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Best trade route i''ve found GOOD money and NO hostiles!

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:34 pm

Flaw in the initial post.
(not really a flaw, just a situation that hapened to me)

GC spots me coming into their system. (I'm neutral to everyone)
demands that I drop my Lux consumer goods.
Choice 1: drop and lose $$$
Choice 2: Run and die instantly.

So much for my run.... LOL.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:47 pm

Haha life is life =) Guess that's all about luck then =)
At least the run works perfectly fine for me hehe, what more is there to say?
I at least like my little run and if you buy luxuary consumer goods in manhattan and know u are not gonna die thats a big bonus but i wouldnt risk that because of the chances of dying, but if you die no big deal it's just to make a new account but anyway.

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 5:09 am

here is a route i just thought of.

1) once you have a freighter, head to Stuttguart, Freiburg Station
2) Buy diamonds for 308/unit from Freiburg Station
3) Do 1 Tradelane jump to Stuttguart, Planet Stuttgart
4) Sell diamonds for 660/unit (88K profit if you have a humpback)
5) Jump back to Freiburg Station and repeat process.

Pros - Its one tradelane jump only!

Cons - It only pays off one way and i cant remember if you get attacked a lot on this route. But since its only one tradelane jump, you can easily afterburn to the dock before any real damage is done

PS Nagorak. PLEASE DO TELL US your super PROFITABLE route.... im curious to know. Just make sure its within ONE jump! And if you want to talk about profitability, how about this equation

(sale-purchase/time taken to make sale!)

FYI - download the freelancer cargo calculator to help work out your trade route figures! Thats where i got my figures from ;P

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 12:46 pm

hm, i would like to know the efficiency of these tradelanes you supposed.

to explain what i mean im doing this for the new berlin => new tokyo run.

u land on new berlin.

***start timer here***

buy diamonds for 396, head for new tokyo

land on new tokyo, sell diamonds for 1650 (PROFIT: 1254)
buy niobium for 512
launch for the ring in new berlin

land on the ring, sell niobium for 1440 (PROFIT: 928)
launch for new berlin

land on new berlin

***stop timer here***

my total time needed for that trip was 27 minutes (rounded up).
total profit gained was 2182.
2182/27= 80,81
that means i "earn" 80,81 credits each minute im flying.

(with a humpback with 250 cargo space that would make 545500 credits per trip, a dromedary with 275 equals 600050 credits)

this route was done without fighting, to make sure you do aswell, just destroy some depots before you launch (DSE, Samura, etc) to get neutral to the criminal factions.

possible enemies on this route would be bundschuh, red hessians, corsairs, outcasts and blood dragons.
but im neutral to all of them.

so now i would like what the other routes lets you earn per minute, as this is the main factor i choose my tradelanes

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:42 pm

okay, ive just done the ainu depot run proposed here.
thats my result:

Roppongi (new tokyo) station => Ainu Depot (C6)
buy luxury consumer goods: 810

sell cardamine: 810
=> profit: 331

Ainu Depot (C6) => Roppongi (new tokyo) station
sell luxury consumer goods: 1440
=> profit: 630

buy cardamine: 479

profit added: 961
time needed overall: 12 minutes

961/12= 80,08

80,08 credits per minute, almost as good as the new berlin => new tokyo run and it is shorter.

will be going to test some other routes proposed here

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:01 pm

Please disregard my suggested route!!! Ive just checked the game and the figures are bogus. Apparently the Cargo Calculator is using slightly outdated figures from the beta release... sighhh .. and here i thought i had a dream route! ... one round trip through one tradelane jump and u earn 88k (250 cargo) ...

damn ...

Spoon .. i like your figures, and i personally prefer the diamond/niobium run ... why? coz the cargo is legal all the way ... =) the profit margins are much greater too. Ive been using the diamond/niobium run ever since i found it in SP and within 2 hours, i can rake in 2 million (refer to Spoon's figures)

But to get everyone neutral takes time and i guess thats where the ainu run looks more tempting =)

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:19 pm

another one, i actually didnt fly this one but calculated it with FL Datastorm (u can get it in the download seection).

Planet Manhatten => Planet Los Angeles
sell Cardamine: 1500
Profit: 690
buy H-Fuel: 360

Planet Los Angeles => Mactan Base
sell H-Fuel: 420
Profit: 60
buy Engine Components: 974

Mactan Base => Planet Manhatten
sell Engine Components: 1424
Profit: 450
buy Cardamine: 810

Profit added: 1200
Time needed: ?

