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Post Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:40 am

Well, thats your perspective johny boy and i respect that, but you have to admit that if it was a valid one then 90% of the male population of the world would have law suits for sexual harrasment, unfortunelly we still live in a chauvinistic society and these things happen.. a lot...

About the rest... spare me the sentimentalist b-****, i've had it with you

Edited by - cams on 05-08-2003 10:41:38

Post Tue Aug 05, 2003 11:25 am

haha, how old are you?? Do you HONESTLY think that 90% of the industrialized world's male population acts as you do? In that I mean they would go up to girls on a regulars basis as you have to Neop on a regular basis and said such things as, and I quote "the boy was a bit rough, and the bed got full of blood." Not to mention such things as "Dirty Whore", "NEO Whore" etc... I AM fairly certain that when men are actually doing such things they are being brought up on charges. Infact 2 people were just fired from where I work, one for sexually harassing a lesbian, the other for threatening another co-worker. Cleaver, the world isn't the wild west any more where any redneck such as yourself can go about saying whatever pathetic and juvenile thoughts that run through you mind with no risk of retribution. If you think that way, how about you do a test. Go out to the mall which is closest to your trailer home, and go up to a respectable woman and start saying similar stuff as you did to Neop. Treat her as you did Neop. Constant harassment for hrs. Let's see how long it takes you to be aressted and have the lady bring charges up on you. If all goes well two likely outcomes will happen, 1. the lady will try to ignore you for the first 5-10 mins then quickly leave to get the mall security, have you removed and have charges brought up on you. 2. the lady's boyfriend/husband comes and kicks your scrawney ass. As it's quite obvious the latter option is much more suiting for everyone else in this community, but the former option is more likely to happen.


Post Tue Aug 05, 2003 7:43 pm

" on a regular basis "

I respected neopol, and she trusted me enough to tell me all her gastly details of her sexual life, she was harassing me in some point because it was becoming something unpleasant for me. And not to forget about her system talk persistent comments "luv you cleaver" and bla bla.

On the day she backstabbed me our trust relation was broke and i didnt felt necessary to keep her details to myself. Dont worry, neopolitan usually had this talks with almost everyone on the game so what i told wasnt such big news.

This was a single event that happened once , wich clearly overthrows your "regular basis" criteria

What is even more pathetic is that you guys never respected neopol, that was classified as a "retard" on her back, its sad that now you use her with this false respect just to hit me and burn my image.

Cheers? NO you are messing with my image and i wont be polite with dogs like you, so drop dead or fuk u bla bla

Post Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:24 pm

I highly doubt I am messing with your image. Firstly you have always been a idiotic troglodite who never shuts up. Essentially the depth of your flames against NEO devolve to "I H8 N30 b/c THEY ARE NEO." And secondly I was never around as a part of NEO when you were. And Neop was never harsh with me so i only have respect for her. So any attacks I take on you based on the mistreatment of her are clear and solid attacks. Not attacks based on false pretenses to use a relationship of convenience. Please educate yourself on the facts before you make yourself out to be a fool. Oooops too late.

Post Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:57 pm

I took Neopol out of the neo KOS list while i was in NEO!!!!!!! It took a while because everyone would say "shes a retard why"?

If you werent around try to hear both sides of the story instead of listening to the troglodite b**** some ppl like to spread around

Why do i turn "postal" sometimes? Whell i explain the same thing over and over and you guys keep pushing it, i loose my patience

Edited by - cams on 05-08-2003 22:02:43

Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:11 am

Regardless of if i was around for the whole story is besides the point. The point is your unacceptable treatment of Neop. Regardless if you like her or not, there is no excuse for sexual harassment, and that was the point of my post. End of story.

Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:03 am


Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 5:14 pm

Just the perspective of an innocent, uninvolved bystander:

cams is a fool. Reading thread after thread with his commentary is amusing, but in a 'I can't believe anyone is actually like that' kind of way.

I guess I'm now an involved bystander. :p It's just my opinion that the only barrier to the proliferation of fools in our society is for uninvolved parties to speak out and let them know what they look like.

Here we are, listening to him defend his abusive behavior as 'perfectly legal'. That kind of wrong-thinking is exactly why we can't build a garden patio without being afraid some clumsy half-wit will trip on the boards and sue us for 100 thousand dollars.

Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 5:21 pm

Morally inapropriate but criminally legal

I have the right to defend my point of view and i will have always the last word

Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:34 pm

Cams/Cleaver and Johnny Dakota,

I hope your flame war is over, only because it is very offensive. The description of what was said between Cleaver and Neopolitan is unnecessary and only increases the damages that were caused and spreads them on to other people. If any further quotes of what was said is needed, please keep if off of the forum and use emails. I particularly don't like reading about the excessively disgusting things that were quoted above. I don't mind vulgar words at all, because it is rather meaningless. But, descriptions such as the ones found in your posts are particularly offensive and should not be on a forum where children and other offended people will be exposed to it.


Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 8:22 pm

omg.. i'm very sorry. from now on i will never properly support my position, or provide material AT ALL that will prove my point since there is a risk of it offending someone. News flash, for pretty much every argument possible, regardless of how correct it is, there will be someone else in the world who will take offense. Take for example, if I were asked if I believed in evolution, I would say yes and support my position with numerous examples of evolution among organisms. But to that comment some extreemist groups would take SERIOUS offense since it infringes on their beliefs. So i guess that knocks out almost any sort of scientific discussion since the majority of the hot science topics of today are related to genomics, or biology and these are intimately related to evolution. The same could be said about religious debates as well. A devout Catholic will believe that Jeusus is the Messiah, yet if this is duscussed practicing Orthodox Jews will take offense aswell, not to mention Islamics, Hindu etc... The Jewis nation recognizes Jesus as a prophet nothing more, and some other religions recognize him simply as a man. I could continue on and on with the types of discussions and why they will offend other groups of people. The fact of the matter is, suck it up. If you dont like what's written and it's not directed at you, close the window. It's just a click away. If you have a argument which is valid to something already posted, then post it. Please, I want to see other points of view. Not only does it provide another perspective that I might have not thought of yet, but it also does the same for everyone else reading the thread.
Yes i'm aware this is a multyplayer and not a general forum. This will be my final post in this thread since it is WAY!! off topic now.


Post Thu Aug 07, 2003 1:23 am

I agree. You can say little without someone being offended, as you seem to be by my request. I understand your point.

The examples of other group types and what offends them are a different animal. Those groups aren't necessarily offended by the facts that are brought to their attention. They are offended because they don't like what your are trying to say or prove with those facts. Like you said, those facts are used against their beliefs. I personally like what you are trying to prove and I agree with you. I am sure many others that would be offended by the evidence brought forth, would also agree with what you are trying to prove. It does not go against my beliefs.

The evidence you used is a type that is offensive to the majority of people, not just groups. They are generally accepted as disgusting and vulgar ideas and by nature are among the dirtier parts of life. Many people do not want to be exposed to that content, but often have no choice other than to quit doing the things they enjoy doing to avoid unwanted exposure.

Often, it is necessary to use offensive evidence in a courtroom, but this is not a courtroom. It is an open and public forum for all to read.

I don't want to close the window because there are a few things that offend me. I want to read the rest of the stuff. If I feel like your content is offensive and detracts from my enjoyment while using this forum, then I have the right to kindly request that you keep that content private.

Saying that I should close the window if I am offended contradicts what you are trying to say about sexual harassment. If anyone can just close up the window, then their can't be any harm done by sexual harassment, because any victim can avoid it. I'm sure you don't think that Neopolitan should just log off if she doesn't like what Cleaver is saying and no harm done then. Since, there is harm. Her enjoyment of the game has been decreased. Also, by the time she decided she wanted to log off, the offense has already been imposed. The same goes with readers of the forum. It may not be directed at me, but I still have the right to continue reading and ask that content that is generally accepted as offensive be omitted.

I just think that the vulgar evidence could be left out or toned down some and still make your point just fine.

I think your arguement is more suitable for the Multi-Player Forum, than it is in the General Forum. Anyway, this topic has already gone along a path that has brought it far from its origin, so why not finish it? You should cap it off with a complete thought if think it is still not finished. I am not pissed off at you and do not intend to piss you off either, so I hope you can see that I am not trying to be sarcastic.

USB/GOV Website

Post Thu Aug 07, 2003 1:26 am

I did a mistake once, didnt repeated it, learned with it, even apologised neopolitan, so i think this subject is dead

Post Thu Aug 07, 2003 4:14 am

Regardless of if i was around for the whole story is besides the point.
Well, your credibility just went out the window, lol.

Post Thu Aug 07, 2003 5:51 am

ahh, im sorry mate, you were right

"They that can trade essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Franklin

although that quote fits in with what i was talking about too . anyways i apologise, you were "right on the ball"

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