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E2 Full Of Cheaters!

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Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:10 am

E2 Full Of Cheaters!

If E2 just started up today, How can there be some many freaking Lvl 38s???????

I hate CHeaters!!!!

-Jimmy Jammy Your Bald Headed Mammy

Edited by - Bargib on 04-03-2003 09:44:04

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:29 am

Actually E2 started up over a week ago (using an early released version of the RTM product)
I am aware of the possible cheating, and may have to do a major account overhaul. (Note, for those on the server, don't get too attached to your characters)

Stay tuned...

P.S. Elite, if not up tonight, will be up tomorrow morning (PST), with at least some cheating monitoring in place.

Edited by - akataka on 04-03-2003 04:52:05

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:55 am

Cheat monitoring? w00t! What does it use?

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:03 am

Well, I don't want to release too much quite yet, and it won't be fool proof, but it will at least alert the admin to "sudden increases in credits/rank over a very short period of time". (you know those level 38s with 2 hours invested)

I'm still factoring in many variables, and it will more than likely need some tweaking over the next week, but it is better than nothing.

Unfortunately I do not know of another way, at present, to do any cheat monitoring or prevention.


Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:34 am

Any chance to test this server monitoring tool too or will it only be for your server?

Xan, "Gemini - Gold" Server admin
Pangalactic Gurgleblaster - Don't Panic! Thank you for all the fish

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:44 am

Um.... pirating? Blowing up police and company storage units and selling the loot? Remembering where the goodies are like the Flint and jumpstarting your career with a cardimine run and instant 30k? Ya, you can kick levels fast. Doesn't mean you are a cheater. Just means FL isn't a randomly generated universe everytime you log on. Its extremely static. All you gotta do is check your SP maps for where all the red X's are with all the goodies @.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:53 am

Yeah, not to spoil anything, but even simple legal runs can net alot of money if you got the guts to fly a starflier with a load of luxury goods to a kusari planet, bam, 5 lvs 1 trip. Alot of the people in MP have played the SP campaign and know the money routes.... that's all. though I'll admit it is very easy to make money.


Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:26 am

To the last 2 posters: Yes most of us are aware of fast LEGAL ways to level up. But we are speaking of these "First log in, BAM lv38".

Xan, "Gemini - Gold" Server admin
Pangalactic Gurgleblaster - Don't Panic! Thank you for all the fish

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:46 pm

there is no chetaing in E2 thats where i'm lvl 29...this game was released in the piracy world about 2 weeks ago..and thats how long i've had it..i've got 31hours on my dont start assuming there are cheaters out there...unlless you call piracy cheating :O

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:50 am

Actually, I do. Every pirated copy means that much less of a chance to see a FL sequel or development into a MMOG.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:40 am

I think there is account time (which is the hours the character is playing on the server)

so maybe you can compare that with the level of the character

i guess no matter what you do... you cant earn a few 100k in 5 min.... (unless someone else gave it to you...)

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:23 am

Actually, every pirated copy is another human player in the game making the game more enjoyable for those that bought it, thus encouraging others to buy it too.

B says: That is the biggest bull**** of the day! Congrats!

Edited by - Bargib on 05-03-2003 11:59:57

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:26 am

Lol, well isn't that just the most bass-ackward way of looking at pirating of software...I really don't think i will enjoy the game when playing with people who have no convictions with cheating because "what do they care, they didn't have to pay for it".


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:19 am

Actually, I guess most of my mates on e2 are maxed out within some hours ... what else should the rest of us do with the money?
You can go in a single day on your own to level 38, not to speak how fast it goes when 3-4 peeps give you the money of their last mission to start. (should be abou 1 mil to start)

than go straight with them to [spoiler to get a hammerhead, and than to [spoiler to get a eagle. done. maxed out character. take less than 5 hours.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:40 am

Actually, every pirated copy is another human player in the game making the game more enjoyable for those that bought it, thus encouraging others to buy it too.

Well, I guess now that you can actually buy a copy, all the new people online are making the game more enjoyable for piraters, thus encouraging piraters to buy it too! Go out and buy the damn game, fools.

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