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E2 Full Of Cheaters!

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:55 pm

I am sorry but I have to totaly disagree with piracy leading to less pc games.
If M$ wanted to make freelancer pirate-proof they would only have to rquire a unique cd key to play online a-la counterstrike, UT2003 etc.
Releasing a game with NO protection is a great marketing tool.
For examople lets say there are 100,000 pirated copies being used for 2 weeks b4 realese, they get maybe 10% of these players totaly hooked on a cool game.
1 week after release they patch the game and make it so only legit copies work any more. Those 10% of adicts go out and buy a game they wouldnt of normaly bought.
There are more games released now that ever b4, and more piracy than ever b4, while I am on the piracy rant, where would SONY or PHILIPS be without pirates, who would buy blank CDs if all they did was back up thier own data. Both Sony and Philips receive 0.03 cents for every CD of any description sold anywhere in the globe, that covers music cds data cds game cds ps2 x-box cds/dvds blank cds. It doesnt matter what brand or company they get the comission for using a media they invented. Now with literaly billions of cds sold globaly every year they would be serriously out of pocket just from the loss of sale of blank media.

Now if a company can justify how a CD/Game/Movie can cost $15 US dollars and £15 UK pounds for exactly the same product without the crap about distribution costs I would love to hear it.

OK rant over, btw I do buy any game/music cd/dvd etc I realy like and listen too/watch/play regularly. ie. Freelancer ;-)

Welcome to Lave Commander Bambi.
You have 100.00 credits.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:41 pm

Tend to agree

i only bought an amiga coz i knew i could get loads of cheapo pirated games

Wars not about whos right its about whos left

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:29 am

Bambi, you're reasoning makes SOME amount of sense (not that it really works that way, though...seems like pirates were able to find ways to patch warezed WarCraft III copies just fine). But even assuming it does work this way, this is only true in the short run. When you lame pirates try to justify pirating games, you have to take responsibility for being the very people who encourage and increase the percentage of people who pirate in total. Thus, in the long run, you're really screwing the industry over. And don't say "everybody else is doing it..." cause your moral responsibilities don't get diluted among the riff-raff.

Freelancer took a lot of time and a lot of money and a lot of effort to make. Just buy a damn copy, already.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 8:57 am

bambi your wrong about the use of unique wont stop will still be copied..and left up to the downloader to goto nearest K-mart and steal cd-key from cd jewel and go play...there is no way around it...hell most people cant even download these pirated games..either its too big 2+cds while on dial-up...or they just plain dont know where to get it...besides kazaa which doesnt have that much at all..compared to my sources.There are plenty of people out there buying it. I have only bought 2 games in 3years...Klingon Academy (6Discs & $15) and the soon to be released Star wars Galaxies.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:00 pm

goto nearest K-mart and steal cd-key


You just don't get it do you..

Stealing is wrong, mmm'k

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:11 pm

I'm playing on a private server.. but I am level 30 already. I have a friend that is higher than that even. I was his hired gun escort for a long time as he moved large quantities of diamonds and niobium through the galaxy.. we did trade runs for many many many many hours straight.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:14 pm

Both Sony and Philips receive 0.03 cents for every CD of any description sold anywhere in the globe, that covers music cds data cds game cds ps2 x-box cds/dvds blank cds. It doesnt matter what brand or company they get the comission for using a media they invented. Now with literaly billions of cds sold globaly every year they would be serriously out of pocket just from the loss of sale of blank media.

Sony loses substantially more revenue from pirated music than it'll ever make on blank storage media.

Now if a company can justify how a CD/Game/Movie can cost $15 US dollars and £15 UK pounds for exactly the same product without the crap about distribution costs I would love to hear it.

Let me ask you, do you think it's one guy sitting in his basement writing code that produces games like Freelancer? Distribution costs are a tiny fraction of the game's price. It's about production costs. Incomes, studio space, actors, office space, office supplies, electricity (the cost of keeping the servers at 55 degrees farenheit is probably more than most people make in year), equipment (major expense for game developing), the list goes on. Running my own firm, I know all too well that everything costs money. If Freelancer sells 10 million copies at $50 each, they'll maybe break even. Microsoft's revenue from computer games is next to nothing, especially compared to their OS and business application software. They continue for the amount of brand recognition that games give.

Microsoft's stock won't drop a penny if every game they produce is pirated. The ones you hurt are the developers who are simply trying to make a living, and in the long run, yourself because the developers will have long moved on not being able to make a living.

