The test server's up, btw... come on in, the water's fine
1. The bombs will eventually be nerfed properly. They'll probably drop very quickly (like IRL), but you won't be able to carry nearly as many. Right now, they're just an experiment
2. The bombs aren't actually torpedos- they're shooting weapons in Alpha 4. Expect that to be rectified in Beta 1... they'll be "missiles". That's if I get all issues with custom SUR vs. Explosion effects worked out (Anton and I are still evaluating that). So the shortcut key should work, when we get to Beta.
3. Comments on the relative balance are always welcome, and I'll think about nerfing the dual machineguns a bit. Personally, I'm inclined to think that the Bombers are almost balanced now- they might be half-way challenging for a human being to shoot down, against a human pilot. In the last Alpha, we did some shoot-down tests... and the Rhino and Pirate Freighter were too easy to kill, when both were piloted by people (and didn't have Escorts). But I'll keep thinking about this... and thanks for the feedback