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Elite Server

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:06 am

you shouldn't blow all your money on one load of cargo anyways, and there is NO challenge in most cargo runs, there should be at least some.

for me anyone over 15 or in a humpback is fair game. i don't go outta my way to hunt people, i'm usually up with the friendly nomads anyways (curse there no gun droppin asses!). but don't go around killin the outcasts up there

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:29 pm

if your risk your whole money in cargo, well, I guess you really RISK YOUR WHOLE money.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:47 pm


yes i had run in with him as well.
not so much the getting killed bit.... all credit to the bloke for being able to fly the ship.... more of his attitude that stinks.

he is more than happy to make remarks about other people
but dosnt like it when he gets the same treatment.

he is more than happy to go around saying people are uneducated and thick...
but tell him to get a life and he gets all high and mighty about how you should not be judging him....

then a direct ? from another play to me and he feels that he has the right to butt in and anser, for no other reason than to stir up crap.......
and then when i point out the ? was for me...i get told i cant read.
i got the screenies ---- its YOU who cannot read... or i should say cannot be bothered to read.... sure trait of an arrogant knob.

tell me Tisiin seen as im an uneducated thick person.....
whats the term for a person who behaves as you have ?

two faced

me being a thicko i like to stick to simple words.
i just think your a knob of the highest order.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:30 pm

funny, you are telling him he can´t read, and still writing his name wrong, even when he postet just abit above you ... but well no commont to that

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:00 pm


i took his name from a previous post in this topic.
which was also spelt incorrectly. (if you wish to check)

shame really as the only argument he had was to pick up on spelling mistakes
nothing more grown up than that im afraid.
i wasnt exepcting others to follow suit.

alas i have been proven wrong.

seen as you all teachers of the english language can you tell me if theres a differenace between saying

"its you who cannot read"
"its YOU who cannot read... or i should say cannot be bothered to read"

or does that not matter when trotting out smart one line replies ?

Edited by - maxp on 13-03-2003 18:08:01

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 5:14 am

Ok, more on topic than off. Elite has been crashing ALOT lately, ever since it was kicked up to serving 32 ppl. It just can't do it. The xeno's are warping everywhere and I find myself starting over at the same base every 15 minutes due to a server crash. @ 30 it wasn't too bad, but still bad. Go back to 28, it seemed ideal. I could drop a xeno every ten seconds.. now , it takes minutes.Plz, drop it back down to 28 ppl.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:11 am

As I mentioned earlier, the increase to 30, and then to 32 has been a test, to see how well the server operates, and to find out what people think. I don't want to compromise playability for a few extra players.

I would love to hear from a few other folks that play on this server.

I do agree that it has been crashing quite a bit lately, and I'm not certain if this has to do with the number of users, corrupt player files, hacking/cheating, or something wrong with the server itself. (with luck this will be resolved soon)

I'm going to let it ride on 32 through this weekend, but NEED to hear other players opinions.

Please post your opinion here.


Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:44 am

I understand your POV. But since I can't take missions due to the lag, and trading is boring imho... all that's left is a weekend of total PK action.. hwg! w333333!

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:50 am

the server was fine i played on it for a while today.

server should auto kick people with high pings off though, there is no way you can fight someone with a high ping, they either just keep getting dropped and come back full or jump so much that you might as well find a rock and shoot at it for all the good it does.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:46 pm

ditto's, the rocks rule!

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:09 pm

"I would love to hear from a few other folks that play on this server."

I accidentally started a new post on this, because I didnt see this thread beforte...but anyway...I play on dial-up and have had no problems at all. I have been disconnected 2 times, but I think that is an issue with my ISP, not the server. I also play during peak hours.

Compared to every other server I've been on, ELITE is heads and shoulders above them. It performs better with 32 people than most of the others do with I'm not sure where all the complaints are coming from. I have to wonder if maybe this is the only server they've been on. Once they see how bad bad can get, they wont complain as much.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:12 pm

why why WHY does it crash so often?
i just got kicked and it didnt save the last mission i did, so i just lost 3 ranks and 30,000 credits!!!!

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:31 pm

This is an issue we are currently looking into. (there are many possible reasons for this - some known, and will be fixed in due time)

I do hope this doesn't stop you from playing on this server. We will try to keep the restarts to a minimum.

Because of the fairly consistent restarts, I may be reducing the player count, as another test. Stay tuned.


Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 9:15 am

I hate to say it, but I'm all for reducing player count. It keeps the server running smooth, or at least lag-free. I'd even ask for a password - given away freely at this forum - to reduce the thousands of casual players trying to log into the server. I think the majority of serious Elite users know this website and know the forums, and the casual user is not gonna bother to quit out of the game and log into a site/forum to find a password.

Also, I think the crashes have to do with the server code. Elite has quickly become one of the most popular 24/7 servers in the FL world and it's probably natural that it's experiencing the most problems due to the sheer amounts of connections - not to mention failed connections.

Hopefully some sort of patch will address this issue. I just hate to see server admins pulling their hair out over something that's not their fault...

The only thing I like more than pie is having more pie than I'd like.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 9:28 pm

the crashing isnt so bad when it seems just random, but it's like the servers out to get me when it crashes right before the end of a 30k mission, and then right after a 30k mission, and then once more after a 20k mission. *sigh* 80,000 credits, down the drain. but it wont stop me from playing on it, the elite server is the best i've played on. there was one other that was really nice and seemed stable with a larger number of players, but the admin started talking about enforcing RP factions ship and weapons-wise. and all this other crazy stuff that sounded cool, but not thought out at all, like the admin was a 12 year old boy with grand dreams of wars with no thought as to the politics of it all. if your gonna RP, do it right and actually plan it out.
in summation, elite is the best.

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