Best analogy I can think of is getting an extra hundred from a bank teller. One might think "hey, the bank has so much money, they'll never miss it". True, but the bank teller gets fired and that person and their family suffers.

So, and I don't mean this directly at you Bambi since you've bought the game, if you are using a warez copy, don't post on this site, you have no right to say anything, and the guilt you feel just may be your own.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:24 pm

I think that that was more of an attempt to say that 15GBP is equal to ~24USD... and that since the game is the same, what's with the $10 price hike... that's just my intepretation of... I could be very wrong.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:45 am

hum, 10 million copys to break even? I even most console games do not come close to this ... though costs for a game are definatly huge, and actual making money with them is definatly hard ... as far as I know about 2 million are atm to minimum you have to spend for developing a game that can compette on the market, though 10 million sold units sound definatly to high ... did you mean maybe just 1 million sold units?

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 2:05 am

"Distribution costs are a tiny fraction of the game's price. It's about production costs."

Well. Sort of. The developers only get $4-8 bucks off a sold $39.99-49.99 game, depending on which publisher they signed with. Distribution costs are a tiny fraction of the game's COSTS, but it's a huge portion of the game's PRICE.

I was a game dev until a year ago. Worked on Ground Control, if you know it. Nowdays I'm a professional writer, doing game reviews to pay for most of my expenses. (The rest is prostitution, of course.)

Edited by - piotrr on 07-03-2003 02:07:18

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:04 am

i also can make ALOT of money in a few hours time but not in five you need to buy the biggest freither to get going with big bucks.

But when someone is playing for 5 hours and is lvl 5 then lands somewhere and comes out with his brand new ship and lvl 38...

Then he is cheating why...

Because you level how much more money you make BUT when they activated the cheat it stays at lvl 5 until they buy a new ship...
and if they were to get that money by fair trading then you would have seen them level up over atleast lvl 15.

so when someone jumps from a low level to lvl 38 you assume for sure its a cheater. Just download the trainer your self and start testing it so you know where to look for...

Its time for ms to come with a new patch because this sucks big time...

And a server monitor would be nice you cant see **** not even logs to keep track of the users logging on and what they do how can i be a admin if i cant even keep a track of the users.

Greetz Nataku.

Edited by - nataku on 07-03-2003 03:04:22

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:14 am

just cause you people SUCK!!!! i cant make any money yet,,,and there are players who (like me) are lvl 30+ and have $2mill+ in first few days of release doesnt mean we are is called " WE GOT THE GAME 2 WEEKS B4 RELEASE" and some people spend WAY to much time on games and get higher than everyone else..if they are lvl 38 already and have eagle or sabre ASK THEM HOW MAN LOGIN HOURS THEY HAVE...there is your answer..

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:25 am

i agree ...

i hate cheaters too..

first time i got the game i didnt cheat.. i play over 50hours of gaming now for 1 account.. im near lvl 31 ... but ive tried the cheat to another account name cause i want to see all the galaxies... so cheat is bad for good play but its good when you just want to see how many galaxies exists on freelancer...

thats help to get pass every jump holes... without beeing killed in the other side by heaviest ennemies.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:27 am

Stop it.
I know u guys are not cheating, but some ppl are and thats what this treadh is about! Not to tell u are innocent!
I did play 2 days (didnt count the hours, but LOTS of hours and almost no sleep) to get lvl 38, and get my Titan.
Then the server is was playing on dissapeared... i thought lets try another server.
And there i meet a guy telling me he could save me the troubles of collecting all that cash again, and give me a jumpstart...
He did say he found a cheat, i did say i dont want it..
Next he offered me 2 milion cash in trade..
There are cheaters in this game, i dunno how they do it and i dont wanna know.
It just spoils the game faster for u is my oppinion, it feels much better when u had to "work" for your expensive ship/equipment.
I hope there 'll be a patch to remove the possibility to cheat...
If u cheat in single player ok, its your game, but if u cheat in multiplayer it concerns others...
Cheating doesnt belong into a multiplayer game!

Edited by - Cybermonk on 07-03-2003 07:30:37

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:29 pm

Oke someone awnser this if someone is lvl 5 and is playing for a few hours and then all of a sudden turns lvl 38 is that possieble....????

We need a better server tool so we can watch how much money a person has because this is going to get innocent people banned...

Greetz Nataku

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