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Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:18 pm

Cheaters are all noobs. Plain and simple. You can learn to do ship editing in the course of an hour. On the other hand, it takes many months to become a skilled pilot. I get a real kick out of your usage of the word 'noob' since you obviously have no idea you are also firmly in that category yourself.

When you get tired of hiding behind those dead easy cheats and a weak server that will allow them, come to a real server and learn what a real pilot is. Yeah, you'll die alot at first, but in about 2 months you just might start surviving the first pass in a duel. Believe me, it'll be worth it. Your ego will be stripped down at first, but in the end you'll be a better man (or boy) for it.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:24 pm

Ghetto has a point. Yeas there are quit a few modders on calgary BUT a very very select few use that to PK. Almost all the people i know on there who do MOD dont PK. Myslef and a few others step in when someone is being camped or killed and try to help. I am not self rightous, yes i do PK BUT i am doing so to let someone new have a chance to go play. There is nothing wrong with doing that. If you have a problem with my way of thinking ohh well. Those who me and Ghetto have helped and play with regularly have had no problem with it and that is what matters to me.

Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 1:39 am

My last post (and shorter...) I don't really care about the pking - adds spice to it. If you read my rather long posts - what i care about is the fact that every other minute the server is bogged down with alot of lag. It isn't just me - it happens to everyone - as everyone chimes in to moan about the lag. Maybe you aren't responsible - but when that idiot of a happy bunny friend just zips round trying to cause lag - it is annoying.... There is only one reason why he does it- to spoil the game. Lots of others do it too - but maybe we are on at different times - so you get a different crowd on there.. Its the LAG caused by all the modders that is the problem......and the reason for the crashes too...
Sod the pking honestly - once your out of NY you are usually fine - but occasionally (bout 50% of the time) there are some modders who JUST pick on who ever they can kill - ie newbs to the server.
ITS THE LAG CAUSED BY ALL THE MODDING THAT HAS RUINED THE SERVER... aint fun to trade all day - buy your freighter then get lag killed at a jumpgate as people piss around elsewhere...........end of discussion for me..
p.s that was longer than I intended admitedly - and Ghetto - now you might actually READ my point (and understand) -

Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 2:35 am

do what i did...give up and just play single player. just download mods to change the single player experience, and keep trying new mods. i would play online, but it got so damn repetitve....

Find buddies to hang with. Do trade runs together. Duel one another. Say good night. Rinse, repeat. That's all there is to do online.

Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 3:17 am

first of all i would like to say f**** you chips u are stupid and secondly well yes u could go and find some friends to playt with but my point is y complain about it y not just leave it alone and go play somewere else instead of sounding like a little B**** im right ur wrong that is all i have to say

Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 3:06 pm

I am stupid - i can live with that. Even my stupidity allows me to include proper punctuation in my posts.......
And last point Ghetto - you are right about what exactly?? You haven't made a point. Now from what i see there are several types of posters on the forums here. Those that ask questions
Those that answer, teach and help out people who are new to modding
and then there are the others - of which you fall into one category.
Every post i have read from you is of just 2 types.
1. The malicious posts that call poeple names, cowards and then brag about how you can mod (see the post about spawning things and guns) - where you're comments were 'you obviously can't mod.......hello - i aint seen you posting much here - NEW to it i take it then!
2. The 'ANYONE WANT THE CLOAK - EMAIL ME AND I'LL PROVIDE' - Now personally i despise this type of post - and most will agree. You see - we care about the MP servers - and don't want to see serves ruined due to irresponsible modders who just want to ruin games. Also, this seems to show the extent of your modding ablilities. You haven't posted any help to questions posed in the editing forums whatsoever - so, to then say others can't mod (especially those who have been posting here for a long time) shows your total lack of understanding and forum ethics.....
p.s flame away - but please use punctuation in the post at least....

*EDIT* - i changed what i put first time as i didn't wish to sink to your level of posting. Please tell me what you were right about as well.........

Edited by - chips on 16-08-2003 16:59:26

Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 4:30 pm

Flame wars do no good to solve the rpoblem. both Vhips and ghetto have points. BUT the main point is PKin is going to be on every server. Mods will always cause lag and there will always be modders no matter what programs come out becuase they will always find a way around them. True there are a few who lag on purpose cause they think its funny to mess with others cause they can. BUT again as i said a flame war isnt going to solve things. If people like us come together we can make the server run well again. We all have a vested interest in our online characters becuase they do take time to build up. So please Ghetto and CHips put the flame war on ice and lets find a way to make the server better.

Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 5:06 pm


Post Sat Aug 16, 2003 6:59 pm

Chips u got owned by ghetto (a 7 year old) LOL and i mod on calgary so i would like to have the last word "*****"

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 2:38 am

Hrm. Curious...very bad...yet, like to see all of this for myself.

*trots over to Calgary with no mods loaded, grinning cuz he knows he'll be blown to smithereens*

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 2:55 am

Skylar - you really are thick as pigs***. I was in TE 'uniform' which means NO mods. Number 2, he didn't shoot me - we chatted instead - i got dock raped along with the other 6 TE by other players.
3. I then got on my retros character later on and shot some of your guns/ thrusters off for pking repetively - and along with striker X - so rather than open your mouth (fingers for typing) - try 1. Correlating all facts together....too hard for your small mind
2. Shut the f*** up on what should be a closed topic.
3. No-one 'owned' my ass as i had no mods you really are stupid as hell!!!! - oh yeah - and with your 'uberhull' try to avoid the planets / suns. You seemed most upset as i pointed out why your hull took damage as you flew too close. NEWB.
Here is what you should do however - get a life and stop being a sad little *expletive* and trying to provoke something else. If he really is 7 years old - well good on him for being able to type legibly with spelling (although i was harsh on his grammer). He sounds like a nice guy / kid.(after all those posts - little happy on the cursin though)
p.s - i created my own mods - you however downloaded yours with the rest of the world on calgary - so hows about you go learn something new for a change. You are yet another person that i am now wasting my time replying to - but your dumbass post needed some pointing out and corrections. So that is it - now if you try to get a bloody flame war going as well........well go for it - i will get the topic locked cos i can't be arsed with little immature idiots like yourself who love to crow BS for some pathetic reason
Also check out the TE website - i was logged on as TE-CAP-Chips , have a look at what we try to do, and what our code of conduct is. STRICTLY NO MODDING WHILST IN TE characters. Now then - apply that to what you saw.
One other thing - you saw many of us getting dockcamped - and i would like to point out the LACK of swearing that we show as well. Simple - we aren't a foulmouthed load of fools. We have patience amongst other things.
man this is another epic post

oh and skylar - your modding isn't very good either - so leave out your immature little posts when you can't mod your way out of.......well can't mod.

Edited by - chips on 17-08-2003 03:57:54

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 4:04 am

Here's another problem with Calgary.

The clans (coughcoughtecoughcough) who say they police the server, sit in newark and do nothing.


United Sirius Liberation Front
We accept everyone and anyone.
Go to our boards.

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 1:21 pm

Hey 666, thats a bad cough you have there, maybe you should take something (cough,cough,Modder,cough,cough).
If you bothered to read the post at all maybe you would have noticed that all the modded pk'ing takes place at manhatt and newark, hence the reason for our presence there, and your point of sitting there and doing nothing is total C*** as well, you know that the TE (which is not a clan for your information) do not use mods, unlike some I could mention , and we therefore spend most of our time just being distracting bait for these uber modded guys, who would not last 2 secs in a fair fight with us, (and they know it) just so that hopefully some people can get on and do what they entered the server for, and that is to enjoy the game.
So the next time you spend 2 hours being blown to bits every few minutes, by some uber modded guy, you will know what we face every time we enter the server.
So in response to your stupid post, all I can say is grow up, take off your mods for a while when you enter calgary, and lets see how well you do.........

Post Sun Aug 17, 2003 5:06 pm

apart from some lag and the odd crash i havent had a problem with the modders on calgary
apart from 1 pratt with a cloak but he couldnt hit a barn door anyway so it was a bit irrelevant

Post Mon Aug 18, 2003 7:34 am

Try doing a mission on Calgary sometime, if you manage to finish it without your prey warping out of range it'll be a fricken miracle.
And Heretic how many times do we have to listen to you whining because you got out-modded and waxed on Calgary and are looking for someone else to blame? You've done more than your share of mod-pking so don't try to act like the victim, no-ones buying it.

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