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Elite Server

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:21 am

Elite has been crashing A LOT lately. Even though it starts right back up, its still annoying. Sting or Ata, can you guys check this out?

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:25 am

Looking into it now.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:26 am

Actually this crashing is imo a good thing, there is no better way to kick all those afk and idlers *g*

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:53 am

lol, complaints about PK'ers.. I've seen guys in Bloodhounds and Daggers PK HF's and VHF's.. its not the ship.. its the pilot.

Edit- you guys wanted to be able to join factions.. some have: the pirates! Hand over 30 of the cargo, and you go free. Sounds simple enuff. Otherwise, the PK'ing starts. You might wanna hire escorts or move in packs. Form you own faction. Try something besides wishing otherwise.

Edited by - Ali-Bubba on 12-03-2003 02:55:15

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:55 am

The Elite server will be down longer than I had originally indicated (I told the players that were on-line that it would be 15 minutes). It will hopefully be up within a couple of hours.

Don't worry, all accounts are backed up and safe.


Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:19 am

Ack, long 15 minutes. I know any 15 minute time estimation given is a Microsoft ism for less than a whole day. LOL! GL getting it all worked out. It'll be there when its there.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:20 am


when i fired up fl and went to the server list and noticed elite was missing i got a little worried. glad to hear everything is in hand. love this server and can't wait to get back on...


Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 4:16 am

I like Elite but it can be so difficult to find people to fly with! I go to a system that has like 3-4 people in it, ask if anybody wants to do missions or needs an escort and I receive no repply! After several more tries to poke anything out of them and no repply I just leave as I find it boring to fly on my own. I'm guessing these guys could have been idling taking up valuable space that could be spent with people that want to interact with others.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 4:39 am

Elite server is back up. Hopefully more stable this time, but if not, please let me know.

[email protected]


Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:40 pm

I think PK'ing add's an element of tension to the game, but feel a warning at least would be helpful and give you enough time to get ready for the whooping!

I too have had several severe ass kickings off Tasiin, but once I even managed to kill him with my less superior equipped ship... Fair enough I did catch him slightly un-aware's and more severe ass kicking's ensued afterwards, but I put it down as good experience, and damn good fun! If you want him to stop, then pay him the ransom. He's a man of his word and will decist any hostilitys on payment.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:14 pm

Fallout: Flying with people and interacting isn't everyone's idea of a good MP experience. I rarely communicate or team up with other people on Elite. I find the MP experience to be like a living extension of the SP game.. it's fun to go to a jump gate and help out people getting mauled by pirates, it's also fun to have that slight tension entering a system with a full cargo load and seeing another player.

The game also has a clunky communication interface and that discourages me from MP. It can be rough to get a team and a formation together, there are no hotkeys to send distress calls or orders, there's also no in-game way to designate a leader. It's far too easy to get separated, especially when you have to take your hands off the controls to type the most basic of instructions to your groupmmates. A series of BF:1942 hotkeys would really work great, especially with audio clips involved.

"Forming Up", "In Formation", "Stop", "Wait", "Under Attack", "Everyone Run", "Meet at next Waypoint" - etc.

Plus, the universe is pretty big and there's alot to do for a server that only has 30 people on it at once (which is a good amount for the game I've found). On Elite, I avoid the congested played out money runs, mostly to increase my interest in the game and to prevent my guy from just being another cookie cutter level 30+ Titan.

The only thing I like more than pie is having more pie than I'd like.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:07 pm

earlier yesterday, we got around 5 or 6 people in our group, and I must say it's pretty cool to fly in formation while raiding a Navy base or what not. The multiplayer dimension of it definitely has its appeal, especially if you are in a difficult region for your level (eg flying your liberty ships out for a foray into rheinland space).
It's a shame that the chat interface is so clumsy; with no OOC for global chat, etc. I hate to say it, but in some ways, FL could have taken some hints when it comes to multiplayer functionality. At any rate, I'm hoping that either DA or a 3rd party will release comm tools that will help improve the cohesiveness of the community, and promote something akin to clan wars in space (no, not newbie preying).
Imagine the excitement when you hear an intercepted transmission of some traders smuggling their wares, or maybe of the static filled distress calls of fellow clan members when they get ambushed a sector over! Anyway, I'd have to agree with the above post that sometimes it seems like an extension of SP FL until those tools are (if they will be) released.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:12 am

My lackeys...hehe

Well, I guess I have a reputation, but seriously - you guys take this wayyyyy too seriously. There are almost no penalties for being killed in this game yet I seem to have about three or four people out for my blood right now for only one kill.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:43 am

do nomad wepaons drop on this server? i pooped about 50 of em and not a one. but i got a nice tour of the unknown system

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:11 am

Tasiin there might be a low penalty but losing all your money on the cargo you toasted is no fun and will drive people away. Just keep that in mind next time you blast a newbie..

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