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Post Thu Aug 14, 2003 5:36 pm


I am pissed off and annoyed....obviously
My fav server has gone down the toilet due to many reasons - not least due to the 1.5 month absense of its owner - Proto!
A few things you should know or do!
1. Go somewhere else - the lag is getting terrible due to modders out of control trying to 1 up each other
2. Load every mod that you can up so that you can escape from the mindless idiots of manhatten.
3. LEAVE MANHATTEN - its full of stuck up pathetic modders - all with uber hulls - someone has handed out the mod for this and cloaks......
They all sit there having ' Penis measuring competitions' as they all think they can mod - and try to proudly show there new 'i can fire ten cruise disruptors a second' mods - really - that is soooooooooooooooooo impressive - dam i feel very very unmanly now! (sarcasm - everyone can do that)
4. They play - 'I HAVE THE MOST IMPRESSIVE GUN' - ie - they have 10 cloak weapons mounted - wow you must be GOD then.....i am in awe and worship your feet - want them washed?
5. They all try to prevent 'Pkers' - by being the biggest pkers as possible with there stuck up ' I AM RIGHTEOUS' attitude in blowing away anyone that they can
6. It is a chat room - not a server nowadays.
7. People try to impress you by handing out 999million - wow - like that is soooooooo great - you helped a noob out by ruining his game - he has no challenge left now - cept perhaps making it out of manhatten - oh - and begging for the cloak / uberhull mod
8. There are about 10 players who just kill anyone and anything they can in Manhatten - and when they get gangbanged they like to point out your mods help you out - HELLO - YOU HAVE NOMAD LASERS WITH 0 REFIRE RATE (basically they don't have uber hull).
9. You just can't play there without mods - ifyou do you will get killed during the lag whist sitting at jumpgates
10. I loved this server - and made many many good friends there - but now even they have left.....and i have got tired of trying to play there - there is no point. Without any mods running - i started a new character and got dockcamped 5 times without even leaving planet Manhatten ONCE. Only way to survive was to mod my speed and leave like a missile. Then i had to mod some money for myself as you can't do the usual missions - you get shot whilst the rest are whipping out their cocks to measure.

WAYS TO SOLVE IT - Someone get in contact with Demus / Proto etc. He has been away (given up on server i assume) for ages - and my emails to him must go straight to his junk bin..........get him to dl the lancer guard - or just mod the server files to rid the uber hulls etc - and START TO BAN IDIOTS!!!

Other than that - if you brave it - you will find that there is nothing special -oh and if you tell someone that they are a twat as they tell people over the sys message how to make themselves a cloak gun - you become KOS and aren't left alone. Well B*llo**s to the server - its a waste of time - DON'T play there.
Seeing as Raptors is back up - i am off there!
1 pissed off and very annoyed and honestly wishing he aint wasted time typing this as no-one will read it.......Chips
p.s - any decent servers out there that HAVE active admin and also a nice crowd?
(i stuck out calgary this long as it is always rammed with people - and i like the social interaction of the game).

Post Thu Aug 14, 2003 6:06 pm

havent found calgary that bad but im not on very often now
decent admin ,servers, elite is good as is raw
freeport 9 is alright as well (they give you an anubis to start think its running rebalance, or similar)
tried raptors pure hmm im not commenting on that one
the rest ive got chars on are no better than calgary for modders lagging them most are much worse

Post Thu Aug 14, 2003 6:52 pm

Hey Chips,
I thought for a while I was going to escape that piss hole for a while and go to Alpha Server. It was a good solid server for a week. Apparently the modders from Calgary have gotten tired of the lag too and moved to Alpha. It all gets quite old. If anyone knows of a server not named Elite that has a steady 30 player or better population with no modders, let us know.

Post Thu Aug 14, 2003 6:55 pm

Hey Chips,

I have been on calgary, and this last week for sure has been horrible!

TOO many people killing for no reason, just like you said.
I USED to try and stop pkers, but now they all have uber hull, or you just cant see who is shooting.

If this does not stop I will be leaving calgary too.

I only hope I can find another server that allows mod.


Post Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:46 pm


I died around 300 times last week in about 6 hours time in NY. It is all getting quite old. Whoever passed out that Uber Hull mod should be shot dead. There is around 12 players now pk'ing with a uber hull. No offense to you when I say i am looking for a server with no modders, you know what I mean.

Post Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:54 pm

Sounds like the Newbs From Hell server. But luckly, none of the mods we have PK unless you tick them off. Pretty much, just avoid the modders, and the server's fine, except for the lag, and except for the fact that no one except modders and TOTAL newbs are in (ex: "Can someone tell me how to launch to space?" ) Oh well, every now and then someone comes in that isnt a newb or a modder...

Edited by - Cid22011 on 14-08-2003 23:54:20

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:57 am

As if to prove my point...whats this....calgary is down again??????
For some reason there seem to be a hardcore bunch of PR*CKS that are intent on SPOILING games for people to the MAXIMUM!!!! The only satisfying thing is that whilst i am off to bed to give my missus a right good seing too - all they have to look foward to is there left hand.........left cos after all their action whilst crashing servers there right is now too weak to handle it. Will they ever get a life? Will they ever get a girlfriend? will they ever read this? NO - cause these machiocisitc pricks are just toooooo selve gratifying in their supposed cleverness in damage than life. The only smugness i can have over them is - well....i am loved by someone - they use the internet to whack off over people they can never get.......
Still pissed off and now rather drunk after a night out on the town - and going to give the missus.....................................just imagine!

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 6:12 am

I predicted the fall of the server 2 months ago when it usually had 40/40 players.