1200/80= 15

15 means that for a profit of 80 credits per minute (what equals the routes new berlin => new tokyo or roppongi => ainu), u are not to fly longer than 15 minutes for the whole trip (manhatten => los angeles => mactan => manhatten).

of course i didnt fly this route yet, but i doubt that it will take less than 15 minutes, most likely even longer considering that roppongi => ainu took about 12 minutes...

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:57 pm

@The Bone Collector
now that was one complicated trade lane, i dont even know if i understood it correctly...
here is what i got:
original text:

The Bone Collector

my trade route with my Humpback is New London to Ohashi Station (Sho ko ku) and back, yields me 675K and no issues. I run steaks to Denver and Light Arms to Ohashi -375k that way,
and Engine Components from Deshimo Station to Freeport 4 and Optronics (i think) from there to New London -300k that way.

Haven't had any problems yet. Yields about 1mil an hour, if ya push it and don't get knocked out of the trade lanes too much. its about 16 jump gates a round trip, roughly 30-40 waypoints one way. Hell, I like it---pretty smnooth trip really.


my calcs (again, didnt fly it actually):

New London => Denver (Colorado)
sell Optronics: 1203
Profit: 993
buy Luxury Food(?): 192

Denver (Colorado) => Ohashi Station (Shi***u)
sell Luxury Food(?): 1360
Profit: 1168
buy Light Arms: 238

Ohashi Station (Shi***u) => Deshima Station (Shi***u)

Deshima Station (Shi***u) => Freeport 4 (Magellan)
sell Light Arms: 532
Profit: 294
buy Engine Components: 344

Freeport 4 (Magellan) => New London
sell Engine Compontens: 1350
Profit: 1006
buy Optronics: 210

overall Profit: 3461

Efficiency: 3461/80= 43,26
3461/60= 57

that means if u wanted to get the same as in the new berlin => new york run, u should need 44 minutes to do the run, if u need - as you said - about 1 hour (60 mins) that would only equal 57 credits per minute.

i want to find the ultimate trade route, cmon boys, try harder!!!

and @noelho
its not that hard actually.
before i did anything at all, i destroyed some DSE depots in new york and was neutral to the rogues and outcasts.
had to destroy more in rheinland because of the unioners and red hessians, but that wasnt too hard.
one more in kusari space and now im neutral to all factions im currently dealing with.

PS: why does this board censor the string k-o-k?? =>*** *** ***<=

Edited by - sp00n on 19-03-2003 16:00:27

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 5:35 pm

Are those depots just the big cyclinder thingys that hang off stations?

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:07 am

This si the best route

No danger (if rep ok with GC and Blood Dragons)

Short (about 10min)

With humpback i was making 350k round trip.

I love it, thank you very much.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 10:28 am

just fly around with "loot" targetting on (the treasure chest) instead of "important" (the exclamation mark) and youll notice them.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 12:29 pm

spoon, cool trade runs ... but are those figures correct? i didnt know manhattan paid that much for engine components? ... ;P ...

and if mactan is selling them at 970, why not just sell them at freeport 4 which buys them for 1350? .... me thinks something wrong with the data storm program! hehehee

i guess the best run is still diamonds from new berlin to new tokyo and niobium from new tokyo to the ring ...... ?

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:56 pm

The best trade route in the game gets you 1900 profit per item i wont tell you wat it is but i will say this it is dangerious if u dont have the rite friends and only 8 systems 2 of wich are 1 minuet stops, have fun finding it :-D

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:56 pm

might it be this one?

Alien Organisms: Ruiz Base (Omicron Beta) => Planet California Minor (California) or Willard Research Station
7 jumps between bases
1 units bought for $100 per unit ($100 total)
1 units sold for $2000 per unit ($2000 total)
$1900 profit per unit ($1900 profit total)

and then back perhaps this:

Light Arms: Alcatraz Depot (California) => Ruiz Base (Omicron Beta)
7 jumps between bases
1 units bought for $224 per unit ($224 total)
1 units sold for $1120 per unit ($1120 total)
$896 profit per unit ($896 profit total)

looks as if u got something wrong:

Mactan Base => Planet Manhatten
sell Engine Components: 1424
Profit: 450
buy Cardamine: 810

that means that u are the mactan base and are selling engine components for 1424, then u buy cardamine for 810 and head for manhatten.
not that u can sell engine components on manhatten for 1424

and i was just analyzing trade routes posted in this (or other) threads.
didnt find *ANY* for myself

Edited by - sp00n on 20-03-2003 14:58:40

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:00 pm

yes thats the one :-D

but is it the best out their thats my question :-D

well apart from slavage :-D

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