kick out of it. This mod is virtually *garanteed* to have bugs that I haven't discovered through blowing stuff up... uh, I mean, "careful beta testing". Please install FL SDK 1.3 *before* activating the mod- it's not garanteed to prevent problems, but hey, it's how I run things here, and I haven't had this mod crash on me in ... oh... about 24 hours.
If this mod crashes FL, it's an Alpha, what can I say? You've been warned

Edited by - Argh on 12/14/2004 3:25:26 PM