Any server allowing cheats will fail ultimately if the following assumptions are true:
If non-cheaters prefer not to play with cheaters
And If cheaters prefer to play with non-cheaters
Then the non-cheaters will find somewhere else to play
And then, as a result, the cheaters will find somewhere else to play.

Of course, the initial assumptions are not exaclty true, being generalizations, but in the main I think the assumptions hold water. If they are generally true (and statistically, generalizations would be enough to cause an exodus to player levels below what is needed to sustain a healthy server), then Cheaters are really like locusts. They descend on an unwary server and consume it's player-base until there is nothing left to consume - then they move on to another target. And also like locusts, they do this mindlessly, without understanding that their desire to move on is a direct result of their actions on the server.

My advice to you as a non-cheater would be to find a server where cheaters are taken very seriously and banned. Don't shoot yourself in the foot and waste time establishing characters on a server with a lax admin. Choose servers like elite, browclopsia, seatlle, Argonia etc where cheaters don't last long. I spent all of 3 days on Calgary, and moved on right away. And that was a big step, because the calgary server is located in my neiborhood, gives me a 10 ping, and uses the same router as I do (by the IP). I can tracert it in one hop..

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 6:37 am

yees we all know who spilled about the mods and yes we have some peeps that intentionaly lag the server to p*** ppl off and we try to keep them under control but this thread is a joke who cares quit bien a p***** and instead of crying beat them

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:10 am

That's not how the real world works my friend. The best thing to do with a cheater is not to whine, but neither is it to try and beat them by cheating (lol). The best thing to do is refuse to play with them. When someone is cheating at poker you don't all start cheating. You either kick the cheater out, or you find a clean game.

You see, anyone with an IQ of 70 can mod himself an unbeatable ship. A game of 'who can cheat the most' is far too easy of a game. The rules are basic, and the means are simple. That kind of game would be entertaining for about 5 minutes. It pales in comparison to trying to raise your manual skills and develop your strategies to the point of excelling in the unmodded game. I wouldn't expect a cheater to get that, because they aren't up to that level yet... (seriously)

No, I much prefer playing on a rabidly anti-cheat server vs some of the best players in the game, to playing 'who-knows-how-to-download-or-edit-txt-files' with a pack of brainless ten-year-olds.

But cheaters hardly make me angry. Far from it. They are just a roadblock you have to drive around, like Deer on the road, and just about as clever. When you are planning a trip, plan it on a server where your trip will be smooth and uneventful.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:13 am

[blatant pimpage
Try jolt freelancer
Its heavyly admined and has lancersguard
34 player slots lag and no mods
IRC quakenet #freelancer.jolt

[/blatant pimpage

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:46 am

You seem to have missed my point here ghetto - so stfu! I was pointing out to newbs who turn up and moan at being pked by idiots (server rules - NO pking in NY!). Obviously i can survive - speed, uber hull, cloaks, money etc etc - so i aint moaning about that - but about the LAG caused by the recent plethora (that means large amounts - use a dictionary if you wish...just helping you out here ) of modders that mean you regularly get about 1 min of lag and maybe more......which means that you cannot really play the game without mods (you get killed by enemy factions whilst waiting for stuff....) I wonder if you ever play without your mods? or if you really are just a bad I regularly play on other servers without any mods whatsoever - i abide by server rules and turn them off - in fact, i have 4 versions of FL installed. 1 TOTALLY clean for servers with rules, 1 lightly modded to shoot through uber shields and see cloakers (not too cloak though), 1 was for damon (server owner of calgary) and the server he used to work on (i tested it for him to find bugs and stuff - it was gonna be a clan war server with lots and lots of really nice stuff - kinda like NU is gonna be - but stopped working on it over 2months ago now.......) and my stupidly modded version for the RETRO'S character that my flatmate uses (to attempt to keep the server modded pker free in manhat).....but he now doesn't even bother due to the amount of uber hulls - which just now causes that is deleted. Now you can just sit there and type another load of BS about moaning and how manly you are etc etc - but i didn't post this for your was for newbs who turn up there and don't know about how the server is! You can get past the modders to play - but when the lag monster stomps around due to the penis measuring competitions that they have (i suppose you are the guy that moaned about path shooting off all his guns as you tried to pk you feel really big doing that don't you!) then you cannot play at all - FULL STOP. That is what i was posting about really!. BTW - if you really are intent on handing out mods to everyone - maybe i should just go on calgary and hand out every mod possible - you know- ruin your fun of the 'I have learnt how to mod something and so i am god and will tell everyone else so they worship me' feeling - but then again, i aint a twat - so i won't.........
p.s - flame away - i don't care really - i just want to play a game i brought and enjoy my time doing so! If your enjoyment includes pking and modding to feel good in manhatten - then good for you. That is your choice....i am just warning others about how the server is. I aint moaning - cos to do that i have to care - and i don't. Now off to go play without mods somewhere else and carryon enjoying the game again.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 3:19 pm

Obviously you do care. It appears that you and the admin were working on something, but the admin quit. So now it has all gone down the toilet. You should care. Your favorite server has been ruin by wild modders.

USB/GOV Website
Keep It Reasonable!!!


Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:49 pm

Damn! I used to play there. I was going to go back as soon as I got my Freelancer cd back from a mooching friend. Can anyone recommend a server that is like Calgary used to be?

The last word is mine. Always.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:07 pm

u seem to have missed my point quit being an ass and listen if any of us see a nooB getting pke we step in and we get the noob to safety and yes we all start the nooBs off with a little $$ and it isnt nooB's that get pked to much anymore it is the higher lvl players such as me but i cant die so they quit tryng
the nooBs as long as they stay away from our nore notorious pkers they are safe maybey if they actually did something instead of siting around newark with us high lvl players they wouldnt be pked so - stfu

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