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The truth about AE

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Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:55 am

Dude, i am comming to kill you, you guys shoot people down, do you ask how would you liek to die ?

lol, get real, i am not having a friendly duel with you guys, i am beating you guys up, pure and simple, just like you killed people for no reason, when you see i am in your system you better f1 out like your little buddy did or you will just die a lot more.

oh and btw, you have never beat me with or without missles, we have dueled many times, I used to think you had honour, then you joined [AE and have changed a lot, stay with them a little longer, you guys are doing wonders at driving people off the server as it is, don't be upset now cause someone is stepping up to you.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:59 am

Whatever FooGoo - you're just a punk that ran from a VHF. I went to even the odds. I am not droppin cargo in a Freighter kill so you can get your rocks off. Seeing as you had taken out my buddy, and I knew my frieghter was no match, I got something that was.

You talk honour, but you ran away. And I don't care if it was FooGoo acting alone. The person holding the mouse is the same, there is no difference to me.

AE is at war with GOV. You brought it, now deal with it.


Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 8:04 am

lol you f1 out on me, spawn in the gamma and i am in stugaurt, i gota pee, i left, i came back like 5 minutes later and thats when security and me hooked up, there was another [AE on the server, he left and there was some guy with the name I hate Gov, he left too....humm, sit down junor, your next

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 8:56 am

Justinian, you say it was a unwarranted, unprovoked, cowardly attack by FooGoo. Well think back - was not the first attack you made on me the same thing only there were three of you against me which in my books is even more cowardly.
Last night you harrassed me as well.
Again tonight it was two of you that shot me down in New Berlin. Now that was not what you claim as your territory, and because of my lag I could not even retaliate.
The last couple of nights I have not been able to play the game with out having to watch my back all the time and I am sure there are more that you are spoiling the game for. You make it so people are leaving the server to go and play where they will not be attacked for no reason or without just cause.
We were lucky to have a friend who was able to get a good server going for us and now you are trying to spoil it all.
FooGoo came to set the record straight and I hope you noticed that he didn't bring reinforcements to help him.

Edited by - Buster on 21-08-2003 10:10:52

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 11:26 am

you wanna play like that buster? You shot first in Omega. You were warned. You got your ass handed to you. once. By PUNISHER - not an AE char. Second - Later that night, you were manuevering thru systems in a fashion that mad it look like you were seeking us out, so we rallied everyone together to head you off. You moved from Beta, Sig 19, Honshu, and New Tokyo as we moved from Liberty there. You even jumped into Honshu and New Tokyo while we were in Hokkaido. What chance does a Humpback stand against a competent pilot in any VHF, let alone a Saber. In any of those attacks, did you lose any cargo? No, I made sure to scan you. Nothing is more frustrating to me than to lose a cargo. And think, didn't I also ask you if I cost you anything, and offer to compensate you for it? And finally, if I really, really wanted to harass you, why did I offer you membership? Get a grip.

FooGoo - before you go claiming your role playing BS - get YOUR facts straight. First, when I switched to my VHF, I was coming for you. You left Omega, then went to Stutgartt, and when I got to Omega, you were in New Berlin and DEPARTED before I could catch up with you.

Second - Punisher and ~StaLKeR~ attacked Buster - not anyone in AE. All the other PKs, bounties placed by AE, and were collected by a NON TAG AFFILIATED PLAYER - in this case again - ~StaLKeR~. Your use of FooGoo to Attack AE is no different than the decision to involve all your characters in an UNRESTRICTED war. You broke out of the "Role Playing Mode" brother, now deal with the can you opened. All your chars, all know GOV chars and their storage chars are open targets...simply because you didn't know your "role". It will be unrestricted. Further, I am still on the USB Charter as {HRE}_Firestorm. I will bring him in, get the clan restarted, and get a condemnation of you as a criminal and then even GOV will have to hunt you...except...there really is no GOV presence...just you.

You made a poor decision based on Faulty information, now you have to live with the consequences...

Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 11:31 am

oh - and Buster -

Rhienland was declared to be annexed by Allied Exports a while back. You pass though our space at our liesure. After giving you a little slack, you do this. You thought you were harassed before? Wait and see. You little time tonight while I was out in Theta will be the last little bit of free flight you will have...enjoy it.

Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:31 pm

Gentlemen this is getting a tad too serious, lighten up.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 4:15 pm

i someone how doubt buster lied or shot first, I know her personally and a few other people on that server know her very well, she would never ever start someting on her own,
this attempt at trying to save face is not working here, you continually switch chars and try to make things work in your favour, bottem line is just like i have stated,
also there are posts all over about you closing down your first failed clan hle_ or what ever it was called, so that means they are no longer part of the USB as far as I am concerned,

you keep trying to say I have ran lol, no truth to that at all as anyone that knows me will tell you the a matter of fact, when i returned tot he server less then 5 minutesd later you logged out when i re entered the game and ran here to post some more lies about your little world.

you also cliam to have shot down [GOVBlizzard for [AE when you where playing as Punusher, 3 on 1, way to go tough guy, your a solid as a soup sandwitch.

When i attacked as FooGoo i let it be know I act alone, not like you in all your chars.

i as FooGoo will continue to fight the good fight for the better of the server, your days are numbered .

I think this TLR community has had enough from you, you post here about every little thing, i have no idea why, this site has nothing to do with what goes on within this server.

Sorry to everyone that this was even put here, this will be my last post about it on these forums.


Edited by - FooGoo on 21-08-2003 17:18:40

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 5:19 pm

You may doubt, but the facts remain.

Also, seeing as the hits keep on coming - you attacked the wrong indiviuals. They were not Clan affiliated characters that did the PK-ing

You messed up and can't admit it.

Seeing as I was there, it's gonna keep happening. Let Buster know that they can't go anywhere. Seeing as your personal FL goal in life is to make me a miserable as possible, which will only make it more fun for me, I plan to do the same for both you and Buster.

You have no right to FLAME about honor anywhere. A VHF against a freighter...yeah right. And F1 to even the odds cowardly? I don't think so. I was looking forward to tangling with you, but on somewhat more even grounds.

Have fun. See you on the server.

Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 5:23 pm

And you need to tell Buster, since you are so chummy with him/her, about the difference between "roles". For instance - the role of Punisher was a Pirate. He was a little Crazy. Seeing as you attacked the WRONG people, it opened up the whole open and definitely unrestricted warfare idea.

you overreacted and now have to live with it.

Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 6:00 pm

[GOV condemns these attacks on any other organization and apologizes for any lives lost due to any gov or supposed gov members

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 6:32 pm

That's it I'm going back to Elite, I'd rather be shot up by NEO than go along with anymore of this BullSh!t.
Jesus there's 10 times more gunfire being exchanged in the forums then there is in the actual game, It's F'n ridiculous, Reality check, You're acting like this is real!
Good lord I feel like a retard for participating in this cr@p.
If you can't keep the GAME fun, it's time to put it away.

p.s. In the real world I don't give a sh!t whether or not AE is at war with GOV so I don't want to see a cut and paste notice about it in my fricken inbox.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:23 pm

I would like everyone to be friends as people, even if we are enemies as characters. If you have a misunderstanding or someone makes a mistake, then we need to work it out without insults. The better man/woman doesn't have to have the last word or make the best insults. Instead, they create peace as players and war as role-playing characters. Be generous with your forgiveness.

We should respect that a player has more than one character. Therefore, a players storage characters and all other characters should not be attacked because they have one tagged character. If the storage character is tagged, then it is open for attack based on clan wars as well. Do not make the fighting personal against individual players. Keep it in the spirit of role-playing and above all "Keep it Reasonable"

USB/GOV Website
Keep It Reasonable!!!

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:46 pm

I would have considered that Regulator had FooGoo abided by that as well. Punisher and ~StaLKeR~, not AE committed those "attacks", yet FooGoo, AKA Extractor chose to attack AE, which was not responsible. He opened the unrestricted aspect.

This isn't personal, I am just playing by the rule-set FooGoo established in his attack. As a pilot, I respect and even admire his piloting skills.

Until he apologizes and compensates people for lost cargo and repairs to Ships for attacking the wrong characters, then we will not change our position. Unrestricted warfare, storage characters, all nicks...

Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 8:01 pm

You are not AE Invincible or Pinkie. Pinkie will have to declare war on GOV. I don't think he wants to just yet. I am not sure why you are so adament about declaring war on GOV. We have barely begun to set up on Browclopsia. I guess we are a little behind you guys, due to my broken computer.

Rheinland Territory is considered part of the Federal territories. All systems are considered federal territory, unless an agreement with an independant clan has been made, so they will be respected and recognized as the sovereign entity ruling a particular territory. Therefore, USB may have to interrupt in AE's opperations if they become criminal.

I don't know the full story between Foo Goo and Justinian. But it should not get carried away so that it makes it less fun for others. A war on all GOV members that includes all characters in unacceptible to me. If FooGoo made a mistake, then that should only be with FooGoo. I don't really want to participate in that type of war on Browclopsia.

USB/GOV Website
Keep It Reasonable!!!

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