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Elite Server

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:09 pm

Elite Server

Wow, this is a great server. I always see TLR members on it and its very fast. The only porblem is that its hard to get on to cuz its always full.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:15 pm

No kidding. I just spent an hour and a half trying to get in, got in for 20 minutes and then crashed to the desktop, full again now.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:22 pm

hmm i got in no problem you just have to be quick , it is a great server though

Peace through superior firepower.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:51 am

Yeah, I love that server, but it is a bitch to get into. Fortunately, this week ASE will be releases an update to add Freelancer - so you can simply set it to autodial.

The server community does need a time-out feature though. Right now, you can log into a server and sit at a base for as long as you want. Having a ten or fifteen minute idle timer per player might clear up spots for the real popular servers.

The only thing I like more than pie is having more pie than I'd like.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:54 am

Note to any "server campers"

If the "CONSOLE" tries to strike up a conversation with you and you don't reply in a timely manner, it will be assumed you are afk and will be considered a candidate for being kicked off the server so another waiting pilot may log on.

Remember, to chat with the console, hit enter and arrow up!

This doesn't mean if the admin makes an attempt and you don't answer right away you'll be kicked off, far from it. People get into battles that could take a long time, there's no question. But if it's noticed you're in the same system for a looooong time, and you don't answer a hail for a loooong time. Your camping buddy and yer outta there. That's simply not fair to others that might be waiting...some day you might be on the outside waiting too.

Just try to be considerate of people that might be waiting to get on. It's a popular server, treat it and the people waiting with some respect. thatt's not asking much.

Edited by - Stinger on 11-03-2003 03:55:22

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:07 am

I was in the middle of a battle with hessians in a bloodhound.. and the server crashed tonight after a series of untimely red X's on the lag box.. its it coming back up soon? T-storm or malfunction of some type?

Edit-btw, is there a way to talk directly to the console/admin?

Edited by - Ali-Bubba on 11-03-2003 05:17:08

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:34 am

Sorry about the downtime everyone. The server did crash, and was not restarted automatically (forgot to start the monitoring tool).

There isn't currently a way to talk directly to the console, unless the console starts a conversation with you by talking directly to a player, or a system.

Hopefully the server runs fine from now on. There will be the rare crashes, but it should start right back up without much delay.

Jump on now, only 15 people playing - that's a sight.

Please let me know if there are any problems with the server: [email protected]


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:16 pm

Aaaargh I cant get on! Love this server... Actually it's the only server I play on... Very friendly people!

Dont touch that knob[!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:24 pm

This server is great apart from one thing. Tisiin. Yeah i dont mind dueling yeah i dont mind losing a battle yeah i dont mind losing my brand new THORs HAMMMER wepons because he blow off my wings ok he beat me thats cool. But when i had no cash and i had about 3 wepons and i undock to try to earn some cash and he still attacks me. well i think theres no need you won its over.
Lucky for him it was at planet crete so theres no rules against it. But Tisiin i will get nomand wepons i will come and hunt you down man Hunt You Down!!!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:55 pm

I think the same guy had a few pops at me also... He probably scans you, makes sure you have no chance, and then takes liberty's.

P.S. Still can't get on the damn server.

Edited by - Delantris on 11-03-2003 22:56:04

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:18 pm

yeah.. that guy is a major griefer.. camping at jump gates and killing newbies/lowbies with some of his lackeys..
anyway, we should compile a PK list and hunt PKers (kind of like a REAL bounty hunter's guild) and a kill on sight order for particularly egregious griefers

i've also seen people kill teammates when they are docking, etc.. pretty childish

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:39 pm

complains about tas

I wonder when the first start about me, I guess I have to try harder and kill more

*sigh* heck I kill already nearly everything on sight as long as its not hidden in liberty ...

oh and to get back on topic, yeah sometimes you get the impression that only actuall half the ppl are playing, cause you can search a whole system for them, for about half an hour, and do not find anything to kill ... kinda boring *g*

ah btw, blown of wings, mean not that you lose the weapon permant, was myself surprised when tas blow my wing off, but well my sala mk2 was still there ... hehe and tas was gone :p
so it would been worth it anyway

Edited by - Apocalypse on 11-03-2003 23:42:56

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:55 pm

do we lose weapons when we get killed by other players?

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 12:24 am

only those that are unmounted
aswell you lose your cargo, and any other stuff that is unmounted.

so guess you should not run arround much with your new level 10 shilds without mounting them

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 12:26 am

Apocalypse, I hate you. I was so close to New London

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